Christian prayer and posture- 25 slides.
i. Know different postures of prayer used in Christian worship.
ii. Understand the symbolism of these postures.
(3.12) Prayer and posture, 25 slides to aid pages 86 & 85.
I. Know different postures of prayer used in Christian worship.
II. Understand the symbolism of these postures.
The Seven Sacraments (29 slides)
i. Know the names and effects of the seven sacraments.
ii. Understand how the sacraments sanctify life.
Key Terms
i. Sacrament: rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace for Catholics, Anglicans and many Protestants, sacraments are ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace.’
ii. Laying on of hands: a symbolic gesture that passes on the power of the Holy Spirit.
iii. Sanctity/sanctification: being made holy.
Witness: when someone shows their faith in their words and actions.
The Magisterium and its views on the Trinity.
i. Understand the importance of the Magisterium for beliefs about the Trinity.
ii. Understand the teachings of the Councils of Nicea and Constantinople.
(3.11) 'Traditional and spontaneous prayer' 23 slides to aid pages 84 & 85.
i. Understand the importance of prayer as a raising of the heart and mind to God.
ii. Understand the different purposes of traditional and spontaneous prayer.
To aid the AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity with Islam & Judaism check 'kutepoppygirl95's resources.
I am a passionate teacher of Religious studies, Spanish & English. I am currently teaching the 'AQA Religious Studies 'B' Catholic Christianity with Islam & Judaism' and have made, and in the process of making more resources to aid this book.
So check out my resources.
Interpreting statues of Jesus '21 slides' to aid:
i. Know the symbolism of one statue of Jesus.
ii. Understand why some Christians have different attitudes towards images of Jesus.
Christian symbols '30 slides' to aid:
I. Understanding the meaning of the symbols: Ichthus, Alpha, Omega and Chi-Chi.
II. Understand the purposes and use of these symbols.
The Trinity in the Bible (27 slides).
i. Understand how the Bible refers to the Trinity.
ii. Know the accounts of the baptism of Jesus and Paul’s letter to the Galatians
(Baptism) 25 slides to aid the understanding of the symbolism of baptism & Understand how baptism allows the believer to join in the life of the Trinity.
(3.10) ' baptism' 25 slides to aid pages 82 & 83.
i. Understand the symbolism of baptism.
ii. Understand how baptism allows the believer to join in the life of the Trinity.
(3.9) 'The authority of the Magisterium and its views on the Trinity' 32 slides to aid pages 80 & 81.
i. Understand the importance of the Magisterium for beliefs about the Trinity.
ii. Understand the teachings of the Councils of Nicea and Constantinople.
(3.8) 'The Trinity and God's love' 26 slides to aid pages 78 & 79.
i. Know what St. Augustine said about the Trinity and love.
ii. Understand what Catherine LaCugna meant by the idea of the Trinity as a relationship.
(3.7) 'Trinity in the Bible' 27 slides to aid pages 76 & 77.
i. Understand how the Bible refers to the Trinity.
ii. Know the accounts of the baptism of Jesus and Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
(3.6) 'The influence of the Trinity on Christian today' 26 slides to aid pages 74 and 75.
i. Understand how Christians are called to share the life of the Trinity.
ii. Understand how Christians use mission and evangelism to share the love of God.
(3.5) 'The Trinity in the Nicene Creed and Genesis 1' 28 slides to aid pages 72 & 73.
i. Know what the Nicene Creed teaches about the nature of God.
ii. Understand what Genesis 1:1-3 says about the Triune God.
(3.4) 'The Triune God explained in the Bible' 24 slides to aid pages 70 & 71.
i. Know passages in the Bible that show the scriptural origins of being in the Trinity.
ii. Understand the implications of belief on the Trinity for the believer.
(3.3) 'Acclamations used in the Mass' 32 slides to aid pages 68 & 69.
1. Know about the different Eucharist acclamations .
2. Understand the importance of the Eucharist acclamation for Catholics.
3. Appreciate how words and music praise God’s love