Welcome to A Plus Learning!
A Plus Learning prides itself on providing teachers and counsellors with quality educational materials and resources that are designed to enhance the engagement and performance of students allowing them to achieve excellent results. Our materials and resources can also be used by teachers and counsellors to enhance their professional development.
Welcome to A Plus Learning!
A Plus Learning prides itself on providing teachers and counsellors with quality educational materials and resources that are designed to enhance the engagement and performance of students allowing them to achieve excellent results. Our materials and resources can also be used by teachers and counsellors to enhance their professional development.
Inspirational Quotes: Making Inferences:Using quotes that will inspire and encourage to understand how to make inferences. Included is a worksheet that students can use to be able to understand and make good inferences about the quotes. These quotes can also be used as posters in the classroom.
Opinion Organisers: Opinion Writing
Opinion Writing made EASY for your students.
This mini-lesson includes a simple explanation in teaching your students how to write their opinions. It includes 2-3 templates for opinion writing.
Creative Writing for Upper Elementary Students:These 15 writing prompts are good for morning work, early finishers, literacy centres, and home works. These writing prompts are also a good to way express themselves freely and could encourage them to do some research.
These 15 writing prompts are good for morning work, early finishers, literacy centres, and home works. These writing prompts are also a good to way express themselves freely and could encourage them to do some research.
Using quotes that will inspire and encourage to understand how to make inferences. Included is a worksheet that students can use to be able to understand and make good inferences about the quotes. These quotes can also be used as posters in the classroom.
Opinion Writing made EASY for your students.
This mini-lesson includes a simple explanation in teaching your students how to write their opinions. It includes 2-3 templates for opinion writing.
FIRST DAY DAY FUNK is a mini-activity workbook that your students can work on the first day of school. It will help them adjust easily and establish rapport to their classmates and most of all recall and share their best summer ever! It will help set the tone for the school year!
You can exhibit the works of your students in the classroom
Includes 4 activities:
First Day Funk Bingo
First Day Summer Memories
First Day Feelings
First Day Goals
This mini- lesson plan includes:
Discussion on career
Provides students on what career planning is
Comes with a short interest survey
A small career project they can work on
Discussion on career types
Tips on career decision-making.
A mini-research project for Science or for homeroom to instill the values of respect, preservation of life and campaign to save our animal kingdom.
This project can be done individually or as a group. The purpose of this activity to promote more awareness about our endangered species.
Knowledge is power and when people are more aware, we can find ways to help. This can also teach your students how to do a research project and exhibit their research skills.
This project can be exhibited during Science week to showcase your student's talents and promote animal awareness in your school.
Conversation Starters for Teachers and Counsellors
This product contains 100 plus conversation starters that teachers and counsellors can use.
It is divided into 5 categories:
a. Family
b. Self
c. School
d. Friends
e. Anything under the sun
It also comes with blank templates that you can use to write your own questions for each category.
Working Effectively with Difficult, Defiant and Non-Compliant Students:This is a professional development for administration and faculty in handling difficult students. Tips are given how to identify these students, why they are behaving the way they do and how to handle these students.
This can be used during faculty meetings, to new teachers to arm them with more knowledge and for the tenured teachers as a refresher information.
Initial Interview Guide: This guide can be used by teachers and counsellors to get acquainted with their students. They can easily establish rapport with these short interview guide and they can also take down notes about their observations and impressions of the student.
Relationship 101: This mini-lesson comes in handy to teach to your students on the first day of school. It will help set the tone of the things you expect from them as a class and remind them of how to treat their teachers and classmates throughout the school year.
The Habits of Happy and Healthy Tweens and Teens: Teaching good habits to our tweens and teens are essential. We want them to practice these habits to make them successful people in the future.
These habits can be taught in class and they can also be printed and posted in the classroom or guidance office. You can use them as part of your orientation at the start of the school year.
Vices: To Try or Not To Try: This mini-lesson focuses on how to help your students avoid risky behaviours. It will teach your students to make healthy choices. Strategies are also provided to help your students resist unhealthy choices. Worksheets are provided to help them analyse, think and act properly when confronted with risky situations.
