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Addition Task Cards Winter Theme
Winter theme addition number sentence task cards are a fun way to practice drawing pictures to match a number sentence and writing number sentences to match the pictures. These cards are great to use in kindergarten and first grade for students to play as a game of Scoot where they are engaged and moving around the room. This kit provides additional practice for students to consolidate their addition sums to twenty.
Product Use
♥ Math centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Early finishers
This pack includes:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Product use
• 32 task cards in color - first 16 task cards students draw a picture to match the addition number sentence. The remaining task cards students write a number sentence to match the picture.
• Student response sheet - two options to choose from for first 16 task cards. One with four boxes per sheet so students can draw larger winter pictures to match the sum. The other option is one response sheet for first 16 task cards which is great to use in game of Scoot and saves on ink.
• Answer sheets for all task cards
Simply print and laminate the task cards onto hard card stock paper for durability. Print a class set of student response sheets.

Addition and Subtraction Task Cards Winter Theme - First Grade
Winter Theme True or False Addition and Subtraction Equation Task Cards. These task cards are designed for first grade to provide your students with practice with understanding the meaning of the equal sign and determining if the addition and subtraction equations are true or false. These task cards align with the core standard: 1.0A.D7
Product Use
♥ Math centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Early finishers
This pack includes:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Product use
• Two sets of 32 task cards in colored background or white background with colored graphics- each task card consists of an addition and/or subtraction equation. Students are to circle on their student response sheet if the equation is true or false.
• Student response sheet
• Answer sheets for all task cards
Simply print and laminate the task cards onto hard card stock paper for durability. Print a class set of student response sheets.

Fall Simple and Compound Sentences Sort
Fall Simple and Compound Sentences Sort is a fun and engaging way for your students to identify and revise their sentences. For this activity students will sort the sentences into the correct category: simple or compound. This activity is great to use in your daily literacy centers.
This pack includes two sets in color and black lined version:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Fifteen Fall/Halloween simple sentences
• Fifteen Fall/Halloween compound sentences
• Two headers - simple and compound
• Student response sheet - black and white only
• Answer sheet - black and white only
Simply print and laminate the sheets onto hard card stock paper for durability. Then cut and the sorts are ready to be used in your literacy centers. Students could also copy their simple and compound sentences into their writing books.

Fairy Tales - Dab the Character Traits
Want a fun and interactive way for your class to learn about character traits for popular fairy tale characters. These dab it worksheets will provide additional practice for your students to learn about various character traits of characters and expand their vocabulary.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Word Work
♥ Daily Five
♥ Early Finishers
♥ Homework
The pack entails the following activities for the popular fairy tales:
♥ Jack and the Beanstalk
♥ Litte Red Riding Hood
♥ The Three Little Pigs
♥ Cinderella
♥ Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
Product includes:
♥ 13 dab it worksheets - students dab the character traits for the fairy tale characters.
♥ 13 answer sheets
♥1 blank dab it worksheet - students can draw their own character and write character traits. The can then swap with a partner and their partner has to dab the character traits.

Charlotte's Web Character Trait Activities
Character Traits Pack -This packet (32 pages) is designed to be utilized after reading the story 'Charlotte's Web' by E.B White. Included in this kit is cut and paste and written activities, anchor charts (answer sheets) for students to consolidate their understanding of character traits. These NO PREP printable activities would be great to use in: reading and writing activities, literacy centers or morning work.
Color and black and white versions are included in the activities below:
• Cut and paste the matching character traits for Charlotte, Templeton and Wilbur.
• Cut and paste the matching physical traits for Charlotte, Templeton and Wilbur.
• Students write the character traits for Fern and the goose. They then write the physical traits to describe the appearance of Fern and the goose.
*Answer sheets/anchor charts are included for all of the cut and paste activities. The anchor charts can be displayed in class which can be used when discussing character traits or for writing activities.

Subtraction Task Cards Winter Theme - K - 1
Winter theme {core aligned} subtraction number sentence task cards are a fun way to practice drawing pictures to match a number sentence and writing number sentences to match the pictures. These cards are great to use in kindergarten and first grade for students to play as a game of Scoot where they are engaged and moving around the room. This kit provides additional practice for students to consolidate their subtraction sums to ten.
Product Use
♥ Math centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Early finishers
This pack includes:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Product use
• 2 sets of 32 task cards in color or white background with colored graphics - first 16 task cards students draw a picture to match the subtraction number sentence. The remaining task cards students write a number sentence to match the picture.
• Student response sheet - two options to choose from for first 16 task cards. One with four boxes per sheet so students can draw larger winter pictures to match the sum. The other option is one response sheet for first 16 task cards which is great to use in game of Scoot and saves on ink.
• Answer sheets for all task cards
Simply print and laminate the task cards onto hard card stock paper for durability. Print a class set of student response sheets.

