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Geography, History & Global Perspectives Resources

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Ready-to-go lessons for Geography at IGCSE and A-Level PLUS resources for KS3 History

Ready-to-go lessons for Geography at IGCSE and A-Level PLUS resources for KS3 History
Settlement Dynamics - Urban Trends and Issues of Urbanization - A Level Geography

Settlement Dynamics - Urban Trends and Issues of Urbanization - A Level Geography

Pack includes a 29 slide PPT and a tasksheet. The PPT includes the following: key word definitions map showing levels of urbanisation around the world diagram showing the cycle of urbanisation, plus a diagram showing the cycle of urbanisation in the UK worlds most populated cities statistics regeneraton of urban areas and gentrification - explanation, and case study example from the Olympic Park in Newham, London. gentrification explanation, photograph examples and explanation of the changes that it can bring about and the problems caused by this. Pack includes a task sheet that the students can complete using information from the PPT. Fully self-contained lesson, ready to teach!
Population Density and Distibution

Population Density and Distibution

Pack includes a 26 slide PPT and two task sheets. PPT in detail includes: Definitions of key words Population distribution explananion using maps from Australia, China and the world. Population density explanation, including a link to an interactive world map, graph chart showing countries with a high population density, table showing variations in population density Mini case study on Shanghai, a densely population city Mini case study on Greenland, a sparcely populated area Charts showing factors that influence population density and distribution, positive and negative things. Pack includes 2 task sheets that can be completed using information from the PPT. Enough material here for 2-3 lessons. I used this with an ICGCE class studying 1.4 Population Density and Distribution.
Rivers: Managing the Impacts of Floods. Hard and Soft Engineering

Rivers: Managing the Impacts of Floods. Hard and Soft Engineering

Pack includes a 19-slide PPT outlining the methods that can be used to minimise the impacts of river flooding. I used this in a IGCSE lesson as part of the Rivers topic, and it could also be adapted to use in an A-Level class studying Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology. PPT breakdown: key word definitions explanation of why people chose to live near rivers hard engineering flood management methods: dams, reservoir, levees, embankments, channelization. Slides includes explanations and photographs soft engineering flood management strategies: zoning, warning systems. slides include strengths and weaknesses of each approach Pack includes Case study tasks, and the required textbook pages are included. Pack also includes a 12 question True/False quiz that would be a useful plenary or a starter for a subsequent lesson.
Hydrographs - A-Level/IGCSE Geography

Hydrographs - A-Level/IGCSE Geography

Pack includes a 21 slide PPT which has the following: Annual hydrograph analysis based on annotated example Flood hydrograph analysis using annotated example Numerous labelled examples of different types of hydrographs Step-by-step slides showing how a hydrograph is constructed Definitions of key terms, including rising limb, lag time, baseflow etc. There is a task on Slide 9 based on a textbook task, and the relevant textbook pages are included in this pack. I have also included an extra task sheet with questions based on the factors that can influence the shape of a hydrograph. I have included textbook resources to help the students complete this task. I used this for an A-Level class, and also an IGCSE class.
Physical Weathering

Physical Weathering

Pack includes a 30 slide PPT covering the following: key word defintions: scree, Felsenmeer, regolith weathering definition physical weathering definition freeze-thaw weathering explanation, using photographs and annotated diagrams, and the resultant land forms and features - scree, felsenmeer heating and cooling/thermal fracture explanation, definition and photographs and resultant landforms Pack includes a task booklet with questions that they students can apply their knowledge from the PPT to answer. I used this in an A-Level Geography class studying the Rocks and Weather core unit.
A-Level Geography. Rocks and Weathering - Hot Spots

A-Level Geography. Rocks and Weathering - Hot Spots

I used these materials to teach a lesson to an AS Geography class studying hot spots as part of the Rocks and Weathering Core Physical Geography topic. The pack includes an 18 slide PPT which includes the following: definition/explanation of hot spots diagram illustrating the formation of a hot spot and the resultant landforms maps and diagrams showing the Hawaiian islands hot spot example world map showing the location of hot spots map showing Pacific hot spot island chains Mini case study, Mauna Loa volcano, including new report, video and photographs The last slide of the PPT contains tasks for the students to do Task 1: textbook task (scan of textbook page is included) Task 2: Research task on the Iceland area. There is enough material here for 1-2 lessons.
Water. IGCSE Geography

Water. IGCSE Geography

I used this resource to teach a lesson on Water (3.6), as part of the Economic Development theme. Pack includes a 28 slide PPT. Details of what the PPT includes: definition of key terms: scarcity, aquifer visuals/statistics of current global clean water supply situation access to clean drinking water map explanation of how water use varies from LEDC to MEDC countries methods of water supply, explanation/photographs: dams, reservoirs, wells, boreholes, desalination plants, cloud seeding water scarcity, physical and economic explanation PPT includes two slides with tasks that the students can complete using information from the PPT.
Coastal Environments - Transportation and Deposition

