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Coin Cards UK (Money) - Recognise different amounts of coins

Coin Cards UK (Money) - Recognise different amounts of coins

Playing cards to help pupils consolidate the different types of coins. Different amounts are shown using different combinations of coins. Can be used as a matching game, pairs memory game or snap game to enable children to become familiar with different ways of making different amounts.
Roman Numeral Loop Cards 4 Sets 1-12, 1-20, 1-50, 1-100

Roman Numeral Loop Cards 4 Sets 1-12, 1-20, 1-50, 1-100

A great resource to use to consolidate Roman Numerals. These sets of 12/20 loop cards differentiated between numbers 1-12, numbers 1-20, numbers 1-50 and numbers 1- 100 make learning fun. This activity could be used as a starter or plenary, or for early finishers. If laminated, the cards can be used time and time again.