Character Trait Task Cards - Fairy Tales
A fun an engaging set of task cards to enhance your students understanding of character traits. This set of task cards can assist your students to infer character traits about popular fairy tale characters.
This product can be used as whole class, small group, early finishers or incorporated into your literacy centers. Characters that are included in the task cards are from the following fairy tales: Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and Cinderella.
Product Includes:
• 2 sets of 20 Fairy Tale themed task cards- 1 purple chevron background with cute and colorful graphics & white background with color graphics.
• Student response sheet
• Answer sheet - note some answers will vary
Question types and activities
• Listing character traits of popular fairy tale characters
• Multiple choice questions
• Replacing synonyms in sentences with underlined character trait
• Underlining character traits in each sentence
• Drawing and labelling Little Red Riding Hood
• Describing character traits of characters
• Making inferences about characters and their character traits

Materials and Properties Worksheets
Materials and Properties Worksheets - These fun and engaging sorts are a great way to revise materials and properties. This pack consists of a variety of NO PREP fun and engaging printable activities including sorts and scavenger hunts around the school.
Included in this kit:
* Cut and paste sorts - sort materials into materials and properties, transparent and not transparent, flexible and not flexible, hard and soft. These sorts are available in color and black lined versions to save on ink. Answer sheets are also included.
*Written Sort - Students list materials and properties in their classroom. Color and black lined version included.
* Scavenger hunts worksheets - students draw and label various properties of materials around the school. Color and black lined version included.
Please see the preview to see a snap shot of the variety of sorting activities.

Addition and Subtraction Task Cards - Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day Theme True or False Addition and Subtraction Equation Task Cards. These task cards are designed for first grade to provide your students with practice with understanding the meaning of the equal sign and determining if the addition and subtraction equations are true or false. These task cards align with the core standard: 1.0A.D7
Product Use
♥ Math centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Early finishers
This pack includes:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Product use
• Two sets of 32 task cards in colored background or white background with colored graphics- each task card consists of an addition and/or subtraction equation. Students are to circle on their student response sheet if the equation is true or false.
• Student response sheet
• Answer sheets for all task cards
Simply print and laminate the task cards onto hard card stock paper for durability. Print a class set of student response sheets.

Tacky the Penguin - Reading Comprehension Task Cards
These comprehension task cards provide your students with practice with answering both literal and inferential questions about the popular story, 'Tacky the Penguin' by Helen Lester. The questions are comprised of:
♥ 'Right there' multiple choice questions -answers are in the text
♥ 'On my own' questions - answers are not in the text. Students use their prior knowledge to answer questions.
♥ 'Author and you' questions – answer not directly in the text. Students find answers by using their prior knowledge and fitting together clues from the text.
This kit includes two sets of thirty-two task cards, teacher instructions and student response sheet and answer sheet. The sets are available in full color or colored graphics with white background. The first 16 questions are in the form of multiple choice and include an answer sheet. Students use the student response sheet provided to answer the questions. For the remaining task cards students are to write in their journals or on the writing paper provided as the answers require more detail and explanation. There is no answer sheet for these task cards because student responses will vary.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Morning work
♥ Assessment
♥ Guided Reading Groups
♥ Early finishers

Adding 3 Numbers - Valentine's Day
Differentiated Valentine's Day theme {core aligned} adding 3 numbers task cards are a fun way to practice adding a string of numbers, missing addends and writing the missing numbers in a sum. These cards are great to use in first or second grade.
Product Use
♥ Math centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Early finishers
This pack includes:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Product use
• Two sets of 32 task cards with colored graphics and heart background or with white background with colored graphics.
• Student response sheet
• Answer sheet for first 24 cards. Remaining task cards teacher will need to check as responses will vary.
Differentiated Task Cards Include:
• Task Cards 1 – 12- linking numbers to ten and adding the third number.
• Task Cards 13 – 24 - working out the missing number in a string of numbers.
• Task Cards 25 - 32 - working out 3 numbers that add to the total number
Simply print and laminate the task cards onto hard card stock paper for durability. Print a class set of student response sheets.