Coastal Environments - Transportation and Deposition

53-Slide PPT covering the Transportation and Deposition processes. PPT includes: key word definitions detailed explanation of Longshore Drfit, including written explanation, annotated diagrams, photographs and a video explanation and photo examples and satelite images of the landforms that are created by longshore drift: spits (simple and compound) sand bars, and tombolo’s (including cuspate tombolos) a note on the role of wave refraction in the creation of tomobolos Task sheet included has example past paper questions. I used this for an A-Level class studying the Coastal Environment topic. A lot of this material could be adapted for an IGCSE class as well. There is plenty of material here to use as a basis to generate more task sheets, assignments etc.
Food Shortages - Food Production Topic

Food Shortages - Food Production Topic

This is fully contained IGCSE lesson on Food Shortages, as part of the Food Production theme (3.2) Pack includes a 28 slide PPT covering these areas: areas of world hunger indicated on a world map pictorial display of natural hazards that can contribute to food shortages: drought, pests, natural hazards, disease human factors that can cause food shortages impacts of food shortages possible solutions: Green Revolution, Food Aid, United Nations Environment program. The last 2 slides have creative/research task options for the students.
Earthquakes - Introduction

Earthquakes - Introduction

For use with IGCSE in the Earthquakes and Volcanoes topic. This is a good introductory lesson focussing on Earthquakes. The package includes a 30 slide PPT and an accompanying worksheet. PPT includes: definition of an earthquake and key word definitions. map showing tectonic plate boundaries statistics of the worlds biggest earthquakes throughout history mini-case study and embedded video of the 2023 Turkiye earthquakes mini-case study and embedded video of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake diagram cross-section of an earthquakes showing focus, faultline, epicentre and included definitions of each information about how earthquakes are measured : Richter and Mercalli scale, and detailed information about each level of these scales
Coastal Environments. Coastal Processes: Marine Erosion

Coastal Environments. Coastal Processes: Marine Erosion

Glossy PPT written for A-Level Coastal Environment topic, but could be used for IGCSE Coasts topic as well. PPT has 26 slides and covers and includes the following: A video showing ‘before and after’ marine erosion examples taken from the 12 Apostles landforms in Australia The erosion processes that shape coastlines: Hydraulic Action, Abrasion, Attrition, Solution and Cavitation Each erosion type features a written description plus an embedded video explaining the erosion type. Last slide has a Sketch task where students have to sketch the main types of marine erosion in action. The content of the PPT could easily be used to generate a work sheet for the students.
A-Level Coastal Environments/IGCSE Coasts – Introduction to Waves

A-Level Coastal Environments/IGCSE Coasts – Introduction to Waves

35 slide PPT to introduce the A-Level Geography Coastal Environments topic, focusing of Wave Terminology and Wave Size. There is enough material here for 1-2 lessons, PPT could be used to generate further/in=depth worksheets/tasks. This material is perfect for the Advanced Coastal Environments topic at A-Level, but could also be very useful as a lesson on Waves for the Coasts topic at IGCSE level. PPT includes: Glossy slideshow showing various coastal environments around the world - great for a stimulating topic introduction. Definition of Waves, and an embedded video showing waves of different sizes breaking on a beach 2 diagrams showing wave structure and terminology, ie., wavelength, crest, wave height, trough, still-water level, wave period embedded video displaying swash and backwash explanation of why waves break, including a diagram diagram sketch task on Slide 24 photo examples of beaches with large swashes, and large backwashes 7 slide explanation of wave size, and the factors that influence the sizes of waves, ie., fetch, wind speed and wind duration. This explanation includes diagrams and embedded video of large waves on the Portuguese coast. Worksheet includes: wave size case study using a UK map,
Migration - Qatar Case Study

Migration - Qatar Case Study

Resource includes a 15 slide PPT describing migration in Qatar. PPT includes background/historical information about Qatar, plus modern demographic information, and information about the climate, and a population pyramid. PPT includes detailed facts and statistics about the migration situation in Qatar today, the numbers of foreign workers and their source countries. The last slide includes discussion/task questions. Includes also is a written report tasksheet focusing on the issue of migrant mistreatment in the recent World Cup held in Qatar. There is enough material here for 2-3 lessons.
Atmosphere and Weather - Global Energy Budgets - Seasonal Variations in Air Pressure and Wind Belts

Atmosphere and Weather - Global Energy Budgets - Seasonal Variations in Air Pressure and Wind Belts

