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Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).




I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
Addressing Envelopes Worksheet - English Functional Skills Entry Level

Addressing Envelopes Worksheet - English Functional Skills Entry Level

This is a worksheet on how to address envelopes. You may also be interested in: Addressing Envelopes - PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets The resource contains: A fully editable 18-slide PowerPoint presentation that clearly explains and demonstrates how to address an envelope. A set of exercises to help students set out addresses correctly on envelope templates. This resource is ideal for younger students and SEN Entry Level 1 students. The ability to set out and write addresses is a skill needed for most English Entry Level Qualifications and accreditation. More Entry Level Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide**
Sort Objects

Sort Objects

This is a worksheet to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Year 1, Block 1 Small Steps - Sort Objects unit. You may also be interested in: White Rose, Year 1, Block 1 Sort Objects PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 12 Differentiated Worksheets This resource contains a PowerPoint lesson and a set of 12 worksheets to support the delivery of the White Rose Maths Scheme Year 1, Block 1 Small Step: Sort Object unit. The fully editable PowerPoint lesson visually demonstrates how to sort objects into different groups. Opportunities are given within the PowerPoint for pupils to identify the different ways objects can be sorted. The worksheets complement the PowerPoint. Each worksheet contains a pupil self-evaluation tick box, comments box and tick box for the level of support given. The worksheets are available in both PDF and word format to allow editing and personalistion. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Frequency Tables and Bar Charts - Maths Functional Skills

Frequency Tables and Bar Charts - Maths Functional Skills

This resource contains two worksheets on frequency tables and bar charts where pupils are required to complete missing data. You may also be interested in: Functional Skills Maths Level 1 - Bar Charts - 25 Page Workbook This resource has been designed for Entry Level 3 students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications at Level 1 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds, AQA, Highfield Qualifications, NOCN, Open Awards). It contains a 34-page workbook on the statistics component - bar charts. The resource will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: extract information from bar charts organise and represent data from frequency tables on bar charts The workbook includes 6 explanation pages, 16 worksheets, 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement. It is provided in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version. It can be used for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. Level 1 - Mean and Range - 32 Page Workbook Level 1 - Probability - 30 Page Workbook Level 1 - Mean and Range - 75 Slide PowerPoint Lesson Level 1 - Probability - 80 Slide PowerPoint Lesson The bundles below contain workbooks and PowerPoints that cover all outcomes at each level. Level 1 - Numbers and The Number System 10 Workbooks - 10 PowerPoints Level 1 - Measures, Shape, Space Bundle Entry 3 - 16 Workbooks - 16 PowerPoints Entry 2 - 13 Workbooks - 13 PowerPoints Entry 1 - 11 Workbooks - 11 PowerPoints Entry Level English Resources
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot- A Night to Remember

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot- A Night to Remember

This slideshow contains sample slides from a 45-slide PowerPoint on Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. See below for details Guy Fawkes and The Gun Powder Plot Presentation This resource contains a fully editable, 45-slide PowerPoint on Guy Fawkes and his role in the Gunpowder Plot and how this has resulted in bonfire night. The content includes references to Guy Fawkes’ religious background The intolerance of James I towards Roman Catholics The Plot The anonymous letter Guy Fawkes arrest, trial and execution The conspiracy theory The Act of Thanksgiving The PowerPoint ends with questions for discussion. In 2002 in a poll conducted by the BBC, Guy Fawkes was named the 30th Greatest Briton. What do you think about Guy Fawkes and his planned role in the gunpowder plot? Was he a hero or a terrorist? Do you think Guy Fawkes and the conspirators should have been sentenced to death and hung, drawn and quartered? What do you think about James I and his treatment towards, and intolerance of, Catholics? The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to two videos about Guy Fawkes and Gunpowder Plot. You may also be interested in: Bonfire Night 50 Question PowerPoint Quiz Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author
William Shakespeare Crossword

