If you have any questions regarding my resources, please do not hesitate to contact me either via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/frenchresources/ or by email: contact@laprofdefrancais.com
If you have any questions regarding my resources, please do not hesitate to contact me either via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/frenchresources/ or by email: contact@laprofdefrancais.com
Updated (14/04/24)- This resource file contains teaching materials for the FIRST PART of the topic " Le septième art": “Pourquoi le septième art?”.
The PPT presentation (approx. 55 slides including answer slides) is composed of 3 parts: “Le septième art: une introduction”, “Les acteurs” and " Les films"
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking activities
-Grammar points: infinitive constructions, review of the perfect tense and introduction to the pluperfect
-video clips and discussions
-translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
Activities are differentiated and Exam style
The first 11 files are a preview of what is included in the zip folder
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 14/04/24 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
UPDATED (22/02/23):This resource file contains teaching materials for the SECOND PART of the topic: 'Manifestations, grèves- à qui le pouvoir?': 'Manifestations, grèves: sont-elles efficaces?'
The PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answers slides) is composed of three part: 'Manifestations et grèves dans la culture française', 'les causes et conséquences' and 'La Loi El Khomri'
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking activities
-Grammar points: demonstrative adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns (qui, que, dont), indefinite relative pronouns
-Video comprehension activities
-statistics discussions
-Translation from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-Homework tasks
-a link online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
activities are differentiated and exam style
Please note: This resource has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other resources which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this resource before 22/02/23, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge.
(the first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder)
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly
(UPDATED: 18/06/23): This resource files contains teaching material for the THIRD PART of the topic: Une culture fière de son héritage-Comment le patrimoine reflète la culture
The PPT presentation (approx. 60 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: " Le patrimoine culturel immatériel", “La gastronomie” and " Protéger et valoriser le PCI".
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: Review of subjunctive with most common trigger verbs and conjunctions, Subjunctive with impersonal verbs
-video comprehension activities
-statistics discussions
-translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
activities are differented and exam style
(the first 10 files are previews of what is included in the .zip folder)
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 18/06/23 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
(UPDATED: 08/10/23): This resource file contains teaching materials for the SECOND PART of the topic: ‘La musique francophone contemporaine- Qui écoute et apprécie la musique?’
The folder includes a PPT presentation (approx. 45 slides including answer slides) which is composed of three parts: “La musique en statistiques”, “La musique et les jeunes” and “L’influence de la musique”
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking activities
-Grammar points: Revision of DOP and IOP, Interrogative pronouns and interrogative adjective:QUEL
-a video comprehension activity
-statistics discussions
-translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
Activities are exam-style and differentiated
(the first 10 files are a preview of the activities included in the .zip file)
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 08/10/23 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
(Updated 07/05/24): This resource file contains teaching materials for the SECOND PART of the topic ‘Le septième art: L’évolution du cinéma- Les grandes lignes’.
The folder includes a PPT presentation (approx. 70 slides including answer slides) which is composed of three parts: ‘Le début du cinéma’, ‘Les mouvements cinématographiques’, ‘Le septième art depuis les années 90’.
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: Revision of conditional, introduction to past conditional and Si+pluperfect, past conditional.
-Video clips and discussions
-Translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-Homework tasks
-QR codes at the bottom of some of the worksheets for further study
Activities are exam-style and differentiated
The first 11 files are a preview of what is included in the zip folder
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 07/05/24 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
UPDATED (02/10/22): This resource file contains teaching materials for the FIRST PART of “Le rôle du bénévolat” : “Qui sont et que font les bénévoles?”
The PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: " c’est quoi le bénévolat?", “Les bénévoles et l’engagement” and " la popularité du bénévolat".
It includes:
Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
Grammar points: Y and EN, demonstrative adjectives and revision of imperfect tense
a video comprehension activity
statistics discussions
translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
vocab cards
a link to an online vocab learning course
a vocab test linked to the course
homework tasks
activities are differented and exam style
(the first 10 files are previews of what is included in the .zip folder)
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 2/10/22 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
(updated 10/01/24) This resource file contains teaching material for the THIRD PART of the topic ’ Comment on traite les criminels: D’autres sanctions?’
The PowerPoint presentation (approx. 45 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts:“La prévention”, “Les peines alternatives” and “La peine de mort”.
-Reading, Listening Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: revision of future tense, verbs + prepositions+infinitives
-Video comprehension activity
-Statistics discussions
-Translations from English to French and French to English with markschemes
-A link to an online vocab learning course
-A vocab test linked to the course
-Homework tasks
-QR codes for further independent study
Activities are differentiated and exam-style
The first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder. After downloading this resource, save it onto your computer, then right-click on the .zip folder (Criminel-PartC) and select “extract all” to access all the files.
Please note: This resource has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other resources which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this resource before 10/01/24, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge.
If you are interested in more resources like this, or have any questions, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly.
(Updated 08/11/23) This resource file contains teaching materials for the FIRST PART of the topic: Comment on traite les criminels- Quelles attitudes envers la criminalité?
The PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: “Les crimes”, “La criminalité en France” and “La délinquance”.
It includes:
-Reading, Listening Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: Revision of the future tense, perfect tense and passive voice
-Video comprehension activity
-Statistics discussions
-Translations from English to French and French to English with markschemes
-A link to an online vocab learning course
-A vocab test linked to the course
-Homework tasks
-QR codes for further independent study
Activities are differentiated and exam-style
The first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder. After downloading this resource, save it onto your computer, then right-click on the .zip folder (Criminel-PartA) and select “extract all” to access all the files.
Please note: This resource has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other resources which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this resource before 08/11/23, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge.
If you are interested in more resources like this, or have any questions, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly.
(updated 02/12/23) This resource file contains teaching material for the SECOND PART of the topic ’ Comment on traite les criminels: La prison-échec ou succès?’
The PowerPoint presentation (approx. 55 slides including some answer slides) is composed of three parts:“Les établissements pénitentiaires”, “Que se passe-t-il dans les prisons?” and “Comment les améliorer?”.
-Reading, Listening Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: Revision of tenses and Direct Object Pronouns
-Video comprehension activity
-Statistics discussions
-Translations from English to French and French to English with markschemes
-A link to an online vocab learning course
-A vocab test linked to the course
-Homework tasks
-QR codes for further independent study
Activities are differentiated and exam-style
The first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder. After downloading this resource, save it onto your computer, then right-click on the .zip folder (Criminel-PartB) and select “extract all” to access all the files.
Please note: This resource has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other resources which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this resource before 02/12/23, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge.
If you are interested in more resources like this, or have any questions, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly.
UPDATED! This resource file contains teaching materials for the THIRD PART of the topic: La Cyber-Société: Qui sont les cybernautes.
The PPT presentation (over 50 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: 'Les internautes selon les générations, ‘Le monde des cybernautes’ and ‘L’avenir de la cyber-société’
-Listening, Reading, Speaking,Writing and grammar activities
-video comprehension
-statistics discussions
-translation French to English and English to French with markscheme
-homework tasks
-a link to an online learning vocab course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-QR codes for further study
-Comments under the slides for advice and worksheets location
Activities are differentiated and exam style
The first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder.
PLEASE NOTE: This resources has been updated and now includes a more grammar activities and students support. This is why the resource is now priced £3.20 instead of £3. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 21th August 2021 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly
UPDATED (13/12/22): This resource file contains teaching materials for the SECOND PART of “Le rôle du bénévolat” : “Quelles valeurs pour ceux qui sont aidés?”
The PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: " Quelle aide peut-on recevoir?", “L’importance de cette aide” and " Comment le bénévolat transforme des vies".
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: Imperfect Vs perfect tenses, conditional, “si” clauses with imperfect and conditional
-video comprehension activities
-statistics discussion
-translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
activities are differented and exam style
(the first 10 files are previews of what is included in the .zip folder)
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 13/12/22 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
(Updated 13/09/23) This resource file contains teaching materials for the THIRD PART of the topic: Manifestations, grèves- à qui le pouvoir? “Attitudes différentes envers ces tensions politiques”
The PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: " Les débordements", “La presse et le grand public” and “Le mouvement des Gilets Jaunes”
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: Revision of verbs+ inf., relative pronoun:Lequel
-Video comprehension activity
-Statistics discussions
-Translations from English to French and French to English with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
Activities are differentiated and exam-style
The first 11 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder. After downloading this resource, save it onto your computer, then right-click on the .zip folder (manifs-Part C) and select “extract all” to access all the files.
Please note: This resource has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other resources which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this resource before 13/09/23, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge
If you are interested in more resources of this type, or have any questions, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
UPDATED (05/12/22): This resource file contains teaching materials for the THIRD PART of the topic: ‘Les ados, droit de vote et engagement politique’ : ‘Quel avenir pour la politique?’
The Powerpoint presentation (approx. 45 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: ’ Quelles solutions pour l’abstention?’, ‘D’autres procédures d’engagement?’ and ‘L’avenir de l’Union européenne’
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: avant participe présent, le gérondif, rappel sur le subjonctif
-video comprehension activities
-statistics discussions
-translation French to English and English to French with markschemes
-homework tasks
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
activities are differentiated and exam style
Please note: This resource has been updated, which is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other resources which are yet to be updated. However, if you have purchased this resource before 05/12/22, you will be able to get the updated version FREE of charge.
(the first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder)
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
UPDATED (03/01/23)-This resource file contains teaching materials for the THIRD PART of “Le bénévolat” : “Quelles valeurs pour ceux qui aident?”
The PPT presentation (approx. 50 slides including answer slides) is composed of three parts: " Les expériences et les compétences acquises", “Le service civique” and " Les avantages et les inconvénients du bénévolat".
