I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
This resource contains two worksheets on time for Entry Level 2 students. One worksheet involves reading the time on a 12 hour digital clock and drawing the hands on an analogue clock to represent these times. The second worksheet involves working out the length of TV programmes and completing analogue clocks to show these times.
You may also be interested in:
Time: Entry Level 2 Workbook
This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 2. It contains an age-appropriate, 32 page workbook (22 worksheets) with progress check, study notes and certificate of achievement on time: Component 5.
Tasks and activities have been designed to help students achieve the following learning outcomes:
2.1 Know the seasons and months and their order
2.2 Know that 1 week = 7 days; 1 day = 24 hours; 1 hour = 60 minutes; 1 minute = 60 seconds
2.3 Read the time displayed on an analogue or 12 hour digital clock in hours, half hours and quarter hours and draw the hands on a clock or the digital display to represent these times
2.4 Read the time to the nearest five minutes on an analogue clock, draw the hands on a clock to show the time, and read any time on a digital clock
2.5 Find the difference between two times given in hours, half hours and quarter hours.
Time Entry Level 1 Maths Workbook
Learning Outcomes:
1.1 Know the days of the week and their order
1.2 Read the time to the hour or half hour on an analogue clock and draw the hands on a clock to show these times
1.3 Order familiar events
More Entry Level Maths Resources
This resource contains two worksheets on time for Entry Level 3 Maths students. Tasks involve recognising digital and analgue times, 24 hour times, am and pm.
You may also be interested in:
Time: Entry Level 3 Workbook
This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 3. It contains an age-appropriate, 33 page workbook (33 worksheets) with progress check, study notes and certificate of achievement on time: Component 5.
Tasks and activities have been designed to help students achieve these outcomes:
Solve problems involving time
Know that there are 365 days in a year, 366 days in a leap year, 12 months in a year and 52 full weeks in a year
Use a calendar and write the date correctly (day/month/year)
Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII
Understand and use the 12-hour and 24-hour clock systems and convert from one system to the other
Convert between hours, minutes and seconds
Add up to three lengths of time given in minutes and hours
Time: Entry Level 2 Workbook
Time Entry Level 1 Maths Workbook
Save money and buy all three resources at a discounted rate:
Time Entry Level 1, 2, 3 Maths Workbooks
AQA Entry Level 1 Maths Bundle
The bundle contains 10 workbooks that cover the entire Entry Level 1 specification.
AQA Entry Level 2 Maths Bundle
The bundle contains 10 workbooks that cover the entire specification for Entry Level 2.
AQA Entry Level 3 Maths Bundle
The bundle contains 11 workbooks that cover all the components of Entry Level 3.
More Entry Level Maths Resources
Entry Level English Resources
This resource contains two age-appropriate worksheets on shape and position (Geometry - Component 7) for pupils working at Entry Level 2 in maths following AQA’s Entry Level Maths Certificate.
You may also be interested in:
Geometry Workbook: AQA Entry Level 2 Maths
This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 2. It contains an age-appropriate, 25 page workbook (25 worksheets) with progress check, certificate of achievement and answers on Component 7 - Geometry.
Tasks and activities include:
2.1 Recognising and naming shapes including pentagons, hexagons and octagons and identifying a right-angled triangle from a set of triangles
2.2 Recognising and naming cuboids, pyramids and spheres
2.3 Describing the properties of 2D shapes, including straight and curved edges and the number of vertices
2.4 Describing the properties of 3D shapes (solids) - edges, vertices and faces
2.5 Understanding angle as a measure of turn - identifying quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and whole turns, recognising clockwise and anti-clockwise directions
More Entry Level Resources
AQA Entry Level 1 Maths Geometry - Shape, Position, Size
AQA Entry Level 2 Maths - Addition to 100
AQA Entry Level 2 Maths: Properties of Number
More Entry Level Maths Resources
This resource contains two worksheets on one-step and two-step mixed operation word problems for Entry Level 3 Maths students.
You may also be interested in:
Mixed Operation Word Problems - Entry Level 3 maths
This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 3. It contains an age-appropriate, 15 page workbook (15 worksheets) with revision notes for solving one step and two step, mixed operation word problems (Component 2: The Four Operations).
