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Coasts - Happisburgh Case Study
This lesson looks at the issue of coastal erosion at Happisburgh, including a role play to solve the issue
Coasts - coastal defences
This lesson looks at the pros and cons of different types of coastal defences
Weather and climate - uk climate
This lesson explores what the UK’s climate is like, why it changes and what causes this
Weather and climate - depressions and low pressure
This lesson focuses on the conditions that low pressure causes, and what depressions are
Coasts - transportation
This lesson explores how material is transported along the coast and what this creates
Coasts - Erosional landforms
This lesson explores the creation of coastal landforms by erosion
Coasts - erosion
This lesson explains the different types of erosion of the coast
Coasts - what is the coast?
This lesson identifies what a coast is and what happens there
Development - Sustainable Development Goals
This lesson explores what the sustainable development goals are and whether they are achievable or been achieved
Development - HDI
This lesson looks at how we use the HDI to identify and measure development
Development - spread of money
This lesson looks at the global financial spread leading to differing levels of development
Weather and climate - anticyclones and air pressure
This lesson explores the concept of air pressure and the conditions of anitcyclones
Weather and climate - clouds and rain
This lesson explores what different cloud types there are and what different types of rain and precipitation there are
Development - Aid
This lesson explores whether Aid is the answer to uneven development
Development - Gender inequalities
This lesson explores how development is not just financial but also leads to gender inequalities
Development - Causes of Poverty
This lesson looks at what causes poverty and how its linked to development
Development - Industrial Revolution
This lesson looks at how the Industrial Revolution led to the development of the UK
Development - Introduction
This lesson introduces the concept of Development and how it is measured