I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
This resource is a fully editable, 90-slide PowerPoint lesson on number bonds to 10. The PowerPoint clearly demonstrates the number bonds to 10.
The resource also contains colour coded strips of the numbers 1 -10 which can be laminated. These colour coded numbers will enable those pupils who find number work challenging to take an active part in the lesson as they will be able to identify missing numbers by using the colours.
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If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 11 Worksheets
This resource contains a set of 11 worksheets on number bonds to 10. Tasks include:
- addition and subtraction to 10 sums
- finding missing numbers
- simple word problems - addition and subtraction to 10
These resources are appropriate for reception children and Key Stage 1 pupils as well as older SEN / ESL students.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
Number Bonds to 10 - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
More Maths Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This is a handy and succinct punctuation guide mat containing explanations and examples of when and how to use colons and semicolons in writing.
You may also be interested in:
Colons and Semicolons Information Sheets
Information sheets on the use of the colon and semicolon in writing.
Colons - 50 Slide PowerPoint Lesson<
This is a fully editable, 50-slide PowerPoint lesson on using the colon to:
introduce an explanation or an example
introduce lists within sentences
introduce bulleted or numbered lists within sentences
To emphasise a phrase or single word at the end of a sentence
To introduce quotations
The PowerPoint contains explanations, examples and opportunities for pupils to practise using colons appropriately.
Semicolons - 40 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This is a 40 slide PowerPoint lesson on semicolons:
To link two related sentences / independent clauses
In complex lists
In sentences containing conjunctive adverbs
It contains explanations, examples and opportunities for pupils to place semicolons appropriately.
Semicolons - Set of 9 Worksheets
9 worksheets on using colons in writing. Tasks include using semicolons to:
expand or illustrate an independent clause
introduce lists in sentences
introduce bulleted, numbered or lettered lists
introduce quotations
to emphasise a word or phrase at the end of a sentence
Semicolons - Set of 7 Worksheets
This resource contains 7 worksheets on using semicolons. Tasks include using semicolons in:
linking two related sentences / independent clauses
complex lists
sentences containing conjunctive adverbs
correcting sentences containing semicolons
composing complex lists and using semicolons in related clauses/sentences
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author
This resource includes:
A fully editable, 100-slide PowerPoint lesson on the article determiners - a and an. The PowerPoint explains how to use the article/ determiners 'a' or 'an' before a word by looking at the first letter to determine whether or not it has a vowel sound.
A set of 12 worksheets on a and an.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 10 Writing Frames - 'a' or 'an'
This resource contains a set of ten writing frames to reinforce the correct use of the article 'a' or 'an' before a word. In addition to helping pupils to choose the correct article 'a' or 'an', it is a particularly useful resource for students who struggle to master the basics of writing. It provides a framework and scaffolding for pupils to achieve some success in creating sentences independently.
Writing sentences and reading them back helps pupils to embed and consolidate high-frequency words which they will then be able to use freely in their writing. It is particularly appropriate for those SEN students. who find reading and writing challenging. The support of the frame makes sentence writing accessible and gives pupils a feeling of confidence - that they can do it! Often the key to success in getting pupils to write is giving them self-confidence. I have used these frames successfully over many years to get older SEN students motivated to read and write independently.
Save money and buy all the a and an resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
a or an Bundle
More English Resouces
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains:
1. A 50-slide PowerPoint lesson on the silent letters 'k' and 'g' when followed by 'n' - kn and gn digraphs.
2. An accompanying set of 12 differentiated worksheets to help pupils learn how to read and spell words containing the digraphs 'kn' and 'gn'.
In the PowerPoint pupils are introduced to most of the common words containing these two silent letters. Tasks include reading and spelling some of the words.
More English Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains an autism awareness activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Autism Awareness Day / Week. The pack contains six activities.
Sensory Sensitivity / Overload
This activity begins with watching a short clip about sensory overload. There are two tasks that follow designed for pupils to experience sensory overload when attempting to complete tasks; one is more challenging than the other.
Autism Discussion Cards
These contain 4 statements about autism designed to provoke discussion and to get the pupils to think about and develop their awareness of autism. They are not true or false statements and there are no right or wrong answers.
Communication Difficulties Exercise
This is a task designed to simulate the difficulties that many people with autism encounter when trying to communicate. Pupils take part in an activity in which they have to think very carefully about the words they use and what they are saying.