Fact or Opinion Penguin Sort
Fact or Opinion Penguin Sort - (15 pages)is a fun and engaging way for your students to identify facts and opinions. For this activity students will sort the sentences into the correct category: fact or opinion. This activity is great to use in your daily literacy centers or as a whole class activity.
This pack includes two sets in color and black lined version:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Fifteen facts about penguins
• Fifteen opinions about penguins
• Two headers - fact and opinion
• Student response sheet - black and white only
• Answer sheet
Simply print and laminate the sheets onto hard card stock paper for durability. Then cut and the sorts are ready to be used in your literacy centers. Students could also copy their facts and opinions into their writing books.
Please see the preview to see a snap shot of the product.

Adding 3 Numbers Differentiated Task Cards - Winter Theme
Differentiated Winter theme {21 pages} adding 3 numbers task cards are a fun way to practice adding a string of numbers, missing addends and writing the missing numbers in a sum. These cards are great to use in first or second grade.
Product Use
♥ Math centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Early finishers
This pack includes:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Product use
• Two sets of 32 task cards with colored graphics and winter background or with white background with colored graphics.
• Student response sheet
• Answer sheet for first 24 cards. Remaining task cards teacher will need to check as responses will vary.
Differentiated Task Cards Include:
• Task Cards 1 – 12- linking numbers to ten and adding the third number.
• Task Cards 13 – 24 - working out the missing number in a string of numbers.
• Task Cards 25 - 32 - working out 3 numbers that add to the total number
Simply print and laminate the task cards onto hard card stock paper for durability. Print a class set of student response sheets.

Fairy Tales Character Traits Game
Yes/No Fairy Tale Game is a fun way for students to think about character traits. This game provides students with additional practice in making inferences about characters and sorting their character traits into the correct category. Students will also be expanding their vocabulary.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Whole class game, in pairs of small groups
♥ Class discussions
The whole class game is a great to way to promote discussions with your class about various characters in popular fairy tales and why students infer that the character has a particular trait.
The game can be played with 1-2 players or played as a whole class. To play the game you select a character card and a character trait card. You then sort the character trait card under the correct heading. For example if I selected the character Cinderella and the character trait elegant I would place the character trait card elegant under the yes heading. (see preview for example). I then select 7 more character traits and place it under the correct heading: yes or no. Once player 1 has had their turn they return the cards to the bottom of the piles and then it is player 2's turn.
The game consists of:
• 2 heading - yes/no
• teacher instructions
• 14 character cards - Cinderella, The Prince, Fairy Godmother, The First Little Pig, The Second Little Pig, The Third Little Pig, The Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, The Wolf, Grandma, Wood Cutter, Jack, Giant and Mother.
• 64 character trait cards
By playing this game regularly in class students will have a deeper understanding about character traits. Answers may vary with students as they have different beliefs and personal opinions.

Character Traits Activity Pack (51 pages)
Character Traits {inferring, making connections} pack designed to give your students a thorough knowledge and understanding about the following 10 character traits: persistent, loving, kind, respectful, smart, cooperative, generous, compassionate, helpful and proud.
At the completion of these character traits activities your students will be able to understand each of the character traits listed above and be able to use it in context. The students will also learn new words, synonyms, dictionary definitions and be able to make inferences and text-to-self connections about character traits.
The character traits kit consists of:
♦ Teacher instructions
♦ 10 Character Traits - Making Inferences Task cards – color or black and white version available
♦ Student response sheet & answer sheet
♦ 10 vocabulary maps for each of the character traits
♦ 10 Character Traits Writing Prompts – making text-to-self connections for each of the 10 character traits.
Inferring Character Traits – Task Cards
The task cards are to be implemented first to check students prior knowledge and understanding about the 10 character traits. Students read each task card. They then infer what character trait the person displays and selects one of the answers: a, b or c and records their answers on the student response sheet. Next they check their answers with the answer sheet provided.
Vocabulary Maps
Print the colourful vocabulary maps in color or grayscale, whichever you prefer. For this activity students will need a dictionary and thesaurus (hand held, or can use dictionary.com on the net). Each vocabulary map has a character trait. Students are to write the dictionary meaning or write their own meaning, write 2 or more synonyms for the character trait and write a sentence about that character trait. Please see the example (persistent) provided.
Making Connections – Writing
For this activity students are to make a text-to-self connection about each character trait. They are to make connections in their life and write a time when they displayed each character trait or someone else they know. Please see the example provided.
Please see the preview for a closer look at this great Character Traits kit.

