I am an English teacher who designs resources for KS3, 4 and 5 students with particular focus on AQA GCSE and A-level courses (both literature and language). My resources range from revision booklets to full schemes of learning, and I pride myself on high-quality resources which are engaging and accessible to a range of learners.
I am an English teacher who designs resources for KS3, 4 and 5 students with particular focus on AQA GCSE and A-level courses (both literature and language). My resources range from revision booklets to full schemes of learning, and I pride myself on high-quality resources which are engaging and accessible to a range of learners.
This quiz contains 60 questions, and is ideal for revising students’ knowledge ofthe Edexcel Relationships Poetry Anthology. It is designed to cover key aspects of the poems in a way that is fun and engaging and includes questions relating to all 15 poems in the cluster. It is packed with key quotations and the slideshow is complete with onscreen timers.
The quiz contains 4 rounds:
1- Poems and Poets (matching poets to poems)
2- Missing Words (key quotations)
3- First or last line (key quotations)
4- Time Tunnel (linked to historical context)
This plug-and-play file includes everything you need for this quiz:
a fully resourced slideshow of questions with onscreen timers
a student answer sheet (PDF version and editable Publisher version)
I hope you find this resource useful :)
This resource is designed to enable students to analyse key quotations and memorise them for the closed book exam (AQA Lit Paper 1). This booklet contains lots of key quotations from the Keats Poetry cluster and covers all four poems (Lamia, Eve of St Agnes, La Belle Dame Sans Merci and Isabella). Each card is double sided: the front side contains the quotations, some sign-posted key themes/analysis ideas and ample space for students annotate and the back side encourages students to consider the significance of this particular quotation to the text as a whole (a key requirement of this paper).
This resource also contains 2 slideshow for teachers to use to revise knowledge of the key quotations. The first has every quotation as it appears in the flashcards and the second is a revision quiz with words missing from the quotations to allow students to practise their retention of key vocabulary for the closed book exam.
Included in this file: ready-to-print PDF version of the flashcards booklet and editable Publisher version, and Powerpoint slideshows for the teacher-version and revision quiz.
This resource is designed to enable students to analyse key quotations and memorise them for the closed book exam (AQA Lit Paper 1). This booklet contains lots of key quotations from Death of a Salesman and covers the main characters in the play (Willy, Charlie, Ben, Linda). Each card is double sided: the front side contains the quotations, some sign-posted key themes/analysis ideas and ample space for students annotate and the back side encourages students to consider the significance of this particular quotation to the text as a whole (a key requirement of this paper).
This resource also contains 2 slideshows for teachers to use to revise knowledge of the key quotations. The first is a teacher version of the quotes flashcards and the second is a revision quiz with words missing from the quotations/symbols to allow students to practise their retention of key vocabulary for the closed book exam.
Included in this file: ready-to-print PDF version of the flashcards booklet and editable Publisher version, and Powerpoint slideshows for the teacher-version and revision quiz.
A mini scheme of learning designed to help KS3/4 students to practise their creative writing skills (ideal preparation/revision for GCSE Language Paper writing questions). The learning enables students to identify and use a range of language features to create complex, layered descriptions.
The scheme should last 1-2 weeks and ends with an assessment point (based around London during The Blitz). All required resources are included.
This quiz contains 60 questions, and is ideal for revising students’ knowledge ofthe AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology and is appropriate for KS3, 4 and 5. It is designed to cover key aspects of the poems in a way that is fun and engaging and includes questions relating to all 15 poems in the cluster. It is packed with key quotations and the slideshow is complete with onscreen timers.
The quiz contains 4 rounds:
1- Poems and Poets (matching poets to poems)
2- Missing Words (key quotations)
3- First or last line (key quotations)
4- Time Tunnel (linked to historical context)
This file includes everything you need for this quiz:
a fully resourced slideshow of questions with onscreen timers
a student answer sheet (PDF version and editable Publisher version)
I hope you find this resource useful :)
This Literacy Quiz is designed as a fun way for teachers to audit/revise key literacy and language techniques with KS3 students. The file contains a slideshow of questions and answers and a grid sheet for students to fill in (which is designed to then be used by teachers to audit their skills, if required).
Rounds: (1-3 are literacy audit)
Spellings x 12 (of key linguistic/language terms)
Punctuation (punctuating sentences using . ?! and ,)
Language techniques (word classes and literary techniques)
Books/author quiz (just for fun!)
Also included in this file is a STUDENT DIRT feedback sheet where students fill in and reflect on their answers for each round on a grid sheet that can then be read by teachers to audit their attainment and level of complexity in each skill area (teacher notes + example included). Files are contained are both in a ready-to-use PDF format and an editable Powerpoint/Publisher document. Please note than some of the animations and GIFs may not work in the PDF version.