Tasks and activities have been designed to achieve the following outcome:
3.4 Use and interpret +, –, x ,÷ and = in real-life situations for solving problems
Other AQA Entry Level Maths workbooks at Entry levels 1, 2 and 3 Entry are available and can be viewed in the following bundles:
AQA Entry Level 3 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle
This bundle contains 13 highly visual and age-appropriate workbooks / worksheets with answers, study notes, progress checks and certificates of achievement. In total there are 319 worksheets that cover the entire specification and all the components:
Component 1: Properties of Numbers (42 pages)
Component 2: Addition (14 pages)
Component 2: Subtraction ( 15 pages)
Component 2: Multiplication ( 21 pages)
Component 2: Division (25 pages)
Component 2: Estimation (15 pages)
Component 2: Mixed Operation Word Problems (15 pages)
Component 3 Ratio (30 pages)
Component 4: Money (32 pages)
Component 5: Time (32 pages)
Component 6: Measure (29 pages)
Component 7: Geometry (31 pages)
Component 8 Statistics (18 pages)
AQA Entry Level 2 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle
This bundle contains 10 workbooks / 237 worksheets.
Component 1: Properties of Numbers (20 pages)
Component 2: Operations - Addition to 100 ( 20 pages)
Component 2: Operations - Subtraction to 100 ( 20 pages)
Component 2: Operations - Multiplication (28 pages)
Component 3 Ratio (25 pages)
Component 4: Money (35 pages)
Component 5: Time (22 pages)
Component 6: Measure (22 pages)
Component 7: Geometry (25 pages)
Component 8 Statistics (20 pages)
AQA Entry Level 1 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle
The bundle contains 10 workbooks / 240 worksheets.
Component 1: Properties of Numbers (20 pages)
Component 2: Addition and Subtraction to 20 (36 pages)
Component 3 Ratio - Fractions – Halves (25 pages)
Component 4: Money – (35 pages)
Component 5: Time (22 pages)
Component 6: Measures: Length and Height (22 pages)
Component 6: Measures: Weight (20 pages)
Component 6: Measures: Volume (15 pages)
Component 7: Geometry (25 pages)
Component 8 Statistics (20 pages)
This resource contains two worksheets on counting in tenths.
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White Rose Maths Scheme Year 3 Fractions Spring Term - Week 10 - Block 5
This resource contains the first of two packs designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Scheme Year 3 – Number: Fractions during week 10 of the Spring Term.
The resource focuses on the following White Rose Maths 'small steps'
- Unit and Non-Unit Fractions
- Making the Whole
- Tenths
- Count in Tenths
- Tenths as Decimals
- Fractions of a Number Line
- Fractions of a set of objects (1-3)
The resource contains worksheets and activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the above small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme.
White Rose Maths Scheme Year 3 Fractions Spring Term - Week 11 - Block 5
The second pack for Week 11 covers the following small steps:
- Equivalent Fractions 1-3
- Comparing Fractions
- Ordering Fractions
- Adding Fractions
- Subtracting Fractions
A fully editable, 80-slide PowerPoint lesson designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths (WRM) small steps scheme of work for Block 5, Year 3 Number - Fractions - Week 10 is also available.
PowerPoint Lesson Year 3 Fractions Spring Term - Week 10 - Block 5
The PowerPoint contains explanations, examples and opportunities for pupils to practise what they have learned.
This resource would also be appropriate for older SEN students due to the highly visual nature of the PowerPoint.
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This is a short presentation on number bonds to 10.
You may also be interested in:
Number Bonds to 10 PowerPoint Lesson
This is a fully editable and highly visual 90-slide PowerPoint lesson on number bonds to 10. It features fish swimming from one bowl to another to visually demonstrate what adding up and taking away mean.
This resource is appropriate for reception children and Key Stage 1 as well as older SEN students. It can be used as a stand-alone lesson or for starters/revision on a daily basis to consolidate understanding and remembering of the number bonds.
Number Bonds to 10 - Set of Eleven Worksheets
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Add a little bit of interest to addition with this worksheet using Chinese symbols for numbers, ideal for use during the Chinese New Year period. The symbols could be used by pupils to make up their own Chinese sums.
This resource is appropriate for Key Stage 1 and older SEN students.
You may also be interested in:
Chinese Take Aways - and Additions! Chinese New Year Maths Resource
Coordinates in The First Quadrant Worksheets
Chinese New Year Battleships Team Coordinates PowerPoint Game
Chinese New Year Themed Battleships - Coordinates Partner Game
Chinese New Year Presentation
Chinese New Year Lantern Riddles PowerPoint Quiz - What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
Chinese New Year Activity Pack - Word Searches, Crossword, Anagrams, Chinese Riddles, Word Making
Chinese New Year Information Sheets and Comprehensions
Chinese Proverbs - Thought Provoking PowerPoint and Posters
Chinese New Year PowerPoint Quiz
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This PowerPoint contains sample slides taken from an 80-slide PowerPoint designed to support the delivery of the Year 2 Place Value, Autumn Term - Weeks 1-3 White Rose Maths (WRM) small steps scheme.