It includes:
-Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities
-Grammar points: après + perfect infinitive, the passive voice in the present, revision of the future tense, ‘Si’ clauses with present and future
-video comprehension activities
-statistics discussions
-translations from French to English and English to French with markschemes
-a link to an online vocab learning course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-homework tasks
activities are differented and exam style
(the first 10 files are previews of what is included in the .zip folder)
Once downloaded, save the .zip folder on your computer, then right-click on the folder and select “extract all”.
Please NOTE: This resource has been updated. This is reflected in the slight price increase compared to other parts which are yet to be updated. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 03/01/23 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
This resource file contains a PowerPoint Presentation with a description of each tense/ mood covered at A-Level, practice activities and answers.
A total of 58 slides.
The powerpoint is hyperlinked so students can select the tense they want to view and practise from the first slide.
**PLEASE NOTE: This is targetted at A Level students. All the descriptions are written in French.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
26 grammar tests for your A Level students on tenses and moods. (see previews for all aspects covered)
the .zip folder includes:
pdf and editable .docx versions of the 26 tests
a booklet with all the test combined (+ answers at the back): should you wish to give this to your students as an independent revision booklet
Note that a feedback grid is included on each test to facilitate your marking, but can be removed/ modified using the editable versions if necessary.
After downloading, save the file in the “my documents” area of your computer, then right-click and extract all to access all the resources
The first 3 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
In this BUNDLE, you will get 5 resources. One for each of the tenses: Present, Perfect, Imperfect, Future and Conditional.
In each resource:
8 cards for students to practise the tense.
Three verbs to practise per card
(format: .pdf file - 16 pages)
Print double-sided for the sneak peak at the back of the card. (which gives the correct conjugation of the verbs).
Laminate so you can use as mini-whiteboards as many times as you want without printing again.
card 1: -ER verbs (jouer, regarder, écouter)
card 2: -IR verbs (choisir, finir, obéir)
card 3: -RE verbs (vendre, perdre, entendre)
card 4: Regular verbs (parler, réfléchir, prétendre)
card 5: Reflexive verbs ( se lever, s’investir, s’entendre)
card 6: Irregular verbs set 1 (être, avoir, aller)
card 7: Irregular verbs set 2 (faire, boire, prendre)
card 8: Modal verbs (vouloir, devoir, pouvoir)
Please note: the cards are not editable
Each resource is available for £1. You save 30% with this bundle.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly
UPDATED! This resource file contains teaching materials for the FIRST PART of the topic: ‘La famille en voie de changement’ - ‘La vie de couple: Les nouvelles tendances’
The folder includes a PPT presentation (approx. 80 slides including answer slides) and is composed of 4 parts: ‘Révision et transition’, ‘l’évolution de la vie de couple’, ‘mariage, pacs et union libre’ and ‘le mariage pour tous’
-Listening, Reading, Speaking,Writing and grammar activities
-video comprehension
-statistics discussions
-translation French to English and English to French with markscheme
-homework tasks
-a link to an online learning vocab course
-a vocab test linked to the course
-QR codes for further study
-Comments under the slides for advice and worksheets location
Activities are exam style and differentiated
The first 10 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder
PLEASE NOTE: This resources has been updated and now includes a more thorough transition and revision section, QR codes for students support/ challenge, grammar tests. This is why the resource is now priced £3.60 instead of £3. However, anyone who has purchased this resource before 29th August 2020 will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
For more resources of the type, you can check this facebook page: @frenchresources
In this digital product:
You will find resources to practise the dictation question of the 2026 GCSE Examination (AQA). The topics covered are the 3 topics from Theme 1: People and Lifestyle.
Topic 1: Identity and Relationships with others
Topic 2: Healthy living and Lifestyle
Topic 3: Education and Work
There are 3 practices for each Topic:
Practice 1: fill in the gaps in the 8 sentences (intermediate practice to help students build their dictation skills).
Practice 2: Write 4 sentences
Practice 3: Write 5 sentences
You can use this resource in the classroom:
Student’s booklet
Teacher’s mark scheme
PPT presentation (including an easier mark scheme for self/ peer assessment in the classroom)
Audio files
Or you can print the practice booklet and give it to your students for independent practice/ revision:
Student’s booklet, including QR codes for access to audio files and answer booklet.
Note that Practice 2 and Practice 3 follow the AQA Listening Paper closely: number of sentences, total number of words + number of words from outside the prescribed list, sentence sections, repetition and build-in pauses.
The first 5 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder: Dictation-Theme1.zip. After downloading, save the .zip file in your computer (in “documents” for example), then right-click and select “extract all” to access all the resources.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page:@Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
Topics included in this bundle:
-Valentine’s Day
-St. Patrick’s Day
-National Day
For each topic, you will get 2 .pdf files for pupils to practice the vocabulary and speaking skill in French using the Dots and Boxes game.
The 2 files correspond to two levels of difficulty ( the “two flags” version includes more vocab words) and each file has two versions: French and English.
-Print double-sided so pupils can choose to translate from French to English or English to French, as well as to be able to check their translation if they are not sure.
-Laminate so you can use as mini-whiteboards as many times as you want without printing again.
Please note: the files are not editable
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one you can check this Facebook page @Frenchresources where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.