This mini scheme of learning is designed to enable students to begin analysing poetry, and also to practise basic literacy skills. It was originally designed for mid-ability year 7 students, however could be easily adapted to suit older/younger classes. The SOL uses famous nonsense poetry to explore language features, rhyme/rhyme schemes, word classes, sentence types, with opportunities for students to practise their comprehension and writing skills.
The scheme will last about 5-6 lessons and is ideal for the first few English lessons of the year, or for groups during their allocated literacy/reading lessons.
Texts covered:
How Doth the Little Crocodile/Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat/The Jabberwocky from Alice in Wonderland
The Cat in the Hat
Nursery Rhymes
This 18 page revision covers material required for the new spec. AQA English Literature and Language AS course. It begins by focusing on the Assessment Objectives, with tasks to revise key skills, and the second half focuses on the Paris Anthology questions (comparative/re-creative).
**IMPORTANT:the cheaper price of this booklet reflects the fact that it does not have sections relating to any of the text options and only deals with compulsory components for all students (e.g. Paris / AOs)**
There are also versions available for:
The Handmaid's Tale / Carol Ann Duffy Poetry / Paris Anthology
The Lovely Bones / Carol Ann Duffy Poetry / Paris Anthology
This quiz contains 47 questions, and is ideal for revising students’ knowledge of A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens) and is appropriate for KS3, 4 and 5. It is designed to cover key aspects of the text in a way that is fun and engaging. It is packed with key quotations and the slideshow is complete with onscreen timers.
The quiz contains 4 rounds:
1-Story Puzzle (key events from the text)
2- TRUE or FALSE (focused on Stave 1)
3- Name that ghost (key quotations from the ghosts)
4- Who said what? (key quotations from other characters)
This file includes everything you need for this quiz:
a fully resourced slideshow of questions with onscreen timers
a student answer sheet (PDF version and editable Publisher version)
I hope you find this resource useful :)
This file includes everything you’ll need for the ultimate END OF YEAR QUIZ; it contains a slideshow of questions and answers, an answer sheet (for students) and sheets for the bonus round. The quiz was originally designed for KS3 and 4 pupils, but could easily be used/adapted for younger and older students. It has a mix of literacy/literature based rounds and some just for fun!
Sort the word classes
Name that author
Shakespeare or Stormzy?
Youngest to Oldest (useful for revising historical context)
Correct that Tweet
BONUS ROUND: World Cup teams
Both ready-to-use PDFs and editable Publisher files are included in this document (please note the GIF animations and slide transisitions will not work in PDF slideshow).
This bundle of twenty questions are designed for use with students on the AQA A-Level English Literature B course, in particular Paper 2A (Elements of Crime Writing) - SECTION B: Atonement. The questions are formatted in the style of an AQA question (see image) and are written in ‘AQA language’, focusing on a wide variety of topics based on study of specimen papers/revision guides.
This resource can be used in conjunction with the EXAM PAPER TEMPLATE (sold separately) which is included and questions can be copy and pasted into the relevant sections to generate exam papers. In this sense, it can be combined with other bundles (Section A and C) to generate full exam papers for mock papers/internal examinations.
Included with this file: ready-to-print PDF versions of exam questions and feedback/reflection grid and editable versions of both of these along with the template for indicative content.
** Please note these exam questions are not provided with indicative content however a complimentary Indicative Content template (with content for the first 2 questions provided) and a teacher feedback/student self-evaluation sheet is included to enable you to individualise and differentiate the marking process according to the needs of learners.**
This booklet consists of 10 ‘5-A-DAY’ worksheets designed to encourage your GCSE students to revise their knowledge of Blood Brothers.
Each worksheet encourages students to RECALL important characters and events, REMEMBER key quotations, REDRAFT an example sentence to practise their SPAG skills, REVISE how to plan for an essay question and REACT to a critical statement using their knowledge of the text to justify their opinions.
These sheets can be completed in 10-15 minutes and make a great starter activity or homework task. The booklet also comes with an answer page for every worksheet making them also ideal for cover lessons (by encouraging students to write their response to the example essay question they planned in the REVISE section of the worksheet).
This pack contains three quizzes aimed at AS/A-Level Students. It was designed originally to teach on the AQA English Literature and Language A-Level course, however the material is very skills-based so it would appropriate for a range of courses/exam boards.
Each quiz is a self-contained lesson that can be delivered to help students revise key linguistic/literary terminology and key concepts/theories in a fun way.
This 20 page revision booklet is designed for A-Level students studying the AQA English Literature B Paper 2 (Elements of Crime Writing), in particular the Browning, Crabbe and Wilde cluster and Atonement. It focuses on each of the three sections independently and contains an explanatory page for each which walks students through how to approach the response, a selection of practice questions and a breakdown of the mark-scheme in student friendly language. In total there are over 30 practice questions, written in AQA-style language that would be appropriate for mock exams as well as revision/practice tasks. There is also a ‘Critical Theory’ section which encourages students to engage with wider perceptions of crime (from a variety of critical and theoretical sources) in order provide a range of interpretations (AO5), discuss the genre as a whole (AO4) and place texts into their wider context (AO3).