Year 2 Place Value, Autumn Term - Weeks 1-3 -Three PowerPoint Lesson
This set of three PowerPoint lessons are ideal to use as a whole class or group starter or for revision once the block has been completed.
The PowerPoints focus on the following objectives and small steps:
Year 2 Maths’ National Curriculum Objectives
Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words.
Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)
Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations including the number line.
Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs.
Use place value and number facts to solve problems.
Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and backward.
White Rose Small Steps
Count objects to 100
Read and write numbers in numerals and words
Represent numbers to 100
Tens and ones with a part whole model
Tens and ones using addition
Use a place value chart
Compare objects
Compare numbers
Order objects and numbers
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Count in 3s
More Free Maths Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains the first of two packs designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Scheme Year 4 Measurement: Money - Weeks 3-4 of the Summer Term. This resource is for Week 3. The resource is available in both PDF and an editable version.
The resource focuses on the following White Rose Maths small steps:
Pounds and pence
Ordering amounts of money
Using rounding to estimate money
Four operations
The resource contains worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the above small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Answer keys and solutions are included.
These resources will develop the pupils ability to achieve the following Year 2 Maths National Curriculum Objectives:-
Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence.
Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
Year 4 Measurement Money : Summer Term - Week 4 - White Rose Maths Resources
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:
Year 4 Money Weeks 3-4 Summer Term
More Maths Resources
This is a Christmas themed coordinates in the first quadrant. Pupils have to find what Christmas items are located at points in the first quadrant.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 5 Christmas Themed Co-Ordinates in the First Quadrant Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 5 Christmas themed worksheets containing a variety of tasks and exercises on
locating coordinates
plotting coordinates
Answers are included. This resource is appropriate for primary aged children and older, SEN students.
Christmas Maths Battleships Game
This resource is a Christmas themed battleships game to introduce and reinforce the teaching of coordinates in the first quadrant. There are 10 grids which can be used to play with a partner. These could be laminated and used time and time again. There is also a coordinates record sheet and a score sheet.
Christmas Battleships PowerPoint Game
This resource contains a Christmas themed battleships team game on an interactive PowerPoint. It is a fun way of reinforcing coordinates in the first quadrant. There are three different grids to provide hours of fun! It can be administered to a whole class. It includes team score sheet. It is a great resource for reinforcing coordinates in the first quadrant.
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Christmas Coordinates / Battleships Bundle
More Christmas Resources
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This resource contains a 40-slide PowerPoint lesson and a set of 16 worksheets to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths scheme: Year 1, Block 1 Small Step: Counting Forwards to 10.
This is a fully editable PowerPoint lesson on counting forwards to 10 to develop the pupils' understanding of place value, number recognition and counting to 10 skills.
There are 16 accompanying worksheets. Tasks include counting objects up to 10 and recording numbers, and identifying missing numbers in the 1-10 sequence. Answer sheets are included.
You may also be interested in:
Sort Objects PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 12 Differentiated Worksheets
More Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains three packs of worksheets and activities designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Scheme Year 2 Geometry: Position and Direction - Weeks 1-3 of the Summer Term.
The resource focuses on the following White Rose Maths small steps:
Describing movement
Describing turns
Describing movement and turns
Making patterns with shapes
The resource contains 43 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the above small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Answer keys and solutions are included.
These resources will develop the pupils ability to achieve the following Year 2 Maths National Curriculum Objectives:-
Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement including movement in a straight line and in distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise directions).
Order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
More Maths Resources
This resource contains three packs to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Scheme Year 1 Number: Multiplication and Division - Block 1- Weeks 1-3 of the Summer Term.
The resource focuses on the following White Rose Maths ‘small steps’
Count in 10s
Make equal groups
Add equal groups
Make arrays
Make doubles
Make equal groups - grouping
Make equal groups - sharing
The resource contains over 60 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the above small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme. The resource includes reasoning, problem solving and varied fluency activities and tasks.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
More Maths Resources
This bundle contains four sets of resources designed to consolidate some of the work undertaken in the White Rose Maths Scheme small steps Year 6 programme. It is intended to be used in weeks 8 - 11 of the Summer Term.
The resource contains worksheets, tasks and activities on the following :Year 6 Maths National Curriculum objectives:
Use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations.
Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts deciding which operations and methods to use and why.
Solve number problems and practical problems that involve all elements of place value.
Calculate and interpret the mean as an average.
Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation to three decimal places.
Set 1
Coronation Square - pupils investigate the number of people living in a number of houses.
Chessboard Squares - pupils investigate and calculate the number of squares on a chessboard.
Oscar’s Book - pupils investigate the number of pages in a book.
Cinema Outing - pupils investigate whether four friends are able to get together for a trip to the cinema.
The Long Jump Competition - pupils investigate the length of pupils’ long jumps on Sports Day.
Ice Creams All Round - pupils investigate the combinations of scoops of ice cream on a cone out of 3 or more choices.
Set 2
Open-Ended Investigations
Height in Coins - pupils investigate the value of their height in coins. How much are they worth?
A Shoe Box of Coins - pupils investigate the value of a shoe box full of £1 coins and whether it is enough to pay for a trip to Disneyland, Paris.
Chocolate Bars - pupils investigate a selection of chocolate bars to find out which is the best value for money
Tea and Coffee - pupils investigate how much tea or coffee their teacher drinks in a year and how many baths that would fill!
Set 3
Tree Investigations
Tree Problem - a gardener has been asked to plant 10 trees in five rows so that each row contains 4 trees. Is this possible?
Tree Height Investigation 1 - Pupils calculate the height of tree by viewing from 45 degrees angle and measuring their distance away from tree
Tree Height Investigation 2 - Pupils estimate the height of the tree using a different method so they can compare the two estimates.
Tree Age Investigation - Pupils investigate the age of a tree by measuring its girth / circumference and applying a formula according to the type of tree.
Conifer Tree Age Investigation - Pupils investigate the age of a conifer tree by counting the number of whorls.
Pupils produce their results and findings of their investigation in appropriate formats - ie tabular form, graphs
Set 4
Disneyland Trip Investigation
This investigation involves pupils finding out whether £1000 is enough money to pay for a week long trip to Disneyland Paris. Pupils investigate and / or cost out the price of Disneyland Theme Park tickets, return flights, accommodation including breakfast and travel to and from the airport. They also need to work out the cost of lunch and an evening meal for each day. They are required to find out the exchange rate for pounds to euros and euros to pounds. Calculations will involve working out the value of items in euros and pounds and vice-versa.
Having collated all this information pupils need to work out whether £1000 is enough money to cover the cost of the trip.
Pupils also have to pack their suitcase making sure that it does not exceed the 20 kilogram luggage allowance. This requires pupils investigating the weight of items they are likely to pack and the weight of the suitcase itself. They need to choose the items they will take ensuring that the items do not exceed the allowance.
The resources are differentiated to cater for the needs of different pupils. The most challenging tasks involve pupils researching much of the information themselves. For pupils requiring extra help, the information needed is provided.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
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This resource contains an editable 120-slide PowerPoint lesson designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths (WRM) small steps scheme of work for Year 3 Money - Spring Term, Week 4 - Block 2.
The PowerPoint covers:
the value of coins and notes
comparing the values of coins and notes
counting coins to find total amounts
converting pence to pounds and pence
converting pounds and pence to pence
selecting the correct coins to pay for items
It contains explanations, examples and many opportunities for pupils to develop their money skills.
This resource would also be appropriate for older SEN students due to the highly visual nature of the PowerPoint.
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
If you purchase this resource and are happy with it, please leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Year 3 Money - 50 Page Workbook
This workbook includes 7 explanation/information pages, 41 worksheets and two progress checks. It is available in both PDF and editable formats to enable personalisation and amendment of the resource if required.
Year 3 Money - Add and Subtract Money and Calculate Change PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a fully editable and interactive 65-slide PowerPoint lesson designed to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths (WRM) small steps scheme of work for Year 3 Money - Spring Term, Week 4 - Block 2.
The PowerPoint covers:
adding money
subtracting money
calculating change
It contains explanations, examples and many opportunities for pupils to develop their adding and subtracting money skills and calculating change skills. It includes a variety of methods for doing this including partitioning, bar models, number lines and column methods of addition and subtraction.
Year 3 Money - Week 4 - Set of 30 Worksheets
An accompanying set of 30 worksheets covering the same skills as the PowerPoint lesson.
More Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This is a worksheet on number bonds to 10 (number pairs).