Fairy Tale Character Trait Activities - No Prep Cut and Paste Worksheets
Want a fun hands on center activity for revising character traits? This kit consists of a variety of cut and paste, NO PREP worksheets which provides students with additional practice to revise character traits of popular fairy tale characters.
Product Use
♥ Literacy Centers
♥ Morning Work
♥ Early Finishers
♥ Homework
♥ Word Work Activities
♥ Class discussions
Students will cut and paste character traits from the popular fairy tales below:
♥ Jack and the Beanstalk
♥ Little Red Riding Hood
♥ The Three Little Pigs
♥ Cinderella
Product Includes:
♥ Teacher instructions
♥ 12 cut and paste worksheets - students cut and paste the character traits in the boxes.
♥ 12 answer sheets or anchor charts - you can use the answer sheets to display on your bulletin board so students can refer to them whilst writing.
♥ 1 worksheet - students draw the evil step mother and write 4 character traits inside the boxes.
The teacher instructions also explains possible discussions to have with your class prior to the students undertaking the activities and also extension ideas for students who require extending or early finishers.

No David! Character Traits Game
Character Traits Yes/No Game is a perfect resource to use as a book companion after reading the story, ‘No David’ by David Shannon. By playing this fun and interactive game, it will assist students to make inferences about characters, expand their vocabulary and consolidate their understanding of character traits.
**The game consists of: **
2 heading - yes/no
teacher instructions
2 character cards - David and Mom
48 character trait cards
This yes/no game can be played with 1-2 players, small group or played as a whole class. To play as a group:
Students sit around a circular table or on the carpet. Place the headings yes and no in the middle of the circle.
If group of 6 students, give each student 8 character trait cards to place under the yes or no heading, and put the remaining 4 character trait cards aside.
Students take it in turn to select a character card and sort their cards under the correct heading.
Ask each student to provide evidence or a reason why they think the character displays that character trait or not.
Option 2 - Play Corners - whole class game
Stick the heading yes in one corner of the room and no in another corner.
Teacher calls out a character trait. Students walk to the yes or no corner.
Select a student to give a reason why they went to the yes or no corner for that particular character trait.
If the students went to the wrong corner then they are out of the game.
Keep playing until you have a winner or small group of students who are left.
By playing this game regularly in class students will have a deeper understanding about character traits. This game also assists the teacher with class discussions about character traits and reasons why students believe a character has a particular character trait. Answers may vary with students as they have different beliefs and personal opinions.

No David! Character Traits, Physical Traits & Feelings Task Cards
No David! These task cards are designed for first grade to third grade to provide your students with practice with identifying character traits, feelings and physical traits of characters in the story, “No David!” by David Shannon. These multiple choice questions will allow your students to make inferences about characters.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Class discussions
♥ Early finishers
The kit consists of:
• 2 sets of 20 multiple choice task cards- colored and black lined sets
• Student response sheet
• Answer Sheet

Christmas L Blend Go Fish Game
Are you looking for a fun Christmas game to review L blends? This Christmas Themed Go Fish L Blend Game is perfect for reviewing blends with your students! Great game to incorporate into your literacy centers and keep students engaged. This activity includes 2 sets of 36 Christmas themed s blend playing cards in color and black lined. Blends included in Go Fish game: cl, bl, fl, gl, pl & sl.
Product Includes
Each of the playing cards is included in color and black lined.
• Teacher instructions - full instructions on how to play the game.
• 36 colored Christmas l blend cards.
• 36 black lined Christmas l blend cards.
Print, cut and laminate the Santa cards onto hard card stock paper for durability.
Alternatively the cards can be used as a matching activity or play as a game of memory.

Christmas R Blends Go Fish Game
Are you looking for a fun Christmas game to review R blends? This Christmas Themed Go Fish R Blend Game is perfect for reviewing blends with your students! Great game to incorporate into your literacy centers and keep students engaged. This activity includes 2 sets of 42 Christmas themed s blend playing cards in color and black lined. Blends included in Go Fish game: cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr & br.
Product Includes
Each of the playing cards is included in color and black lined.
• Teacher instructions - full instructions on how to play the game.
• 42 colored Christmas r blend cards.
• 42 black lined Christmas r blend cards.
Print, cut and laminate Christmas heading cards onto hard card stock paper for durability.
Alternatively the cards can be used as a matching activity or play as a game of memory.
Please see the preview for a closer look at some of the game cards.