What is autism? How Can I Help?
Pupils watch a video about autism in which a young man explains 5 things he thinks people need to know about autism and 5 things people can do to help people with autism. Pupils are asked to discuss the five things that the person felt people needed to know about autism and five ways that people can help. Pupils then complete a worksheet.
Autism Acrostic
Pupils complete an acrostic piece of writing using the word autism as a stimulus. Two acrostic autism posters are included to give the pupils some ideas. An autism acrostic template is also included.
You may also be interested in:
Autism Awareness Presentation
This is a fully editable and interactive presentation on autism and Autism Awareness Day / Week.
It includes sections on
Social Communication Difficulties
Social Interaction Difficulties
Rigid Thought Processes
Sensory Issues
Repetitions and Rituals
Gifts and Talents
Famous people With Autism / Asperger’s
There are hyperlinks to videos and clips about:
Sensory overload
Schools’ Awareness Week
A young person and his autism
Autism Awareness - Set of 22 Posters
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Autism Awareness Bundle
This resource contains an autism awareness activity pack. It is an ideal resource for Autism Awareness Day / Week. The pack contains six activities:
Sensory sensitivity / overload simulation activity
Autism discussion cards
Communication difficulties simulation activity
What is autism? How Can I Help? - Video link and follow up worksheet
Autism acrostic task
This resource contains a set of 16 worksheets on personification.
Tasks include:
Identifying personification in sentences and poetry and literature from The Ancient Mariner by Coleridge, The Fog by Carl Sandburg , Jack Frost, The Eight-Story Kiss by Tom Robbins , The Windmill by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , Sea Fever by John Masefield, I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth, Snow and Snow by Ted Hughes.
Writing sentences and short paragraphs containing personification on themes including foggy day, the haunted house, the snow, the combine harvester, the candle flame, the trees, firework display, fast flowing river.
The resource also contains an explanation and definition sheet about personification.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Personification PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a 25-slide PowerPoint lesson on personification.
The PowerPoint includes:
An explanation and definition of personification and its use in the production of figurative language.
Why it is used.
Examples of personification from poetry and literature - I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud, The Ancient Mariner, Snow and Snow, The Fog, The Eight-Story Kiss
Opportunities for pupils to identify personification in sentences, texts and poetry.
Images for students to compose their own writing containing personification.
The Powerpoint also contains a link to a short, amusing animation on personification.
Set of 36 Personification Posters
This resource contains a set of 36 eye-catching posters on the literary device of personification. They contain examples of personification and some examples from poetry and literature - I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud, The Ancient Mariner, Snow and Snow, The Fog, The Eight-Story Kiss.
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Personification Bundle
More Figurative Language Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a highly visual, 30-slide PowerPoint presentation on kindness, suitable for primary aged children (years 5 and 6) and older SEN students.
It is ideal for use on Random Acts of Kindness Day held on the 17th February in the UK, Random Acts of Kindness Week in the second week of February in the USA, on 1st September for New Zealand's Random Acts of Kindness Day and World Kindness Day on 13th November. In fact, it could be used any day! It is also suitable to use in anti-bullying week.
The PowerPoint includes:
examples of kindness
Mahatma Gandhi example of kindness
thought-provoking and inspirational kindness quotes
what we can do to make the world a better place
the importance of kind words
You may also be interested in:
Valentine’s Day Presentation
February Presentation
Pancakes / Pancake Day Presentation
More Kindness Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a workbook (with answers) and progress check of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 2 Place Value - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Week 2.
The resource contains 20 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Answer keys and solutions are included.
The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps:
Year 2 Maths’ National Curriculum Objectives
Recognise the place value of each digit in a two digit number (tens, ones)
Compare numbers from 0 up to 100
Use <, > and = signs
Use place value and number facts to solve problems.
White Rose Small Steps
Use a place value chart
Compare objects
Compare numbers
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If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Year 2 Place Value Workbook 1
Year 2 Place Value Workbook 3
Year 2 Place Value - Block 1 Week 2 - 20 Worksheets, PowerPoint Lesson, Lesson Plans, Progress Check Bundle
More Maths Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a fully editable, 52 slide PowerPoint presentation on the life of Saint David and Saint David’s Day celebrations.