William Shakespeare Crossword

This is a William Shakespeare-themed crossword. It is ideal for World Book Day and William Shakespeare Week. You may also be interested in: William Shakespeare Puzzle Pack Shakespeare - Set of 44 Quote Posters These posters contain powerful images and a range of quotes -some poignant, some comedic, some tragic and some romantic - all illustrate Shakespeare’s mastery of words, his skillful use of language and poetic devices. This is an ideal resource to promote discussion or for display purposes or for use in an assembly. Wiliam Shakespeare - Simple Text Presentation This is a fully editable, 60-slide PowerPoint presentation with simple text, on the life and work of William Shakespeare. This resource is appropriate for primary and older SEN pupils. This resource includes references to his birthplace and parentage; his family; references to and excerpts from well-known plays – Hamlet, Macbeth, Midsummer Night’s Dream; The Globe Theatre, Shakespeare Memorial Theatre; the Puritans' banning of theatres and plays;, The Royal Shakespeare Company; Shakespeare's contribution to the English language; his use of literary techniques and poetic devices; his burial place; his former home New Place -his former home; list of his plays in chronological order. The presentation contains hyperlinks to engaging short clips (3 minutes) of Macbeth – film and opera versions. Wiliam Shakespeare Presentation This is a slightly longer, more detailed 75-slide presentation; more suitable for older pupils. More Wiliam Shakespeare Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Sentence Writing - High Frequency Word Writing Frame

Sentence Writing - High Frequency Word Writing Frame

This resource contains a sentence writing word frame containing some of the first 100 high-frequency words. The use of the frame will help young pupils and older SEN students to consolidate the learning of keywords and help them with sentence construction. You may also be interested in: Set of 10 High Frequency Word Writing Frames and Writing Sheets - Set 1 10 High Frequency Word Writing Frames and Writing Sheet - Set 2 These resources contain ten writing frames and a worksheet for use with the frames Writing sentences and reading them back helps pupils to embed and consolidate these words which they will then be able to use freely in their writing. They are ideal resources for young pupils and older pupils who have difficulty with writing and reading independently. It is particularly appropriate for SEN students who find reading and writing challenging. The support of the frame makes sentence writing accessible and gives pupils a feeling of confidence - that they can do it! Often the key to success in getting pupils to write is giving them self-confidence. I have used these frames successfully over many years to get older SEN pupils motivated to read and write independently. Save money and buy both sets at a discounted rate: High Frequency Word Writing Frames - Sets 1 and 2 (Twenty Frames) and Writing Sheet More Free English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Money: Year 2 Make the Same Amount of Money Using Part Whole Models - Free Worksheet

Money: Year 2 Make the Same Amount of Money Using Part Whole Models - Free Worksheet

This is is a worksheet on making the same amount of money in value with different combinations of coins using part whole models. (Year 2 Maths Autumn Term). You may also be interested in: Year 2 Money - Autumn - Block 3 - Week 1 - Workbook 1 - To Support Delivery of White Rose Small Steps Year 2 Money - Autumn - Block 3 - Week 1 - Set of 28 Worksheets - To Support Delivery of White Rose Small Steps These resources contain 28 worksheets (with answers and progress check) of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 2 Money Block 3 - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Week 1. The worksheets include concrete, pictorial, abstract tasks, reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The worksheets are available in both PDF and word format to enable editing. The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps: Year 2 Maths National Curriculum Objectives Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence § Combine amounts to make a particular value Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money. Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change. White Rose Small Steps Count money – pence Count money – pounds (notes and coins) Count money – notes and coins Select money Make the same amount More Free Maths Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
GCSE PE - Types of Bones / Joint Movement

GCSE PE - Types of Bones / Joint Movement

This resource contains two worksheets on the skeletal system - types of bone and types of joint movement. These are sample worksheets taken from a 14 page workbook / 14 worksheets resource for the Skeletal System component of AQA’s Applied Anatomy and Physiology specification. (AQA 9-1 GCSE PE September 2018 version 1.2). See below for details. AQA GCSE PE The Skeletal System 14 Page Workbook / 14 Worksheets You may also be interested in: AQA GCSE PE - The Skeletal System PowerPoint Presentation AQA GCSE PE The Skeletal System - PowerPoint Presentation and 14 Page Workbook / 14 Worksheets AQA GCSE PE The Skeletal System - End of Unit Test AQA GCSE PE - The Skeletal System Revision Mat GCSE PE Revision Quiz Save money and buy all the skeletal system resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: AQA GCSE PE Bundle This bundle contains everything you need to deliver the skeletal system component of the AQA GCSE specification - PowerPoint presentation, 14 page workbook / 14 worksheets, end of unit test with GCSE style questions, PowerPoint revision quiz, revision mat. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl

This resource contains a short presentation on Roald Dahl. You may also be interested in: Roald Dahl - 85 Slide Presentation This resource is an informative and fully editable, 85-slide PowerPoint presentation on the life and work of Roald Dahl. The presentation focuses on: His birthplace and parentage His education and schooling His career - RAF fighter pilot His family References and excerpts from his works including The BFG, Matilda, Fantastic Mr Fox, Boy: Dreams of Childhood, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Danny Champion of the World, The Gremlins, Going Solo His likes and dislikes, interests and hobbies His imaginative and fun use of language and wordplay Roald Dahl’s Children’s Gallery, Roald Dahl Plass, Roald Dahl Festival at Aylesbury Dahlicious Dress Up Day, Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity. The Powerpoint also contains hyperlinks to Roald Dahl’s writing hut, The BFG movie trailer, audio of Roald Dahl giving writing tips and about his writing, Roald Dahl being interviewed by Terry Wogan, Roald’s home at Gipsy Cottage, Great Missenden. A simple text, 81 slide version of the presentation, more appropriate for younger pupils is also available: Roald Dahl Simple Text Presentation More Roald Dahl Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
Year 2 Homophones Worksheet

Year 2 Homophones Worksheet

This resource contains two worksheets on Year 2 homophones / near homophones. You may also be interested in: Year 2 Homophones - Set of 15 Worksheets This resource contains a set of 15 differentiated worksheets on Year 2 homophones. Tasks include choosing the correct homophones and using homophones in sentences. Year 2 Homophones - 45 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This is a 45-slide PowerPoint lesson on the National Curriculum Year 2 homophone / near homophone and confusing words list and includes -there/ their/ they’re, here/ hear, see/ sea, bare/ bear, one/ won, sun / son, two / to / too, be/ bee, blue/ blew, night/ knight. The PowerPoint provides an explanation of the meaning of the homophones with examples and opportunities for pupils to decide which is the correct homophone. It is appropriate for year 2 pupils and older SEN students. Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate: Year 2 Homophones -45 Slide PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets These resources are appropriate for Year 2 pupils and older SEN / ESL students who have yet to master the basics in spelling and phonics. More English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

This resource contains a short presentation on Queen Elizabeth II who sadly died on the 8th of September 2022 at the age of 96. In 2022, Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of service. This presentation looks at the life of the Queen. You may also be interested in: Queen Elizabeth II - 120 Slide Presentation This resource contains a fully editable and informative 120-slide PowerPoint presentation on Queen Elizabeth II. The presentation focuses on: Her birthdate, birthplace and parentage Her palaces and homes – Buckingham Palace, Sandringham House, Windsor Castle, Balmoral Castle and Palace of Holyroodhouse The Royal Yacht Brittania The Queen’s early life, education, achievements and interests Her time in the ATS Her 21st birthday speech declaring the dedication of her life to the Commonwealth (hyperlink to speech) Her marriage to Prince Philip The abdication of King Edward VIII and its impact on her future life Her Coronation Her family – sister Princess Margaret, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Her role and duties as ‘Head of State’, ‘Head of the Commonwealth’ and ‘Head of the Church of England’ How the Queen spends a typical day Her interests – riding horses, horse breeding and horse racing, pigeon racing Her patronage of Charities and organisations Her Diamond Jubilee Her 90th birthday Her Sapphire and Platinum Jubilees. The resource also contains hyperlinks to the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations, her 90th birthday celebrations and a documentary on the Queen’s life. A simple text version, more suitable for younger / SEN / ESL pupils is also available: Queen Elizabeth II Simple Text Presentation Queen Elizabeth II Set of 11 Comprehensions Queen Elizabeth II Puzzle Pack – Crosswords, Word Searches, Anagrams and Cryptograms Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted price: Queen Elizabeth Bundle More Free Resources
Christmas Themed Coordinates in the First Quadrant Worksheet

Christmas Themed Coordinates in the First Quadrant Worksheet

This is a Christmas themed coordinates in the first quadrant. Pupils have to find what Christmas items are located at points in the first quadrant. You may also be interested in: Set of 5 Christmas Themed Co-Ordinates in the First Quadrant Worksheets This resource contains a set of 5 Christmas themed worksheets containing a variety of tasks and exercises on locating coordinates plotting coordinates Answers are included. This resource is appropriate for primary aged children and older, SEN students. Christmas Maths Battleships Game This resource is a Christmas themed battleships game to introduce and reinforce the teaching of coordinates in the first quadrant. There are 10 grids which can be used to play with a partner. These could be laminated and used time and time again. There is also a coordinates record sheet and a score sheet. Christmas Battleships PowerPoint Game This resource contains a Christmas themed battleships team game on an interactive PowerPoint. It is a fun way of reinforcing coordinates in the first quadrant. There are three different grids to provide hours of fun! It can be administered to a whole class. It includes team score sheet. It is a great resource for reinforcing coordinates in the first quadrant. Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Christmas Coordinates / Battleships Bundle More Christmas Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

This resource contains an information sheet and comprehension exercise on Queen Elizabeth II. You may also be interested in: Queen Elizabeth Set of 13 Texts and Comprehensions This resource contains a set of texts and comprehensions about the life and work of Queen Elizabeth 11. They focus on: The early life of the Queen The Queen’s interests and hobbies The Queen’s education. The Queen’s family. The Queen’s homes. The Queen’s tasks and duties The Queen’s Coronation The Queen’s 90th birthday The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II Simple Text Lesson Presentation Queen Elizabeth II Presentation Queen Elizabeth II Puzzle Pack – Crosswords, Word Searches, Anagrams and Cryptograms Save money and buy these resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Queen Elizabeth II Bundle More Free Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step by step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

This resource contains a slideshow with sample slides from a more detailed presentation on Armistice Day / Remembrance Day / Remembrance Sunday / Poppy Day. See details below Remembrance Day Presentation This is a fully editable, informative and poignant 80-slide lesson/assembly presentation. It could be used for an assembly or lesson on Remembrance Day. The presentation focuses on: What is Remembrance Day? World War 1 Armistice Day Remembrance Day The Poppy The British Legion How soldiers who gave their lives are remembered The resource contains extracts from a soldier’s diary, hyperlinks to a recitation of Robert Binyon’s poem For the Fallen, Rudyard Kipling’s My Boy Jack, World War 1 veteran, Edward Francis’ poem about his friend Spotty, a short interview with Harry Patch, Rupert Brooke’s poem The Soldier, John McCrae’s poem In Flanders Fields, interviews with veterans of the First World War, the song The Green Fields of France by John McDermott, a recitation of Moina Michael’s poem We Shall Keep the Faith. The last slide contains the Last Post. You may also be interested in: Remembrance Day Two Minute Silence Slideshow This is a 65 slide presentation designed to be used for the 2 minutes silence. It begins with the Last Post and ends with the Reveille and has been set to play automatically. The powerful and poignant images have been carefully selected and show scenes of World War 1 World War 2 Current soldiers in the Armed Forces War Graves War memorials This slide show will help pupils who find it difficult to focus during the two minutes silence to understand why we have Remembrance Day and what was like for both the soldiers on the front line and their families back home. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Capacity and Volume - Year 1

Capacity and Volume - Year 1

This resource contains two worksheets on volume and capacity for Year 1 pupils. You may also be interested in: Capacity and Volume 18 Page Workbook The workbook contains tasks (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps and include reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Capacity and Volume 85 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This is an 85-slide PowerPoint lesson on volume and capacity. The PowerPoint explains the difference between capacity and volume. It includes tasks (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps scheme with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and include reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Save money and buy both resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Capacity and Volume PowerPoint Lesson and Worksheets More Maths Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Easter: Word Search