Included in this file is a PDF copy of the booklet (fully assembled and ready to print), an editable Publisher version and PDF copies of the extracts for Section A Practice Questions and Critical Theory section. In this way, teachers can either issue booklets right away or adapt it to suit the needs of their course.
This bundle of twenty questions are designed for use with students on the AQA A-Level English Literature B course, in particular Paper 2A (Elements of Crime Writing) - SECTION C: comparison of 2 texts. The questions are formatted in the style of an AQA question (see image) and are written in ‘AQA language’, focusing on a wide variety of topics based on study of specimen papers/revision guides. AQA does not make specific reference to individual texts in this question and thus this bundle can be used regardless of set text choices.
This resource can be used in conjunction with the EXAM PAPER TEMPLATE (sold separately) which is included and questions can be copy and pasted into the relevant sections to generate exam papers. In this sense, it can be combined with other bundles (Section A and B) to generate full exam papers for mock papers/internal examinations.
Included with this file: ready-to-print PDF versions of exam questions and feedback/reflection grid and editable versions of both of these along with the template for indicative content.
** Please note these exam questions are not provided with indicative content since they are designed to be adaptable to all set text choices however a complimentary Indicative Content template and a teacher feedback/student self-evaluation sheet is included to enable you to individualise and differentiate the marking process according to the needs of learners.**
This resource contains a blank exam paper template for the AQA English Literature B A-Level Paper 2 (Elements of Crime Writing), formatted in the style of AQA A-Level papers and written in ‘AQA language’, and five practice questions for Section A (Unseen Extract) using a range of extracts from crime writing (that can then be used as AO4 examples in the exam). These resources are ideal for mock or internal examinations and also for use as practice papers for revision.
This resource is designed to be used in conjunction with the Question Bundles for Section B and C (sold separately) and questions can be copied and pasted into the relevant sections to generate exam papers.
Unseen Extracts covered:
The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Gailbraith
The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
The Last Bus to Woodstock by Colin Dexter
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
Included with this file: ready-to-print PDF versions of 5 section A questions and feedback/reflection grid, and editable versions of both of these along with the template for indicative content and exam paper template (both Word documents).
** Please note these exam questions are not provided with indicative content however a complimentary Indicative Content template (with content for the first 2 questions provided) and a teacher feedback/student self-evaluation sheet is included to enable you to individualise and differentiate the marking process according to the needs of learners.**
This booklet consists of 10 ‘5-A-DAY’ worksheets designed to encourage your GCSE students to revise their knowledge of A Christmas Carol
Each worksheet encourages students to RECALL important characters and events, REMEMBER key quotations, REDRAFT an example sentence to practise their SPAG skills, REVISE how to plan for an essay question and REACT to a critical statement using their knowledge of the text to justify their opinions.
These sheets can be completed in 10-15 minutes and make a great starter activity or homework task. The booklet also comes with an answer page for every worksheet making them also ideal for cover lessons (by encouraging students to write their response to the example essay question they planned in the REVISE section of the worksheet).
This bundle contains 24 crosswords designed to help students revise key quotations from Macbeth and An Inspector Calls. They will needs to recall specific words and phrases from these quotations in order to solve the puzzle which will help to improve their retention accuracy.
Each bundle is focused around each of the key characters and some key themes.
Files contain both a ready-to-print PDF versions and editable Publisher versions.
This 36 page revision covers all of the material required for the new spec. AQA English Literature and Language AS course. The first half covers each of the AOs separately with tasks for students to complete throughout, and the second half focuses on each of the questions across both exam papers with tasks to revise knowledge of key texts. There is also a list of practice questions and mark schemes attached.
**IMPORTANT: this booklet is designed for students that have studied The Lovely Bones / Carol Ann Duffy Poetry / Paris Anthology).**
There are also versions available for:
The Handmaid's Tale / Carol Ann Duffy Poetry / Paris Anthology
AO Skills / Paris Anthology (no set texts included - this is reflected in the price)
This 36 page revision covers all of the material required for the new spec. AQA English Literature and Language AS course. The first half covers each of the AOs separately with tasks for students to complete throughout, and the second half focuses on each of the questions across both exam papers with tasks to revise knowledge of key texts. There is also a list of practice questions and mark schemes attached.
**IMPORTANT: this booklet is designed for students that have studied The Handmaid's Tale / Carol Ann Duffy Poetry / Paris Anthology.**
There are also versions available for:
The Lovely Bones / Carol Ann Duffy Poetry / Paris Anthology
AO Skills / Paris Anthology (no set texts included - this is reflected in the price)