I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
An activity based around -air for children. Included are cards with all the letters of the alphabet and the air phoneme where children can then practise seeing what words they can create when blending sounds together. Recommended to print two sets of the letter cards.
Two worksheets on adverbial clauses that get children to think more deeply about subordinating conjunctions and clauses rather than just identifying them or creating sentences using them. A good mastery tool for those children who are working comfortably within the Year 5 and 6 curriculum.
This lesson acts as an introduction/ recap of synonyms and antonyms as well as focussing on verbs. The activities will help children identify how changing verbs can create effective sentences. Included are all the resources needed for the lesson.
N.B The lesson resources are titled lesson 2 as it is the secondlesson from a bigger sequence of learning.
A set of differentiated worksheets that require children to pick out examples of different clauses, including being able to identify the subject and predicate in a main clause and then being able to identify fronted adverbials, non-finite clauses, relative clauses and adverbial clauses.
A lesson/ two lessons based on discussions on being able to write character descriptions. The lesson is based on the mini story of Geri's game that is shown on Literacy Shed with the key element of the lesson focussing on being able to describe one character as if there are two people there.
Included in the presentation is work on adjectives, the link for the clip, questions for children to answer (and answers my children came up with) and a small example of being able to write a description of one character as if he is two different people.
An activity based around -er for children. Included are cards with all the letters of the alphabet and the er phoneme where children can then practise seeing what words they can create when blending sounds together. Recommended to print two sets of the letter cards.
Eighteen reading comprehension activities linked to the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Each chapter has a separate comprehension activity that includes 20 questions working on different skills as well as also having the answers included separately.
519 different questions for The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.
Five fully planned and resourced lessons that focus on key aspects of grammar through nouns, verbs and adjectives as well as being able to find antonyms and synonyms, providing a weeks worth of lessons.
The first lesson out of three that focuses on nouns. These have been written with 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable.
This lesson acts as an introduction/ recap of nouns with the focus then being on common and proper nouns. Included are all the resources needed for the lesson including the plan, slides and differentiated resources.
The second lesson out of three that focuses on nouns. These have been written with 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable.
This lesson acts as an introduction/ recap of nouns with a recap of common and proper nouns before introducing abstract nouns to children. Included are all the resources needed for the lesson including the plan, slides and differentiated resources.
The third lesson out of three that focuses on nouns. These have been written with 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable.
This lesson acts as an introduction/ recap of nouns with a recap of common, proper and abstract nouns from previous lessons. The focus then shifts to pronouns before children complete activities. Included are all the resources needed for the lesson including the plan, slides and differentiated resources.
The first of two lessons that focuses on synonyms and antonyms. These have been written with 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable.
This lesson acts as an introduction/ recap of synonyms and antonyms as well as focussing on verbs. The activities will help children identify how changing verbs can create effective sentences. Included are all the resources needed for the lesson including the plan, slides and differentiated resources.
The second of two lessons that focuses on synonyms and antonyms. These have been written with 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable.
This lesson acts as an introduction/ recap of synonyms and antonyms as well as focussing on adjectives. The activities will help children identify how changing adjectives can create effective sentences. Included are all the resources needed for the lesson including the plan, slides and differentiated resources.
A blending activity for Phase 2 that requires children to use different letters to try and make words. Also included are word cards with examples of what they can make.
Three different examples of information texts written about plants.
These can be used for a number of purposes, including showing examples of how information texts can be organised differently and how they can include different information, used for learning about plants and flowers or used as part of general reading lessons.
Two reading comprehension activities linked to chapters the first two chapters of The Boy at the Back of the Class. Both chapters have a comprehension activity that includes 20 questions that work on different skills as well as also having the answers included separately.
A template that is fully-hyperlinked and ready to use as a tool for assessing children's knowledge about any topic you are doing in a fun way. Simply insert the questions and answers where you wish, with it being highlighted which answer hyperlinks to the correct place.
A reading comprehension resource that focuses on parts of a flower, providing information about the different parts of a flower and the role they play as well as activities linked to this to check understanding.
The fact file includes a brief introduction before focusing on the different parts of the flower and the role they have. This includes petals, sepal, parts of the stamen and parts of the pistil.
The resource includes:
A fact file about parts of a flower mentioned above (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes)
3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these
A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
A fully resourced weeks worth of lessons focusing on clauses and conjunctions. A useful resource at the start of the year to develop writing skills but can easily be used as a recap tool during the year, or for lessons to be used separately at different points.
Included is a full set of lesson PowerPoints which walk through lessons with notes where appropriate, starter activities and activities linked to the learning. Answers are provided for all activities. There are also support sheets where necessary to support pupils, as well as pink and green bubbles to provide scaffold and challenge. All resources are uploaded in PPT format so that they can be easily adapted.
The lesson sequence is as follows:
Lesson 1 - Main clauses
Lesson 2 - Coordinating conjunctions
Lesson 3 - Subordinating conjunctions
Lesson 4 - Subordinate clauses
Lesson 5 - Clauses - a review of the week and the opportunity to practise writing different clause structures.
Included are resources to support developing understanding of the Eiffel Tower as well as then having the opportunity to complete comprehension activities linked to the text.
This resource includes:
A fact file about the Eiffel Tower
3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these
A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Included are resources to support developing understanding of the Notre-Dame cathedral as well as then having the opportunity to complete comprehension activities linked to the text.
This resource includes:
A fact file about Notre-Dame
3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these
A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
A bundle of comprehension resources that link to France, Paris and famous landmarks in Paris. Each topic provides the opportunity to learn new information as well as providing the chance to check reading comprehension and understanding of the topic. There are 3 differentiated comprehension tasks per unit as well as vocabulary task, providing 20 activities overall.
Each topic includes:
A fact file for the topic
3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these
A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.