Detailed 20 slide PPT which explains (in an accessible way) the complexities of Global Energy Budgets, with a focus on the SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN AIR PRESSURE AND WIND BELTS. PPT includes: -Air pressure maps, facts -Air pressure global distribution Wind belt location, maps, facts Tricellular Model Intertropical Convergence Zone Check your understanding task and further research task on the last 2 slides Perfect for an AS/A-level Geography class
Population and Settlement: Population Structure

Population and Settlement: Population Structure

Package includes a 19 slide PPT covering: Analysis and comparison of population pyramids for LEDCs and MEDCs Explanation of Birth rate and Death rate trends in LEDCs Analysis of Birth rate and Death rate trends in MEDCs Description of dependent population Analysis of the advantages, disadvantages and solutions to youthful and aging populations. Package includes a 5 page research assignment, that can be completed using information from the PPT. Enough material for 2 lessons. Perfect for IGCSE, could also be adapted for A-Level.
Climate and Natural Vegetation: Equatorial Climates - Rainforests

Climate and Natural Vegetation: Equatorial Climates - Rainforests

Suitable for IGCSE Climate and Natural Vegetation lesson - focusing on Equatorial Regions. 12-slide PPT introducing rainforests - their location, climate and structure. PPT includes: Definition of key words: climate, diurnal range, photosynthesis 2 maps showing where rainforests are found the main climatic features of equatorial climates focus on the climatic features of Manaus - including a map showings its location and a climate graph showing its average climate features short discuss/share task unpacking the climate of Manaus diagram showing the vegetation structure and features of rainforests Worksheets/Tasksheets include: 3 Page work booklet. Questions are based on the climate of equatorial regions, the structure of the vegetation in rainforests, the distribution of tropical rainforests, and a short Manaus case study. 4 page booklet featuring past paper exam questions. 10 question True/False quiz based on the content of the lesson. This could be used as a plenary, or as the stater in follow-up lessons. This is packaged and ready to teach, there is enough material here for 2-3 lessons.
Rocks and Weathering: Slope Processes - Creeps and Flows

Rocks and Weathering: Slope Processes - Creeps and Flows

A-Level Geography resource for the Rocks and Weathering topic. 29 Slide PPT focussing on Mass Movement: Creep and Flow slope processes. Slide show includes: the main influences on mass movement, including slope, rainfall, human activity and vegetation. Creep defintion, Creed Causes: wetting and drying, freeze-thaw heave Evidence of creep - diagrams, photos and videos included Mudflows and mudslides - defintion and causes Mudflows and mudslides - videos included Lahars -videos included Last slide contains annotated sketch task of a slope that has experienced creep.
Climate Graphs and the Wind Rose

Climate Graphs and the Wind Rose

Pack includes a 14 slide PPT covering the basics of Climate Graphs and Wind Roses. Two task sheets are included Task Sheet #1 - Questions based on a diagram of Wind Rose Task Sheet #2 - Questions based on a comparison of two climate graphs PPT includes: key word definitions: Weather and climate climate graph labeled examples tutorial in how to describe a climate graph diagram displaying and explaining the parts of a wind rose
Overpopulation, Underpopulation, Optimum Population - A Level Geography

Overpopulation, Underpopulation, Optimum Population - A Level Geography

22 slide PPT covering overpopulation, underpopulation, optimum population including case studies. I used this for an A-Level Geography class studying the Population Core Human Geography topic. Detailed breakdown of the PPT: Definition of key words: overpopulation, underpopulation, optimum population, population policies Bangladesh case study, an overpopulation country. Case study includes embedded video, maps, background information about the country, and information about the causes and impacts of overpopulation. Australia case study, an underpopulation country. Case study includes embedded video, maps, background information about the country, and info about the causes and impacts of underpopulation there. Pack includes a task sheet which students can complete using information from the PPT. This comfortably filled a 60 minute lesson.
Population Structure & Age/Sex Diagrams

Population Structure & Age/Sex Diagrams

Wide ranging 32-slide PPT resource covering Population Structure: Age/Sex diagrams. I used this for an A-Level clas studying the Population core topic. The material here could also be adapted for an IGCSE class. The PPT includes the following information: definition of key term: LIC/LEDC, MIC/MEDC various examples of Age/Sex diagrams from countries with a ranging level of development. analysis of an Age/Sex diagram from London, with explanations of the shape of the diagram studying the young dependents, elderly dependents and economically active parts of the diagrams and the trends that are evident. comparison of Age/Sex diagrams from countries that are at different stages of the Demographic Transition Model annotated diagram of LEDC Age/Sex diagrams annotated diagrams of MEDC Age/Sex diagrams example Age/Sex diagrams showing countries with slow/stable growth, and negative/declining growth Population Dependency Ratio - explanation and examples High dependent population - explanation and examples Youthful population - explanation and examples Sex ratio - explanation and examples Task sheet includes 5 questions that the students can answer using information from the PPT