The PowerPoint focuses on:
the life of St David
his contribution to the spread of Christianity in Wales
how Saint David’s day is celebrated in Wales and by Welsh communities around the world
the symbols of Wales - the daffodil, the leek, the National Welsh flag, Saint David’s cross
The presentation also includes hyperlinks to a short video about Saint David (7 minutes), the Saint David’s Day parade in Cardiff. (5 minutes) and the Welsh national anthem.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Saint David - Texts and Worksheets
Saint David Puzzle Pack
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Saint David’s Day Bundle
Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £9.99 - Great For Last Minute Assemblies
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains resources on kindness for Random Acts of Kindness Days / Weeks and Anti-Bullying Week.
The activity pack includes:
a kindness plan - pupils think of ways they can show kindness to others at home and school
a kindness diary- pupils record any act of kindness they have carried out during the week and acts of kindness received
an acrostic template on altruism - pupils think about kindness and altruism and use each letter to compose a poem on kindness / altruism
"kindness is.." template - this can be used to make posters or for a poem about kindness
quotes reflective writing task- this is an exercise where pupils reflect on the meaning of a selection of kindness quotes
You may also be interested in:
Acts of Kindness Presentation
This is a presentation on kindness, suitable for younger primary pupils and older SEN students.<
Content includes:
examples of kindness
what we can do to make the world a better place
Random Acts of Kindness Presentation - Secondary
This is a powerful, poignant and thought provoking presentation. It contains hyperlinks to Jonny Benjamin's story and Danny Boyles 'Join Me' Movement and the 'Karma Army.'
The PowerPoint makes reference to:
Danny Boyle's story
Jonny Benjamin's story
examples of kindness
the physical and psychological benefits of kindness
definition of altruism
kindness quotes
how we can make the world a better place
the importance of kind words
Acts of Kindness - Set of 25 Thought Provoking Quotes
This resource contains 25 thought-provoking quotes on kindness from inspirational people - Princess Diana, Gandhi, Mark Twain, Dalai Lama, Oscar Wilde, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Plato, Winston Churchill, Wordsworth, Jesse Jackson, Francis of Assisi, Confucius and Desmond Tutu.
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a set of 18 worksheets on identifying and using alliteration.
Tasks include:
Identifying alliteration in sentences and poetry and literature from Harry Potter, The Highwayman, The Listeners, Kubla Khan, Cargoes, Sea Fever and The Ancient Mariner.
Writing sentences, short paragraphs and product slogans containing alliteration.
Designing and creating product names and catchy slogans for a shampoo, canned drink and chocolate bar using alliteration.
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You may also be interested in:
Alliteration PowerPoint Lesson
This resource is a 40 slide PowerPoint on the literary / poetic device of alliteration. It contains an explanation of alliteration and many examples from literature - (Harry Potter), from poetry ( The Highwayman, The Listeners, Kubla Khan, Cargoes, Sea Fever, The Ancient Mariner), from the commercial world and in well known speeches.
Alliteration Posters
This resource contains a set of 26 posters on alliteration. They contain examples of alliteration from poetry and literature, - The Listeners (Walter De La Mare), The Ancient Mariner (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), Harry Potter (J K Rowling), Sea Fever (John Masefield), Cargoes (John Masefield) , Kubla Khan (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) and The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe).
Several posters contain examples from famous speeches, films, song lyrics and from product and company brands.
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Alliteration Bundle
More Figurative Language Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a set of 22 worksheets on the literary device of onomatopoeia. Tasks include identifying onomatopoeic words in sentences and literature and using onomatopoeia in sentences, to describe scenes and to create adverts. They are available in both PDF and word format to enable editing.
You may also be interested in:
Onomatopoeia PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains a fully editable and engaging 75-slide PowerPoint lesson on the literary device of onomatopoeia. The PowerPoint includes:
1. An explanation and definition of onomatopoeia.
2. Why it is used.
3. Examples of onomatopoeia from poetry, literature, adverts and comics -including The Ancient Mariner (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), The Highwayman (Alfred Noyes), The Charge of the Light Brigade (Alfred Tennyson), The Lake Isle of Innisfree (W. B. Yeats), The Bells (Edgar Allan Poe), The Tempest ( William Shakespeare) and For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway).
4. Challenges and opportunities within the PowerPoint for pupils to identify and use onomatopoeia.
5. Images to stimulate students to compose their own onomatopoeic words.
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to a short, entertaining video on onomatopoeia; some adverts containing onomatopoeia and a recitation by Roger McGough of his poem 'The Sound Collector'.