Cyber Bullying:Cyber bullying is a form of bullying and have been a major concern among our kids. This mini-lesson could help your kids be more aware of what cyber bullying is and what to do about it. You could also use this for bullying awareness week or month.
This mini-lesson include:
Definition of cyber bullying
Cyber bullying technology
Why do kids bully?
Profile of cyber bullies, victims of cyber bullies and bystanders
Cyber bullying categories
Cyber bullying types
Ways to prevent and stop cyber bullying
Decision-Making: Improving Decision-making Skills:
This mini-lesson is about teaching your students to decide better. A strategy/ technique based on research will be discussed in this mini lesson to guide your students in making better decisions. It is called: FIG TESPN.
FIG stands for:
I-Identify the problem
G- What do you want to achieve to address your problem.
TESPN stands for:
T-Think of many possible solutions
E- Envision outcomes based on the solutions to the problem/s
S -Select the best among all the solutions
P- Plan the procedure, anticipate pitfalls, & practice steps.
N- Notice what happened and remember it for next time.
Rumour Has It: This mini-lesson consists of different activities for students to reflect on about rumours.
This module will help students think about things they have heard and how talking about others can harm other people"s reputation.
Conflict Resolution: Let's Talk It Out:This mini-workbook is composed of 4 different activities. It will assist your students to identify their conflicts, the styles they used in handling these conflicts, as well as they will be given the chance to assess their present conflicts and if the resolution skills they used are effective. There are also case scenarios to come up with more ways to resolve conflicts.Workbook Activity includes conflict survey, conflict styles, conflict assessment, and conflict case scenarios.
Conflict Resolution: How to Handle Conflicts-This conflict resolution lesson teaches what conflict is about, the dynamics of conflict and conflict resolution strategies to help your students improve their conflict resolution skills. This lesson will also help you in managing your class better and will help promote and maintain good interpersonal relationships in class.
This lesson include:
Definition of Conflict
Conflict Styles:
1. Accommodating
2. Competing
3. Avoiding
4. Compromising
5. Collaborating
Conflict Hooks:
1. Competence
2. Inclusion
3. Autonomy
6. Integrity
Conflict Resolution Activities
Conflict Resolution Strategies
All activities in these 3 modules include processing questions to facilitate better learning experiences.
This mini-workbook is composed of 4 different activities. It will assist your students to identify their conflicts, the styles they used in handling these conflicts, as well as they will be given the chance to assess their present conflicts and if the resolution skills they used are effective. There are also case scenarios to come up with more ways to resolve conflicts. Each activity has processing questions to facilitate the learning experiences of the students and help them express and understand more the activities.
Workbook Activity includes:
Conflict Survey
Conflict Styles
Conflict Assessment
Conflict Case Scenarios
This mini-lesson consists of different activities for students to reflect on about rumours.
This module will help students think about things they have heard and how talking about others can harm other people’s reputation.
Processing questions are included in each activity to facilitate learning experiences.
This guide can be used by teachers and counsellors to get acquainted with their students. They can easily establish rapport with these short interview guide and they can also take down notes about their observations and impressions of the student.
This self-esteem bundle is a compilation of different activities to help your students have a positive and healthy self-esteem.
This bundle includes:
* Definition of self-esteem
* Signs of positive and negative self-esteem
* Self-esteem concepts
* Quick inputs
* Tips for a healthy self-esteem
* Tips for parents to help raise the self-esteem of their kids
* Processing questions are included in each activity to facilitate better learning experiences
* 75 Self-Esteem affirmation cards that you could hand out to students to recognise, affirm, acknowledge their talents, skills, and attitudes.
