Hinduism - 51 Key-Terms - each slide contains:
(i) Key-Term
(ii) Definition
(iii) A picture.
This makes introducing and revising Key-Terms easier and more enjoyable.
Introduction to Sikhism (55 Key-Terms with their definition and a picture to make learning and revising easier - 55 slides.
Each slide contains:
i. Key-Term
ii. Definition
iii. picture
This Unit of Work contains (350 slides in total):
- 55 key-terms (on individual slides) with their definition and picture.
- Introduction to Sikhism.
- Guru Nanak.
- Sikh Gurus.
- The Khalsa.
- The early days of Sikhism.
- The Guru Granth Sahib.
- The five Ks.
- The gurdwara.
- Worship in the gurdwara.
- The Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple).
- The Five special gurdwaras.
Special Occasions
- Birth & childhood.
- Marriage.
- Death.
- Baisakhi.
- Melas.
- Gurpurbs.
- Being a Sikh.
- Also includes: Video links, questions to revise each section & research exercises.
This Unit of Work contains (421 slides in total):
- 47 key-terms (on individual slides) with their definition and a picture.
- Introducing Buddhism.
- The life of the Buddha.
- The early days of Buddhism.
- The two main groups of Buddhists.
- Mahayana Buddhist groups.
- What the Buddha taught.
- Buddhist holy books.
- What the holy books say.
- Symbols in Buddhism.
- How Buddhists worship.
- Buddhist monks and nuns.
- Pilgrimage.
- Wesak and Hana Matsuri
- Kathina and Songkran.
- Poson and Esala Perahera.
- Examples of some Mahayana Buddhist festivals.
- Special occasions - young people.
- Special occasions - marriage and death.
- Ways to be a Buddhist.
- Famous celebrity Buddhists at the end of each section.
- Questions to revise each section accompanied with research exercises and video clips.
This Unit of Work contains (494 slides in total):
46 key-terms (on individual slides) with their definition and a picture.
Introducing Christianity.
The Roman Catholic Church.
The Orthodox Church.
The Protestant Church.
Church buildings - outside.
Church buildings -inside.
Christmas worship.
The Eucharist.
The Bible.
The birth of Jesus.
Jesus dies and rises again.
Stories Jesus told.
Miracles Jesus worked.
How Christianity grew.
The saints.
Christianity today.
Other celebrations.
Special occasions (1).
Special occasions (2).
Questions to revise each section accompanied with research exercises and video clips.
63 slides to introduce you to all the relevant key-terms with their definitions and a picture to make learning them easier.
Each section has extra activities to make learning fun, challenging and extremely rewarding.
What is Islam?
The life of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Prophet teaches Allah’s message.
The Sacred Texts.
Holy Places.
Festivals and family times.
Islam in the world today.
Key-term test.
Famous Muslims.
These 112 slides contain a variety of exercises, links and pictures to aid you tackle ‘Racism’ in school.
These slides help you understand how to deal with racism in school.
These exercises help you to identify if you or your peers are suffering racist abuse and be able to stop it.
To understand what Diwali is and how it is celebrated by Hindus.
So that you can confidently answer the 67 questions at the end.
11 key-terms with their definition and picture.
Exercises throughout the PowerPoint to make learning this fescinating subject enjoyable and challenging.
Recommended link- clips to revise sections.
This presentation is is in the following order. . .
Diwali, the festival of lights for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains.
Rama and Siva.
Welcome, goddess.
Why there are patterns by the door during Diwali.
Diwali is a time to pray to Lakshmi.
Lights in the sky.
Diwali is a time for sharing.
Happy New Year.
The Sikh Diwali.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this presentation!
To aid - AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity 'Caring for the environment' pages 28 & 29.
i. Know of Jesus’ commandments too love God and your neighbour.
ii. Understand how caring for the environment is a response to these commandments.
iii. Understand the importance of protecting the environment.
This 20 slide PowerPoint will aid Chapter 1, Section 2.
The objectives are:
i.Know at least one other work of art that shows a Christian understanding of creation.
ii. Understand what message this piece of art is trying to convey, Understand what message this.
iii. Assess and evaluate the meaning and significance of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam compared with this piece of art.
AQA Religious Studies B, to aid (1.5) Catholic Christianity, Chapter 1, Section 1.5, pages 18 & 19.
i. Know the meaning of the terms stewardship, dignity and sanctity of life.
ii. Understand the importance of these concepts for a Catholic appreciation of human life.
AQA Religious Studies B (Chap 1 - 1.8) 'Interpreting the Genesis creation story pages 24-25. There are 19 slide aid section 1.8.
Understand different Christian opinions about how important Genesis 1 and 2 are as accounts of creation.
(2.4) ‘Jesus as both fully human and fully God,’ to aid pages 42 & 43.
i. Know passages in the Bible which show that Jesus is fully God and fully man.
ii.Understand how Jesus being fully human affected his life on earth.
iii. Understand the meaning of the titles of Son of God and Son of Man.
Key Terms
1. Evangelist: the writers of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and john)
2. Son of Man: a title that could refer to either just a human being, or a human who is given power by God.
3. Sanhedrin: the Jewish Council that looks after all aspects of Jewish life and religion at the time of Jesus.
AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism.
(2.6)'How the incarnation affects Catholic attitudes towards religious art' 20 slides to aid pages 46 & aid 47.
i. Understand why some Christians reject the use of religious art and imagery.
ii. Understand how the incarnation has influenced Catholic attitudes to religious art.