Onomatopoeia – Set of 30 Posters
This resource contains a set of 30 posters on onomatopoeia.
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Onomatopoeia Bundle
More Figurative Language Resources
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a fully editable and informative 68-slide PowerPoint presentation on pi and Pi Day which takes place on 14th March. It is also a useful resource for Pi Approximation Day on July 22nd.
The PowerPoint focuses on:
The history of pi - Babylon and Egypt - Rhind Papyrus
Archimedes calculations - Pythagorean Theorem
The Origin of the pi symbol – William Jones and Leonhard Euler
Pi formulas for the circumference and area of a circle
The infinite nature of pi
World record holders for the memorisation of pi digits
Piems and mnemonics for pi digits and formulas
Pi Day and the different ways Pi Day is celebrated
How ‘hat size’ is determined by pi
Albert Einstein sharing his birthday with Pi Day
Pi dingbats
Suggestions and ideas for Pi Day activities
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to:
Display of the first million digits of pi
Pi rap ‘Lose Yourself In The Digits’
Video - Math Antics - Circles, area of circle, circumference of circle, pi
Pi-Search Page - a web-site that searches the first 200 million digits of pi
Pi Domino Spiral
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If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Pi Dingbats
This resource contains a pi-themed dingbat game / puzzle in PowerPoint format. There are two versions. One provides the answers as you go along, the other provides the answers at the end of the quiz. This is an ideal fun resource for Pi day which takes place on 14th March.
More Pi Day Resources
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a fully editable, 50 question PowerPoint quiz with three possible answers on Passover (Pesach). The questions focus on:
Why Passover is celebrated and how it got its name – the ten plagues, the exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity across the Red Sea led by Moses.
The Seder meal – the Seder plate and the symbolic significance of all the foods on the plate - lamb bone, roasted egg, a green vegetable to dip in saltwater, bitter herbs and charoset, a paste of fruit, nuts and wine. Other foods at the meal, including matzah, the four cups of wine and the extra wine goblet for the prophet Elijah.
The rituals followed at the Seder meal – breaking the matzah, reading from the ‘Haggadah’, the tradition of the youngest child asking the four questions, the spilling of drops of wine on to the plate.
The quiz can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on The Torah image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. An answer sheet is included.
Sample questions:
What are the first five books of the Hebrew Bible known as?
The story of Passover is told in what book of the Bible?
How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
What was the first plague?
How many days of darkness were there in Egypt?
What is the Hebrew name for Passover?
How many stages are there in the Seder?
What does the Hebrew word ‘Seder’ mean?
How many items of food are on the Seder plate?
What food or drink symbolises the speed with which the Israelites left Egypt?
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If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Passover Presentation
Passover - Simple Text Presentation
Passover - The Seder Meal
Passover - The Ten Plagues
Save money and buy Passover resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Passover Bundle
This resource contains a fully editable and informative 85-slide PowerPoint presentation on the month of February. The presentation includes:
How February got its name
Special Days
Notable Birthdays
Notable Events and Happenings
The presentation contains several hyperlinks to:
John Travolta's dance in "Saturday Night Fever"
Chopin's " Nocturne"
Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus” from “Messiah”.
The resource also contains follow-up activities that include a reflective task and worksheet, a further research task and a question-and-answer quiz preparation task which will form a whole class quiz.
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
A simple text version of this presentation, more suitable for younger / SEN students, is also available:
Fascinating February Facts - Simple Text Presentation
You may also be interested in:
March Assembly
Pancake Day Presentation
More Months of the Year Assemblies
Thinking of publishing your own resources. Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author
This resource contains an 11-page workbook and 6 revision/explanation sheets on relative clauses. Tasks include:
Identifying relative clauses
Distinguishing between defining and non-defining relative clauses
Choosing the correct pronoun for a relative clause
Expanding a noun phrase with a relative pronoun
Punctuating non-defining relative clauses
Identifying relative clauses that do not need a relative pronoun or adverb
Combining sentences with a relative pronoun to make a relative clause
Deciding whether the relative pronoun can be omitted in a sentence
Writing using relative clauses
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
You may also be interested in:
Relative Clauses - 80 Slide PowerPoint Lesson
This resource contains an editable, 80-slide PowerPoint lesson on relative clauses. It explains what relative clauses are, the difference between defining and non-defining relative clauses and how relative clauses for objects can have the pronoun omitted .
