Planning and resources for primary teachers from Our history topics include Stone Age to Iron Age, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Victorians, Shang Dynasty etc and the list is expanding each month, with literacy units to link to the topics too.
Our popular resources have been tried and tested in hundreds of classrooms.
Planning and resources for primary teachers from Our history topics include Stone Age to Iron Age, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Victorians, Shang Dynasty etc and the list is expanding each month, with literacy units to link to the topics too.
Our popular resources have been tried and tested in hundreds of classrooms.
Three fun new year resources for primary classrooms! Start 2018 off in style with these fun activities that help pupils to think about the year ahead.
1. Recipe for a Happy New Year - a fun activity lesson where pupils reflect on what will make a successful year and creative a recipe to display.
2. Our Class Poem - a teamwork activity to bring your class together at the start of the year. They will create and perform a class poem.
3. Time Capsule - pupils create an ‘All About Me’ time capsule envelope to seal up and open again at the end of the year!
Please follow the download instructions at the bottom of the page to make sure you get all of the files included in this resource. Problems downloading? Click here for download help.
Please follow the steps below to access your files:
1. Return to this page and click on each resource to go to the product listing.
2. Scroll to the files included within the resource listed under the header ‘Files Included’/‘All Files’. You may need to click on the ‘See all Resources’ to view them all.
3. Use the download arrow icons found to the left of each of the file names for each separate file.
Very popular! This is a great one-off literacy activity and a wonderful teamwork project to help your class work together to make a class poem. You could use this as a great way to start a new year, as pupils come together in unity to create a new class poem using the letters in the name of their class.
The pack contains a Powerpoint lesson, teacher instructions and pupil resources - everything you need for this fun poetry lesson, including warm up/getting to know you games and a fun teamwork project based on making and performing a class poem.
The activity allows pupils to work together to make a class poem that spells out the name of their new class. The session is based around Edward Lear’s ‘Alphabet Poem’ and the activities include suggestions for adapting the lesson for KS1 or KS2.
This resource is structured in the following way:
1. Fun warm up activities and games including name games, a classroom hunt activity, a paper-chain race and ‘Find Someone Who’ bingo.
2. A poetry time activity following the lesson Powerpoint to help the class to become familiar with Edward Lear’s ‘Alphabet Poem’. There are different options to adapt this for different age groups.
3. A group activity in which pupils create their own stanzas for the alphabet poem, using the letters that spell out your class name or their new teacher’s name.
4. A whole class performance of the new poem.
Check out our other popular resource packs:
All About Me Time Capsule
Recipe for a Great School Year!
Autumn Poetry Pack KS1
All About Me Fidget Spinner Pack
Stone Age Boy Pack
Please follow the steps below to access your files:
1. Return to this page.
2.Further down the page you’ll see the files included within the Resource listed under the header ‘Files Included’. You may need to click on the ‘See all Resources’ to view them all.
3. Use the download arrow icons found to the left of each of the file names for each separate file.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Recipe for a Happy New Year: New Year 2018 Activity
Updated especially for New Year 2018! Recipe for a Happy New Year (including full lesson Powerpoint and all templates) - a fun new year project and display for your classroom!
Please follow the instructions at the bottom of this description to download all of your files.
Here is a fun activity to help your pupils think about what will make this new year successful!
Pupils will create a recipe for a happy new year (the writing activity is included in the Powerpoint lesson provided) and then they can use the templates to turn it into a fabulous baker craft, perfect for display!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including discussion points and a differentiated writing activity.
- A teacher instruction pack
- A template pack for making the back to school chef craft
This is an easy, fun activity perfect for the primary classrooms!
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Please follow the steps below to access your files:
1. Return to this page.
2.Further down the page you’ll see the files included within the Resource listed under the header ‘Files Included’. You may need to click on the ‘See all Resources’ to view them all.
3. Use the individual download arrow icons found to the left of each of the file names for each separate file.
A bundle of seasonal resources for primary classrooms to take you through November and December!
- Christmas Literacy Activity (Riddles Lesson)
- Anti-Bullying Activity
- 3d Bonfire Poems
- Autumn Performance Poetry
- Christmas Performance Poetry
- Christmas Tree Kenning Poems
Perfect for Anti-Bullying Week 2018! This Anti-Bullying iPhone Booklet makes a fun activity that helps pupils to think about some of the key issues about bullying and this year’s theme ‘Choose Respect’. All templates and Powerpoint slides required are included.
Pupils will create an iPhone-shaped booklet in which they write or draw to answer text messages about different issues relating to bullying.
The Powerpoint provided guides you though different discussion points and offers 3 different challenge levels for each question, allowing you to easily adapt this resource for your year group. Then pupils can use the templates provided to create their own antibullying booklets, making an excellent classroom display or handheld project to take home!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including differentiated discussion points
- A resource pack including teacher instructions and templates for the activity.
This is a fun and through-provoking activity easily adapted across KS1 and KS2.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Get poetry flowing in every season with our bundle of popular resources of poetry to see you through the year! Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter plus some seasonal extras are all covered in one handy bundle usually worth nearly £30!
Included in this pack:
- Spring Poetry
- Easter Poems
- Summer Poetry
- Seaside Poetry
- Summer Sports
-Autumn Poetry
-Bonfire Poems
-Christmas Poetry
-New Year Poetry
FREE back to school bingo game!
Help your new class get to know each other with this fun game.
Give each child a Find Someone Who Board (choose the KS1 or KS2 version). Children then go around the room and find somebody who can sign their name in each box on the board. The aim is to fill up their whole board as well as to get to know their classmates better!
This free resource is part of our popular
New Class Poetry Activity.
Back to School - a fun activity for primary classrooms. This Recipe for a Great School Year activity pack (including full lesson Powerpoint and all templates) makes a fun welcome project for a new class and creates a classroom display to put up for the new school year. Updated for Back to School 2019.
A super first week back/getting to know you activity!
The aim of this fun activity is to help your new class think about what will make the next school year a successful one.
Pupils will create a recipe for a great school year (the writing activity is included in the Powerpoint lesson provided) and then they can use the templates to turn it into a fabulous transition craft, perfect for display!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including discussion points and a differentiated writing activity.
- A teacher instruction pack
- A template pack for making the chef craft
This is an easy-to-follow, fun activity perfect for primary classrooms and can be easily adapted for different age groups.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Get 50% off this resource if you buy today by using code INNOVATE at checkout!
End of School Year Activities.
A bundle of three of our popular end of term activities!
1. End of term iPhone activity booklet.
2. Fidget Spinner All About Me activities (end of term/transition).
3. All About Me time capsules - fill these in at the end of term and pass on to the next teacher to be opened in a year's time!
3 great activities to have up your sleeve for the end of term!
BONUS FREEBIE: Recipe for a Great School Year!
Looking for activities for the first week back with your new class? Updated for 2019.
Download this bundle of popular back to school activities for primary teachers getting to know their new classes!
New Class Activity Pack - pupils bond by working together to make a class poem
Time Capsule - pupils make an ‘All About Me’ time capsule to be sealed and opened again at the end of the school year
Recipe for a Great School Year - these recipes make a perfect classroom display.
The resources contain ideas for adapting the activities to suit older or younger classes in Ks1 or Ks2. Great for getting to know your new class in a fun and hands-on way.
Two of our popular All About Me Activities for primary pupils:
1. Fidget Spinner Theme All About Me Pack
2. All About Me Time Capsules.
You might like our other transition resources:
Transition Day Pack
All About Me Fidget Spinner Pack
End of Term Iphone Activity Booklet
New for 2017! Download this printable Iphone-themed pupil booklet to use as a fun end-of-year activity.
Pages include:
A selfie
4 x text messages for end-of-term reflections
My profile
Contact List (my friends)
Playlist (favourite songs)
This activity booklet can be used with a range of different year groups. Great for the end of term as pupils think back over memories from their last year and think about hopes for their next class.
Download these popular ‘All About Me’ activities with a fidget spinner theme! Great for back to school or getting to know you transition activities!
The pack contains activities that can be used in the following ways:
1. An All About Me sheet for pupils to fill in the sections of the fidget spinners with pictures or words about their favourite foods, people, school activities etc.
2. A blank version of the above activity for teachers pupils to choose their own categories.
3. A game using real fidget spinners (if they have not been banned!) where pupils have until the spinner stops to talk about each category.
4. A multiple-choice quiz for pupils to make real and false answers about themselves using the fidget spinner templates.
5. A design-your-own fidget spinner activity.
Check out our other popular resources:
All About Me Time Capsule
Summer Performance Poetry
[Transition Day Activity Pack
]( of Term Iphone Activity Booklet
Back to School activity; Make a time capsule to seal and open at the end of the school year. A first week back essential!
This is an ideal project for getting to know your new class.
Make an ‘All About Me’ time capsule envelope to seal up and save and then watch the delight on pupils’ faces as they open them up again at the end of the school year!
In this All About Me activity, pupils fill in two fun activity sheets about themselves. They seal their All About Me sheets in an envelope and decorate a time capsule label for the front. Be as creative as you like with the envelope decoration - glitter, stickers, pens or paints!
Then the teacher saves the All About Me time capsule envelopes and returns them at the end of the year to be opened. Children just love opening these and seeing how they have changed over the course of the year!
You might like our other resources:
Class Poem Pack
Recipe for a Great School Year!
All About Me Fidget Spinner Pack
PRIMARY back to school activities for meeting a new class.
This is a great one-off literacy activity and a wonderful teamwork project to help your new class work together to make a class poem. In this getting to know you activity pupils work together to create a new class poem using the letters in the name of their class.
The pack contains a Powerpoint lesson, teacher instructions and pupil resources - everything you need for this fun poetry lesson, including icebreaker games and a mini class performance at the end.
The activity allows pupils to bond as they make a class poem that spells out the name of their new class. The session is based around Edward Lear’s ‘Alphabet Poem’ and the activities include suggestions for adapting the lesson for different ages and abilities across KS1 or KS2.
This resource is structured in the following way:
Fun teamwork activities and games including name games, a classroom hunt activity, a paper-chain race and ‘Find Someone Who’ bingo.
A poetry time activity following the lesson Powerpoint to help the class to become familiar with Edward Lear’s ‘Alphabet Poem’. There are different options to adapt this for different age groups.
A group activity in which pupils create their own stanzas for the alphabet poem, using the letters that spell out your class name or their new teacher���s name.
A whole class performance of the new poem.
Ideal for the first week back!
Check out our other popular resource packs:
All About Me Time Capsule
Recipe for a Greatr School Year!
Autumn Poetry Pack KS1
All About Me Fidget Spinner Pack
Stone Age Boy Pack
The resource contains 2 PDF files and 1 PPT. Please note that due to terms of use in the images, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Download our most popular and well-loved planning packs from primary school, all in one brilliant mega bundle!
This is an excellent investment for primary teachers, subject co-ordinators and school leaders. All of our lessons are planned by outstanding teachers.