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Maths resources EYFS to Y6 Retrieval Low cognitive load
Low Stakes Quizzes for Y6

Low Stakes Quizzes for Y6

Help develop memory strength with these quizzes. Quiz a is completed without support and then worked through together with no marks taken. It is then used as homework ready for quiz b. Quiz b i completed and marks taken. The aim is the quiz as a learning tool not an assessment tool. Quiz a and b are exactly the same style of question but with different values.
Low Stakes Quizzes to aid retrieval Y6 A1

Low Stakes Quizzes to aid retrieval Y6 A1

The aim of the quizzes are to help retrieval of knowledge as research indicates this is helpful in strengthening memory traces. The very task of trying to retrieve something helps learning. The quiz (a) is done with no support or revision. It is then worked through as a class. Quiz a is then given back and the homework is to use it ready for quiz b which is marked with scores taken.