Opportunities are provided for pupils to identify both defining and non-defining relative clauses.
**[Relative Clauses - Revision/Memo Mat]
This is a succinct and handy memo/revision mat on relative clauses. Understanding relative clauses can be a bit tricky.
This mat includes:
a definition of relative clauses
the difference between defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses
how to punctuate relative clauses
how to determine when a relative pronoun can be omitted from a relative clause
The mat contains clear examples. It is available in five different fonts.
Save money and buy both all the resources together in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Relative Clauses - PowerPoint Lesson, Worksheets and Memo Mat
More English Resources
This resource contains a PowerPoint presentation on kindness, suitable for younger primary pupils and older SEN students. It is ideal for use on Random Acts of Kindness Day held on the 17th February in the UK, Random Acts of Kindness Week in the second week of February in the USA, on 1st September for New Zealand's Random Acts of Kindness Day and World Kindness Day on 13th November. In fact, it could be used any day! It is also suitable for anti-bullying week.
The PowerPoint focuses on:
examples of kindness
Mahatma Gandhi example of kindness
how we can show kindness to others
It also contains a link to a short, poignant video on acts of kindness and their effects.
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
A more detailed presentation, appropriate for secondary-aged pupils, is also available.
Random Acts of Kindness Presentation For Secondary Pupils
This is a powerful, poignant and thought-provoking presentation. It contains hyperlinks to Jonny Benjamin's story and Danny Boyles 'Join Me' Movement and the 'Karma Army.'
The presentation includes:
the origins of Random Acts of Kindness Day
Josh de Jong's story
Danny Boyle's story
examples of kindness - Gandhi
Jonny Benjamin's story
the physical and psychological benefits of performing acts of kindness
the meaning of altruism
inspirational kindness quotes
what we can do to make the world a better place
the importance of kind words
You may also be interested in:
Acts of Kindness - Set of 25 Thought-Provoking Quotes
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This resource contains a fully editable and informative, 125-slide PowerPoint presentation on Queen Elizabeth II who sadly died on the 8th of September 2022 at the age of 96.
In 2022, Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of service. This presentation looks at the life of the Queen.
The PowerPoint focuses on:
Her birthdate, birthplace and parentage
Her palaces and homes
The Royal Yacht Brittania
The Queen’s early life, education, achievements and interests
Her time in the ATS
Her 21st birthday speech dedicating her life to the Commonwealth
Her marriage to Prince Philip
The abdication of King Edward VIII and its impact on her future life
Her Coronation
Her family – sister Princess Margaret, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Her role as Head of State, Head of the Commonwealth and Head of the Church of England
How the Queen spent a typical day
Her interests – riding horses, horse breeding and horse racing, pigeon racing
Her patronage of Charities and organisations
Her 90th birthday celebrations
Her Sapphire Jubilee
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to the Queen's 21st birthday speech, the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations, photos of the Queen over the years, 2021 Christmas Day Speech and a documentary on the Queen's life.
Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself.
If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.
A slightly shorter, simple text version more appropriate for younger pupils is also available:
Queen Elizabeth II Simple Text Presentation
Check out this bundle of resources on Queen Elizabeth II containing three resources at a discounted rate:
Queen Elizabeth II Bundle
King Charles III Presentation
This resource contains a fully editable and informative 70-slide PowerPoint presentation on the life of Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. The PowerPoint outlines Fidel Castro's political beliefs, key events in his political career including the setting up of a socialist/communist regime and how, in death as in life, Castro has divided opinion. He was hated and loved in almost equal measure, praised by those who admired him and despised by those who objected to his regime. The PowerPoint also contains a hyperlink to a short BBC documentary on his life.
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This resource contains a set of thirteen fact sheets and comprehensions about the life and work of Queen Elizabeth II who sadly died on the 8th of September 2022 at the age of 96.
Queen Elizabeth II was the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of service. She became Queen on 6th February 1952 when she was just 25 years old. The Queen continued to carry out her Royal duties right up until her death and was a truly inspirational person.
The texts focus on:
The Queen's interests and hobbies
The Queen's education
The Queen's family
The Queen's residences
The Queen's tasks and duties
The Queen's Coronation
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide