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OCR GCSE RS - The role of the Church in the wider world

OCR GCSE RS - The role of the Church in the wider world

This is the final lesson in the Christianity - practices unity of the new OCR GCSE. Provided is a full lesson (which will be covered over 2 hours) with attached resources outlining ecumenicalism, the meaning of Church, Churches Together Movement, the persecuted church and the work of Christian aid agencies.
GCSE OCR Christianity: beliefs and teachings - revision lesson

GCSE OCR Christianity: beliefs and teachings - revision lesson

Here is a revision pack for the GCSE unit of work on Christian beliefs and teachings to accompany the assessment (attached). It consists of 6 revision stations: Keywords game Nature of God (be the teacher challenge) Genesis and the fall (full mark answer challenge) Sin and Salvation (art task) Jesus' example role play Eschatological belief (AO1 + AO2 Bible story challenge) All with hints and tips for students to self assess as they go through. Students then have the opportunity to complete a R.A.G. review to see which areas they need to further focus their revision on