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ITALIAN - An Introduction to Colours - Worksheets
An introduction to colour names in Italian. There is a completed teacher copy. Also included is an activity for using the colour names when describing female nouns and another using mas and fem nouns.
ITALIAN - I Mesi dell'Anno e le Quattro Stagioni
A selection of worksheets for practicing the names of the months of the year in Italian. Follow on worksheet introduces the names of the seasons with a gap-fill activity. Feedback is welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘grazie mille.’
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - L'hiver et le Noël - Worksheets
Having taught Christmas vocabulary to my students I thought of extending this into a gap-fill activity. The sentences are fairly challenging, so I have added images to help with those missing words. Once the children have worked out which words fit where, they then have to translate the sentences. There is a teacher completed worksheet. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
Please spare a moment to comment. Your feedback is much appreciated.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année à tous.
FRENCH - Snowmen - Les Bonhommes de neige - Worksheets
Two snowmen worksheets to practise names of items of clothing, colours and facial features. The first worksheet is to be able to say what each snowman’s name is and say what they are wearing. The second worksheet is to colour the snowmen and say what colour their eyes, nose, hat, scarf and mittens are. There is an example to follow. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
Please take the time to comment. Your feedback is most welcome.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année à tous.
ITALIAN - I Mesi dell'Anno e le Quattro Stagioni
A selection of worksheets for practicing the names of the months of the year in Italian. Follow on worksheet introduces the names of the seasons with a gap-fill activity. Feedback is welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘grazie mille.’
ITALIAN - An Introduction to Colours - Worksheets
An introduction to colour names in Italian. There is a completed teacher copy. Also included is an activity for using the colour names when describing female nouns and another using mas and fem nouns.
A fun way to practise being able to talk about food and drinks in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images.
la pomme
le banane
la fraise
la tomate
la carotte
les petits pois
les champignons
les haricots verts
les frites
la saucisse
la viande
le poisson
le poulet
le pain
le beurre
le fromage
le sandwich
le croissant
le gâteau
les crêpes
le lait
le jus d’orange
This could be modified as to how many items you need to teach. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item and even further by say if you like, love, don’t like or hate the fruit/vegetable in question. You could even say how often you eat the particular fruit or vegetable. The opportunities are endless. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
A fun way to practise being able to talk about fruit and vegetables in French. Contains 15 images of fruit and 10 pictures of a range of vegetables . This could be modified as to how many items you need to teach. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item and even further by say if you like, love, don’t like or hate the fruit/vegetable in question. You could even say how often you eat the particular fruit or vegetable. The opportunities are endless. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
A fun way to practise being able to talk about fruit and vegetables in French. Contains 15 images of fruit and 10 pictures of a range of vegetables . This could be modified as to how many items you need to teach. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item and even further by say if you like, love, don’t like or hate the fruit/vegetable in question. You could even say how often you eat the particular fruit or vegetable. The opportunities are endless. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
ITALIAN - Animals - Gli Animali - Activity Booklet - Worksheets
A selection of activites to practise the names of animals in Italian. Includes gap-fill vocab, join-up words to correct picture, gap-fill missing noun, gap-fill missing colour, expressings c’é and ci sono, and practice for say which animal you have and don’t have. There is also a colouring activity, which tests comprehension. Thank you to those of you who have considered this resource worth paying for.
There are a total of 9 files in this resource.
ITALIAN - How old are you? - Quanti anni hai? - Quand'è il tuo compleanno?
Two worksheets to practice saying how old you are and how old he and she is in Italian. An introduction to the expression ‘Ho … anni.’ Follow on worksheet to practice saying when your birthday is. Both worksheets are gap-fill graduated activities, where the children end up writing out the phrase independently. Revises numbers and months of the year. Feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
ITALIAN - Animals - Gli Animali - Activity Booklet - Worksheets
A selection of five activites to practise the names of animals in Italian. Includes gap-fill vocab, join-up words to correct picture, colour, and practice for say which animal you have and don’t have. There is also a colouring avtivity, which tests comprehension. Thank you to those of you who have considered this resource worth paying for.
FRENCH - Des Nombres et Des Animaux
A selection of worksheets to practice numbers from 1 to 10 and names of 10 animals in French. There are worksheets where children have to sort out the names of animals and the numbers from 1 to 10. Also includes a worksheet using the expression ‘il y a…’ to say how many animals there are. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
ITALIAN - How old are you? - Quanti anni hai? - Quand'è il tuo compleanno? - Worksheets
Two worksheets to practice saying how old you are and how old he and she is in Italian. An introduction to the expression ‘Ho … anni.’ Follow on worksheet to practice saying when your birthday is. Both worksheets are gap-fill graduated activities, where the children end up writing out the phrase independently. Revises number and months of the year. Feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘grazie mille.’
FRENCH ~ Des Nombres et Des Animaux
A selection of worksheets to practice numbers from 1 to 10 and names of 10 animals. There are worksheets where children have to sort out the names of animals and the numbers from 1 to 10. Also includes a worksheet using the expression ‘il y a…’ to say how many animals there are. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
A fun way to practise being able to talk about clothes in French. Contains 19 images of different items of clothing and 4 pictures showing different types of footwear. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended to naming the colour of the item. This could be extended further to saying 'Je porte… ’ Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
A fun way to learn and practise vocabulary for: rooms in a house, furniture, and household items. Contains:
rooms in a house:
la cuisine
la salle à manger
le salon
le bureau
la chambre
la salle de bains
le grenier
une table
une table basse
un canapé
une chaise
un lit
une armoire
une commode
une étagère
une bibliothèque
un bureau
and household items:
une lampe
un tapis
des rideaux
une télévision
une horloge
un ordinateur
un réveil
Based on the gameshow where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the household chore. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
A fun way to practise and reinforce being able to talk about your home in French.
Contains vocabulary for:
rooms in a house:
la cuisine
la salle à manger
le salon
le bureau
la chambre
la salle de bains
le grenier
une table
une table basse
un canapé
une chaise
un lit
une armoire
une commode
une étagère
une bibliothèque
un bureau
and household items:
une lampe
un tapis
des rideaux
une télévision
une horloge
un ordinateur
un réveil
Based on the gameshow where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
A fun way to practise being able to talk about clothes in French. Contains 19 images of different items of clothing and 4 pictures showing different types of footwear. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended to naming the colour of the item. This could be extended further to saying 'Je porte… ’ Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
FRENCH - Farm Animals & Days of the Week - Les Animaux de la Ferme et Les Jours de la Semaine
A story (powerpoint) to help practice names of farm animals and days of the week in French. Each day of the week I go to the farm to get an animal. Find out which animal is offered on which day and the reason it is refused and which animal is accepted, on which day and why. Practises a variety of adjectives and agreement of nouns. The goat photo and the ones of the kittens belong to me. The kittens are mine, Rosie and Jo-Jo, albeit that they are now grown up and no longer kittens. Lots of repetition, so childre will enjoy joining in with the story. Feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’