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KS3 Rani and Sukh Scheme of Work

KS3 Rani and Sukh Scheme of Work

A complete 19 lesson scheme of work with a GCSE style assessment at the end of the unit. Designed with a Year 9 group in mind. Each lesson is an hour long, with guided reading, tasks and assessed written work throughout with clear success criterias.
KS3 Intervention Half Term Booklet

KS3 Intervention Half Term Booklet

I've made this booklet to be completed during after school intervention sessions. These sessions will run for a half term and run for 45 minutes each week. I will be using it across KS3. It is aimed at high students who are currently below target to help to develop their comprehension, creative writing and analysis of both language and structure. There is an assessment at the beginning and at the end to, theoretically, show their progress. The project focuses around James Thurber's The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
KS3 Online lessons

KS3 Online lessons

Resources appropriate for online learning. There are 12 lessons. There is a home learning booklet for those who do not have access to technology at home. With printing costs in mind, each of the lessons in the home learning booklet take up half an A4 sheet. The lessons were designed with online learning in mind and I have delivered them via Google Meet and had students respond to questions in the chat box. Students focus on a different skill each lesson which is linked to a short extract from a text which they will examine before their writing task. The work covered independently and in the online lessons matches up so no student, no matter how they engage in the learning, misses out.
KS3 Complete scheme of work - Under the Sea

KS3 Complete scheme of work - Under the Sea

This is a scheme of work based around the theme of the sea. Texts examined include poetry, non-fiction text, 20th century texts and Shakespeare. There are also creative writing tasks, as well as analysis, and the opportunity for a speaking and listening assessment. Each lesson, of which there are 16 hour long ones, is fully resourced with a PowerPoint and various extracts. There are also 4 half hour long lessons which are also resourced in this way. There are 6 dedicated improvement time lessons. There are 2 easy to follow, fully resourced cover lessons. The final assessment, which is included, is linked to the Edexcel 9-1 style and includes an appropriately adapted mark scheme. This was delivered to a middle ability year 8 group but would also be suitable for year 9. The overall scheme of work is included with the pieces of work suitable for assessment clearly indicated. An example from the SoW 1 - To understand the importance of assessment objectives. - Students are to try to draw a sea monster. It’ll then be peer assessed against a criteria that they haven’t seen prior to drawing. Students will need to translate AO2 and AO5 which are the focuses of this SOW. Resources - Table of assessment objectives. PowerPoint. 2 - To identify the use of literary devices. Students will watch a video which shows a range of devices in popular Disney songs. They will then complete a card sort which also allows them to fill in the blanks, the number of blanks being dependent on their ability. Students will then have to annotate an extract from The Little Mermaid, identifying various devices. Students will then discuss with the person next door to them why the writer might have chosen to do certain things. This allows for differentiation as you can clear the contents of the appropriate boxes to provide more challenge for more able students, who will have to fill in the boxes themselves. Resources - The Little Mermaid extract. PowerPoint. Card sort. 3 - To understand a 19th Century text. Students will watch a visual film of the beginning of The Fisherman and his Soul. They will have to try and interpret the narrative. Then read the first part of the story together. Students will then have to look up the words that they don’t understand, which they should have made a note of whilst reading. Students then have three questions to answers about a short extract from the text. Resources - Copies of The Fisherman and his Soul (not the whole story, just the first bit). Dictionaries (or their phones). PowerPoint.
KS3 Fairy Tale Scheme of Work

KS3 Fairy Tale Scheme of Work

This is a complete scheme of work based around fairy tales. Created with a Year 7 group in mind but there is a lot of scope for stretch and challenge. The scheme includes an end of unit assessment, a speaking and listening assessment, as well as a number of self, peer and teacher assessed pieces throughout the scheme. There are 20 lessons and 4 cover lessons. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Romeo and Juliet Scheme of Work

Romeo and Juliet Scheme of Work

Complete scheme of work for Romeo and Juliet, fully resourced with 27 lessons. Includes assessments - a baseline, a mid cycle and a final assessment.
Complete Year 9 SOW focusing on Ireland

Complete Year 9 SOW focusing on Ireland

A fourteen lesson long scheme of work focusing thematically on the idea of Ireland. Students will examine fiction, nonfiction texts and poetry whilst carrying out language analysis tasks, transactional writing and collaborative work. Clear focus on the Edexcel assessment objectives. A menu of homeworks is also included. SMSC in all lesson. All lessons have a self starter, main tasks and plenaries.
Complete KS3 SOW linked to Road Trips

Complete KS3 SOW linked to Road Trips

A 17 lesson long scheme of work linked to the idea of road trips. Topics covered include poetry, nonfiction and imaginative writing. SMSC in every lesson. Differentiated learning objectives in every lesson. Clear links to the Edexcel English Language and Literature assessment objectives. There is also a homework menu.