Cards include:
1. I am good at Math
2. I am good at Art
3. I am good at organizing
4. I am good with computers
5. I am good at singing
6. I am healthy
7. I am good at reading
8. I am good at sports
9. I am good at Science
10. I am good in studying
11. I am good at Geography
12. I am good at teamwork
13. I am good at writing
14. I am good at taking down notes
15. I am good at making friends
16. I am hardworking
17. I am cheerful
18. I am confident
19. I am self-assured
20. I am trustworthy
21. I am obedient
22. I am nice
23. I am good at sharing
24. I am good at learning
25. I am good at ideas
26. I am proud
27. I am a winner
28. I am a happy person
29. I am creative
30. I am helpful
31. I am loved
32.I am brave
33.I have many friends
34.I am important
35. I am athletic
36. I am unique
37. I am cool
38. I am good in music
39. I am beautiful
40. I enjoy learning
41. I enjoy having fun
42. I enjoy eating
43. I accept myself
44. I am respectful
45. I am loving
46. I am kind
47. I am awesome
48. I enjoy challenges
49. I always try to do my best
50. I am honest
51.I am patient
52.I am humble
53.I am understanding
54.I am reliable
55.I have a great imagination
56. I am a star
57. I make good decisions
58. I think first before I act
59. I am good at listening to other people
60. I am good at dancing
61. I am dependable
62. I am supportive
63. I am good at encouraging others
64. I try my best to take care of the environment
65. I am a good leader
66. I am good at planning
67. I am good at research
68. I am resourceful
69. I am good at taking photos
70. I am good at cooking
71. I am good at baking
72. I try to be neat and clean
73. I enjoy going to school
74. I believe in myself
75. I enjoy the outdoors
This mini-lesson focuses on how to help your students avoid risky behaviours. It will teach your students to make healthy choices. Strategies are also provided to help your students resist unhealthy choices. Worksheets are provided to help them analyse, think and act properly when confronted with risky situations.
A mini-workbook design to facilitate self-awareness and positive empowerment for students. It is a set activities to also get to know your students better and exhibit their creativity.
The printables can be posted inside the classroom to showcase your students' talents, skills and capabilities.
These reward coupons and affirmation cards is a bundle to help you manage your class better and promote happy and healthy self-esteem to your students.
Reward coupons include:
1. My Life, My tunes- Listen to music while working
2. I like my new seat- Pick your new seat
3.Woo-Hoo- Free Assignment Day
4. Project Buddy - Pick your project partner/s
5.DJ for a Day- Pick songs for the class to listen to
6. Yum, yum Gum- Chew Gum in Class
7.President for A Day
8.5 Bonus Points - For Project
9. Teacher's Right Hand- Teacher's Assistant for the Day/ Week
10. Very Important Person- Sit on Teacher's Table
11. Apps Time- Play game using gadgets during break time
12. Sleep In- Skip Bell Work
13.Tech Time- Extra 5 minutes on the computer
14. Mad Hatter- Wear your cap or hat to school
15. I love RECESS- Extra 5 minutes for Recess
16. Free Time is Fun- Extra 5 minutes of Free Time
17.Positive Note for Home- Teacher writes a positive note to your parents about student and performance
18. Positive Call for Home- Teacher calls parents to give positive feedback
19. Too Cool for School- Wear shades/sun glasses to school
20.Almost on Time- Get Away Late Pass
21. Lunch Buddies- Pick someone you want to have lunch with you (teacher or student)
22. Light, Camera, Action- Show and Tell anything about yourself
23.WILD CARD- Pick any of the cards you like
24. Book Lover- Extra time in the library
25.Paparazzi- Photographer for the Day
26. Sweeth Tooth- Pick candies from the sweets' jar
27. Feels Like Home- Wear slippers to school
28. Pillow Day- Bring pillow to school
29.Line Leader- Lead the line and be in the front of the line
30. Calendar Keeper- Helps teacher keep notes on important dates to remember for the week
31. Doodle Time- free time to draw and doodle
32. Read Out Loud Buddy- Be a buddy to a classmate and help him/her read out loud
33.First to Leave Class- First one out of the classroom on dismissal time
34. Lead a Class meeting- Facilitate meeting
35.Math Center Leader- Helps teacher and classmates in the Math Center
36. Math Buddy- helps a student in Math class
37. Pick Song for Class
38.Fitness First- Lead the class for PE exercise
39. Snack time with Teacher
40.Picasso for A Day- Help teacher decorate the classroom
41.Social Studies Genius- Help students with Social Studies lessons
