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Climate change - causes
This lesson looks at the main causes of climate change
Climate Change - evidence
This looks at past and present evidence that climate change is happening or not
Climate change - what we can do
This lesson looks at what we can do as individuals to attempt to stop climate change
Eduqas B Geography Theme 1 Outmigration
Theme 1 Key Idea 1.2 Lesson 2 - Leaving Middlesbrough - looking at reasons for outmigration from Middlesbrough
Coasts - coastal defences
This lesson looks at the pros and cons of different types of coastal defences
Africa - can Africa develop by itself?
This lesson explores how hard it is for Africa to develop, and its reliance on aid and investment from higher income countries
Changing Pattern of retailing
This lesson looks at the past, present and future patterns of retailing in the UK
Eduqas B Geography Theme 1 Internal Migration
Theme 1, Urban and Rural Processes and change in the UK Lesson 1
Urban Zones
For Eduqas B but can be adapted - looks at spatial patterns of cities focusing on Cardiff and what each urban zone is like and why it has developed
Coasts -Deposition
This lesson explores coastal deposition, the issues and features it creates
Death of the Countryside
Looks at why people are leaving the countryside and the effect this has had
Eduqas b Geography Theme 1 Inmigration
Theme 1 Key Idea 1.2 Lesson 3 - inmigration to Bromley
Urban Change
Eduqas B but can be adapted to other specs - looks at how change has occurred in cities and why, focusing on Cardiff
Housing Crisis / Greenfield and Brownfield
A look at why so few houses are being built, and whether greenfield or brownfield is the best place to build them
Amazing Asia - Karnakata case study
This two part lesson looks at the Indian area of Karnakata and why it is changing
Virtual fieldwork
An introduction to the concept of fieldwork, looking at routes taken, mapskills and location
Introduction to Geography
A series of lessons to introduce the concept of geography, types of maps, latitude/longitude and location
Retailing bundle !
A short unit of work on the geography of retaling for Human Geography GCSE , orginally designed for eduqas b but can be adapted
Economic Geography bundle !!
This is a unit of work looking at Economic Geography, focusing on the UK, job types, locations and connections for KS3