World languages

Spanish Healthy Living - La vida sana
Powerpoint giving sample answers to controlled assessment practice based on topic of 'La vida sana' AQE GCSE textbook p50 and 51.

Spanish Present Continuous
Basic introduction to the present continuous in Spanish, useful for KS3 or GCSE- an adapted ppt.

Spanish Holidays questions - Las vacaciones
A Spanish worksheet with set questions and answers that can be used for Controlled Assessment. Resources are taken from p88 and 89 of AQA Spanish GCSE book.

Spanish Shopping for Food - De compras
Powerpoint to introduce Fruit and Vegetables leading to a Role-play Speaking and Listening Activity in the market. From p 28, Listo 2 Rojo.

La Transicion translation sentences and answers
Translation sentences with answers which give an overview of the Spanish transition from Franco’s dictatorship to democracy.

Spanish Film - 'Solas' Benito Zambrano
A very general introduction powerpoint on the film 'Solas' by Benito Zambrano.

Spanish Clothes - La ropa
Two adapted Spanish Powerpoints to introduce clothes and their prices and a wordsearch to consolidate. Quite a comprehensive list- leading on to GCSE. Based on Listos 2 De compras

Spanish Clothes Activity + Survey - La ropa
Class Survey based on basic Clothes Vocabulary.
Focus in effective Questioning, good for Speaking skills and Writing skills.
Can be used with Listos 2 Rojo Module 3.

Le sport et l'imparfait
Oral task to talk about what sports you used to do and why you did or didn't like them.

Spanish Sounds & Phonics Tutorial
Basic Pronunciation guide for Beginners/Entry level in Spanish (KS3 onwards) with links to the BBC website.

Alevel Spanish Grammar tests
These are a series of tests that cover most areas of Alevel grammar and are adapted from a number of resources. I use them as independent study aids. I hope you find them useful.