42.Science Whiz- Help students with Science lessons
43.Bathroom Pass Holder- In charge of giving and keeping bathroom pass holders
44. Assembly Organizer- Gathers everyone together and makes sure everyone is ready to listen and participate
45. Phonics Buddy- Help a student in Phonics lesson
46. Cuddle Time- Bring favorite toy to school
47.My Kind of Socks Day- Wear Socks to school
48. Pajama Day- Wear Pajamas to school
49.Sip Up, Drink Up- Bring favorite drink to school
50. Lead the Class to Read- Be the Leader in Reading
Self-Esteem Affirmation Cards include:
Cards include:
1. I am good at Math
2. I am good at Art
3. I am good at organizing
4. I am good with computers
5. I am good at singing
6. I am healthy
7. I am good at reading
8. I am good at sports
9. I am good at Science
10. I am good in studying
11. I am good at Geography
12. I am good at teamwork
13. I am good at writing
14. I am good at taking down notes
15. I am good at making friends
16. I am hardworking
17. I am cheerful
18. I am confident
19. I am self-assured
20. I am trustworthy
21. I am obedient
22. I am nice
23. I am good at sharing
24. I am good at learning
25. I am good at ideas
26. I am proud
27. I am a winner
28. I am a happy person
29. I am creative
30. I am helpful
31. I am loved
32.I am brave
33.I have many friends
34.I am important
35. I am athletic
36. I am unique
37. I am cool
38. I am good in music
39. I am beautiful
40. I enjoy learning
41. I enjoy having fun
42. I enjoy eating
43. I accept myself
44. I am respectful
45. I am loving
46. I am kind
47. I am awesome
48. I enjoy challenges
49. I always try to do my best
50. I am honest
51.I am patient
52.I am humble
53.I am understanding
54.I am reliable
55.I have a great imagination
56. I am a star
57. I make good decisions
58. I think first before I act
59. I am good at listening to other people
60. I am good at dancing
61. I am dependable
62. I am supportive
63. I am good at encouraging others
64. I try my best to take care of the environment
65. I am a good leader
66. I am good at planning
67. I am good at research
68. I am resourceful
69. I am good at taking photos
70. I am good at cooking
71. I am good at baking
72. I try to be neat and clean
73. I enjoy going to school
74. I believe in myself
75. I enjoy the outdoors
These 75 affirmation cards are a great way to boost your student's self-esteem. This could serve as an affirmation, acknowledgment and recognition for their good traits. It could serve as a positive reinforcement for their good behaviour. It could also help your students identify their good traits especially for those students who are socially shy.
Cards include:
1. I am good at Math
2. I am good at Art
3. I am good at organizing
4. I am good with computers
5. I am good at singing
6. I am healthy
7. I am good at reading
8. I am good at sports
9. I am good at Science
10. I am good in studying
11. I am good at Geography
12. I am good at teamwork
13. I am good at writing
14. I am good at taking down notes
15. I am good at making friends
16. I am hardworking
17. I am cheerful
18. I am confident
19. I am self-assured
20. I am trustworthy
21. I am obedient
22. I am nice
23. I am good at sharing
24. I am good at learning
25. I am good at ideas
26. I am proud
27. I am a winner
28. I am a happy person
29. I am creative
30. I am helpful
31. I am loved
32.I am brave
33.I have many friends
34.I am important
35. I am athletic
36. I am unique
37. I am cool
38. I am good in music
39. I am beautiful
40. I enjoy learning
41. I enjoy having fun
42. I enjoy eating
43. I accept myself
44. I am respectful
45. I am loving
46. I am kind
47. I am awesome
48. I enjoy challenges
49. I always try to do my best
50. I am honest
51.I am patient
52.I am humble
53.I am understanding
54.I am reliable
55.I have a great imagination
56. I am a star
57. I make good decisions
58. I think first before I act
59. I am good at listening to other people
60. I am good at dancing
61. I am dependable
62. I am supportive
63. I am good at encouraging others
64. I try my best to take care of the environment
65. I am a good leader
66. I am good at planning
67. I am good at research
68. I am resourceful
69. I am good at taking photos
70. I am good at cooking
71. I am good at baking
72. I try to be neat and clean
73. I enjoy going to school
74. I believe in myself
75. I enjoy the outdoors
This mini-lesson comes in handy to teach to your students on the first day of school. It will help set the tone of the things you expect from them as a class and remind them of how to treat their teachers and classmates throughout the school year.