You may also be interested in:
Number Bonds to 10 - Set of 11 Worksheets
Tasks include:
addition and subtraction number bonds to 10
finding missing numbers
simple word problems - addition and subtraction to 10
Number Bonds to 10 PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a highly visual, 90-slide PowerPoint lesson that clearly demonstrates addition (adding up) and subtraction (taking away) focusing on number bonds to 10. It features fish swimming from one bowl to another to visually demonstrate what adding up and taking away mean.
More Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Two worksheets on subtraction with exchange designed to support the delivery of the Year 2 Number: Addition and Subtraction Block 2 - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. Click on the link for more details.
Year 2 Number: Addition and Subtraction Block 2 - Autumn Term Workbook 4
This resource contains a workbook (with answers and progress check) of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 2 Number: Addition and Subtraction Block 2 - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Week 2.
The workbook contains 20 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The workbooks are available in both PDF and word format to enable editing and personalisation of the workbook.
The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps:
Year 2 Maths’ National Curriculum Objectives
Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently
Derive and use related facts up to 100
Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two two-digit numbers; adding three one-digit numbers
Show that the addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot.
Solve problems with addition and subtraction: using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures; applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods.
Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.
White Rose Small Steps
Bonds to 100 (tens)
Add and subtract 1s
10 more and 10 less
Add and subtract 10s
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More Free Maths Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
This resource contains a pizza-themed worksheet on addition to 50p.
You may also be interested in:
Addition and Subtraction of Money to 50p - Set of 6 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 6 worksheets. Tasks include calculating the price of toppings for pizzas and choosing the correct coins to pay for them. It is an ideal resource for consolidating counting, adding and coin recognition and value skills. Answers are included. The worksheet also contains a section for what the pupils did well and their next targets. This resource is appropriate for Key Stage 1 and 2 and older SEN pupils.
More Free Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
This resource has been designed for students working towards the OCR Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 3. It contains an age-appropriate, 22 page workbook with three fact sheets, 20 worksheets, two progress checks, certificate of achievement and answers for: Component N1a: Whole Numbers and Calculations
Tasks and activities have been designed to help students achieve these learning outcomes:
N1a. Write whole numbers up to 1000.
N1a. Order whole numbers up to 1000.
N1a Compare whole numbers up to 1000.
N1a. Know the value of each digit in a three-digit number.
You may also be interested in:
OCR Entry Level 1 Maths Workbook - Numbers to 20
This resource has been designed for students working towards the OCR Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 1. It contains a 30 page workbook with four information sheets, 22 worksheets, two progress checks, certificate of achievement and answers for: Component N1a: Whole Numbers and Calculations
Tasks and activities have been designed to help students achieve these learning outcomes:
N1a. Write whole numbers up to 20.
N1a. Order whole numbers up to 20.
N1a. Interpret different numbering formats, including Roman, Arabic, tally and word.
N1a. Understand and use the vocabulary associated with the comparison of number such as how many, the same as, more, less, less than, greater than, fewer.
OCR Entry Level 2 Maths Workbook - Numbers to 100
This resource has been designed for students working towards the OCR Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 2. It contains an age-appropriate, 30 page workbook with three fact sheets, 25 worksheets, two progress checks, certificate of achievement and answers for: Component N1a: Whole Numbers and Calculations
Tasks and activities have been designed to help students achieve these learning outcomes:
N1a. Write whole numbers up to 100.
N1a. Order whole numbers up to 100.
N1a Compare whole numbers up to 100.
N1a. Know the value of each digit in a two-digit number.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
More Entry Level Resources
This resource has been designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Level 1 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds, AQA, Highfield Qualifications and Open Awards) . It contains an age-appropriate, 200-slide PowerPoint lesson and a 60-page workbook on Outcomes 1 and 2: using numbers and the number system.
These resources will help pupils to:
read, write, order and compare large numbers (up to one million)
recognise and use positive and negative numbers
PowerPoint Lesson
The editable 200-slide PowerPoint lesson is an ideal resource to introduce pupils to the number component of the Level 1 specification and for revision purposes. It also contains links to two short videos on numbers to 1,000,000 and negative numbers,
The 60-page workbook contains 13 information/explanation pages, 33 worksheets (with answers), 3 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. The resource is provided in PDF format and an editable PowerPoint version to enable personalisation and editing of the resource. It can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 3 Bundle
Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 2 Bundle
13 workbooks and 13 PowerPoint lessons that cover the entire specification for Entry Level 2.
Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 1 Bundle
10 workbooks and 10 PowerPoint lessons that cover the whole of the Entry Level 1 specification.
More Entry Level Maths Resources
Entry Level English Resources