Easter: Word Search

This resource contains an Easter-themed word search. You may also be interested in: Holy Week and Easter Puzzle Pack - Set of 14 Differentiated Word Seaches, Anagrams, Cryptograms and Crosswords The resource contains: - 4 differentiated word searches - 4 differentiated anagram worksheets - 3 differentiated crosswords - 3 differentiated cryptograms Holy Week and Easter Presentation This resource contains an informative and fully editable 39 slide PowerPoint on the Easter Story and the events of Holy Week. It includes: - Palm Sunday - Maundy Thursday and the ' The Last Supper' - Judas' Betrayal - Good Friday - The Crucifixion - The Resurrection - The appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and the disciples - Easter Sunday The PowerPoint also contains a hyperlink to a short animation (4 minutes) about the key events during the period of Lent and Holy Week. Save money and buy the presentation and puzzle pack together at a discounted rate: Holy Week and EasterPresentation and Puzzle Pack More Easter Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Christmas Quiz - Pub Style

Christmas Quiz - Pub Style

This is a paper-based, pub-style Christmas quiz. You may also be interested in: Pub Style Printable Christmas Quiz – 12 rounds – 120 Questions Printable, Paper-Based Quiz and Puzzles Christmas Quiz – 100 Questions – It’s a Cracker! Bumper End of Year Quiz – 100 Questions Primary Christmas Quiz – Fifty Questions More Christmas Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
TES Authors: HTML Codes

TES Authors: HTML Codes

A valuable resource for TES authors in how to use HTML codes to create bold, italics and underlining in resource and product descriptions. A guide on how to become a successful TES author is also available: How to Become a Successful TES Author Step by Step Guide This resource contains a detailed 26-page, step-by-step guide for authors. I first began to produce educational resources for TES in August 2015. When I look back at my early resources I cringe! I made so many mistakes…. Since then I have come a long way and learned so much. One of my resources made over 700 sales in the space of a few weeks and earned £2000 in royalties. In this 26 page, step-by-step guide I share my mistakes and my successes to help you avoid making the same mistakes and to become a successful author sooner than you would have done without this guide. I do not claim to have all the answers and ‘my way’ might not be other people’s way. However, whether you are a potential author, an author starting out or already an author; I am sure that this guide can help you in some way and will prove a worthwhile investment. The guide includes advice on: - Making resources - Maximising the selling potential of resources - Creating a cover page - Sourcing images - Copyrighting your resources - Pricing your resources - Product Descriptions - Adding links to other products and your shop in descriptions - Creating your TES shop - Branding - Increasing the visibility of your resources - Promoting your products through social media platforms - Promoting yourself - Dealing with reviews - General advice The resource also contains hyperlinks to some very useful sites and tools which will help you in making and promoting your products.
Easter Around The World

Easter Around The World

This is a short presentation on Easter customs and celebrations around the world containing sample slides from a set of three presentations on Easter and how it is celebrated around the world. See below for details. Easter Around the World Set 1 - Cyprus, Ethiopia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy Easter Around the World Set 2 - Brazil, Mexico, Sardinia, Spain, Sweden, USA Easter Around the World Set 3 - Australia, Bermuda, France, Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Easter Around the World Bundle - 18 Countries More Easter Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Book Day

Book Day

This is a short quiz about books. You may also be interested in: Book Day Research Quiz - 108 Questions This is a research paper-based quiz on a variety of literature and genres -books, poems and authors. It is an ideal resource for Book Day. Although pupils may be able to answer some of the questions, the quiz has been designed to encourage pupils to research the answers. It could be used in a variety of ways - in class, for competition purposes and/or for homework. It could be undertaken individually or as part of a group. By researching these questions pupils will be introduced to a wide range of literature and genres, both classic and contemporary. Hopefully, it will inspire and motivate pupils to read something they have not read before. Sample questions: What was the name of the landlord’s daughter in the Highwayman? Who wrote a biography of Roald Dahl called Fantastic Mr Dahl? What are the names of the three farmers in Fantastic Mr Fox? Which book, first published in 1605, has sold more than 300 million copies worldwide? In which book do you find the phrases ‘messing about in boats and ‘poop, poop’ feature? Who wrote the science fiction novel Brave New World? What is the name of the wizard who appears in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings? In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, what is the price on the Mad Hatter's hat? In Kubla Khan what was the name of the sacred river? What are the names of the two feuding families in Romeo and Juliet? For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide