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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something original? Here are some Resources for Early Learners and Key Stage 1 that you won't have used before. There are also some Key Stage 2 and a variety of SEND resources. Alphabet, Phonics, Speaking and Listening, Reading & Writing Activities and a range of topic resources. Worksheets, flashcards, activities, PPTs, quiz games and posters are all included. Most images licenced from graphicsfactory.com and symbols are licenced from Boardmaker.




Looking for something original? Here are some Resources for Early Learners and Key Stage 1 that you won't have used before. There are also some Key Stage 2 and a variety of SEND resources. Alphabet, Phonics, Speaking and Listening, Reading & Writing Activities and a range of topic resources. Worksheets, flashcards, activities, PPTs, quiz games and posters are all included. Most images licenced from graphicsfactory.com and symbols are licenced from Boardmaker.
All the Colours of the Rainbow Flashcards

All the Colours of the Rainbow Flashcards

A set of flashcards with rainbow borders and a rainbow / colour theme. There are 9 pages with 8 different flashcards on each page. The final page is a template for you to make more of your own flashcards or for children to draw on, paste onto, or write on. The template could also be used for children to find 8 flashcards with a given theme. The cards can be duplicated and laminated for children to play matching games or for sorting into sets e.g. animals, toys, spheres or food. The resource links to colour and pattern work.
Word Search Topic Collection Set 2 KS1

Word Search Topic Collection Set 2 KS1

Here is set 2 in the collection of word search worksheets for KS1 children. Links to reading, spelling, phonics and word work as well as the topics shown. The themes are: School, Musical Instruments, Seaside, Farm, Pirates, Sports, Bathroom and Tools. Each word search has a colour version and a black and white version. Children have 8 pictures which they can label and then look for the words in the word search grids below. There are answer sheets on the final page for all the word searches. The children could work as part of a guided reading group or work individually or in pairs.
Pizza Cross Curricular Work KS1

Pizza Cross Curricular Work KS1

A cross curricular set of work sheets based on Pizza. Links to literacy, money, art and design. Page 1 shows a Pizza restaurant’s menu with prices. Children can colour this in and / or use as a basis for designing their own menu. This sheet is also used to answer questions and write lists on page 2. Page 2 asks children to list the different pizza toppings, drinks for sale and side orders that are available. There are 6 comprehension questions for children to answer. Page 3 is a writing and drawing frame where children design a pizza box cover and shop front, write the phone no. opening times, cost of delivery and name the Pizza of the day. Page 4 shows a colour and black and white pizza. Children can colour in the black and white pizza to make it the same or cut out and use collage, felts or paint to make their own pizza. Extend by writing out maths questions related to money and the Pizza shop depending on your class ability levels. Children could also design their own shop logos.
Using Money in Real Life  - Pizzeria

Using Money in Real Life - Pizzeria

A collection of resources linked to money, food and drink as well as problem solving and writing for a purpose. Page 1 shows colour pictures of items stocked at the pizzeria. Page 2 is the outline of 1 with no pictures - children can write the names of the items, draw the pictures or add prices to each number. Page 3 asks children to write a shopping list of all the items needed after a stock take and add prices. For more able children you could also introduce weight here. Page 4 - Children list all the items stocked at the pizzeria. Page 5 - Children create 4 pizzas, naming and pricing. Page 6 - List toppings and extras with prices. Page 7 - Write out 2 orders on the order pad and prices. Page 7 - Draw your favourite pizza, with extras / drinks as required. This resource links to Pizza Cross Curricular Work KS1 on this site.
Find the Odd Food Out 10 Worksheets

Find the Odd Food Out 10 Worksheets

10 worksheets based on a food theme. Each sheet shows 4 food or drink items - 1 of these is the odd one out e.g. potato, pizza and popcorn all begin with p - thus the odd one out is cake. Children can write the cursive words and colour the pictures. Children can compare the pictures on each page and say how they have decided on the criteria.
20 Fruit and Vegetable Posters

20 Fruit and Vegetable Posters

20 posters. 10 fruits and 10 vegetables. 2 posters to a page. Great for displays or visual aids for your Plant / Food topic. A good idea is to cut out the posters and add them to the front of brown paper bags. Use for sorting cards into or real / imitation fruits and vegetables. Use for weighing or adding / taking away also or in the class ‘Shop’ for role play.
Fruits and their Initial Sounds PPT

Fruits and their Initial Sounds PPT

A bright power point for children linked to initial sounds and your fruit topic work. There are 20 slides each showing a different fruit. Running along the bottom of each slide is the alphabet. Children name the fruits and talk about them and then find the first sounds for each one, using the alphabet strip to help them.
KS1 Comprehension Activities 'Our Class'

KS1 Comprehension Activities 'Our Class'

Comprehension activities based on Mrs Abbot’s class of 10 children. There is an information sheet giving details of birthdays, names and key details about each child. Children can talk about the children in pairs or groups and then complete the activities. Activity 1 A colour and black and white version of this sheet are included. Children work out the names of each child and write them underneath. Activity 2 Children draw or paste the children into the boxes and write their names underneath. Activity 3 Children read the information sheet and write a sentence about each of the children in the grid provided. As a follow up, children could design their own sheets based on children in their own class. Links to reading, writing and speaking and listening, Ourselves, as well as diversity.
What do you Wish for? Writing and Topic Resources

What do you Wish for? Writing and Topic Resources

10 activity sheets linked to Magic, PHSE, Ourselves, Me and Literacy. Encourage the children to be inventive and use their imaginations as well as being thoughtful and factual. Children talk about the 6 questions in pairs or groups Children write about what they wish for answering the questions on sheet 1 Children draw 6 things they wish for Children write out a magic / wish spell Children write a wish list If 3 wishes were granted- children write what they would be Children match and colour the magicians Write what the young penguin / or they would like to wish for when they grow up Draw or write what is in the cauldron Write a Christmas wish list
Seasons Find the Odd Picture Out

Seasons Find the Odd Picture Out

10 worksheets based on a seasons theme. Each sheet shows 4 items - 1 of these is the odd one out e.g. shorts, gloves, sunglasses and trainers - the theme is summer clothing and gloves are the odd ones out. Children can write the cursive words and colour the pictures. Children can compare the pictures on each page and say how they have decided on the criteria.
Betty and her Worry Bugs Story and Resources

Betty and her Worry Bugs Story and Resources

A lesson linked to Ourselves, All about me, Feelings and Resilience. An original story I wrote for young children to help them to talk about their feelings and gain some coping strategies when they have troubles. The story finds Betty with worries which she can’t explain. She gets a bee in her bonnet, a butterfly in her tummy and a worm in her ear. Her best friend comes to her rescue and explains to Betty that we all have worry bugs now and again and comes up with a plan… Share the story on the whiteboard or print off and share as a book. Following the story, children can complete the comprehension question sheet, sequence the story and name and write about the bugs. This story sparks lots of speaking and listening and helps children to communicate their worries and identify bodily feelings that go with certain emotions.
What we Wear Clothing Power Point KS1

What we Wear Clothing Power Point KS1

A 10 page slide show based on your topic of Clothes. Links to thinking skills, speaking and listening, materials, community and diversity . Questions to consider include: What do we wear for different purposes and occasions and why we wear them. A nice follow up activity for group work is to give each group a task and ask them to design and make a poster or collage on the theme. Themes could be taken from the slides such as celebrations or work. Children may come up with their own themes too.
Animal Photographs Counting from 1-5

Animal Photographs Counting from 1-5

Here are photos of animals to think and talk about and to count. Could discuss e.g. habitats, diet, young, specific features, patterns. Slides show animals from 1 to groups of 5. Children could go on to listing the animals on each slide and / or to make their own collections of animals.
Homes KS1 Topic Work

Homes KS1 Topic Work

A lovely set of planning ideas and resources for the topic of Ourselves / Homes or as a vehicle for teaching early Literacy / Numeracy / Science / Art. The work is centered around the picture of Bluebell Village. (On it’s own this makes for great speaking and listening)! There are 10 comprehension questions to answer and an activity sheet. There is a planning grid example and a blank template for you to use. There is plenty here for a unit of work.
Mental Health Feeling Cards /Worksheets

Mental Health Feeling Cards /Worksheets

A set of resources fro children where they can recognise and name emotions / feelings. They can extend their vocabulary to support them in expressing how they feel. There are 24 circular colour feeling cards and the same cards in black and white. There is a worksheet showing 12 emotion faces for children to label. There are 3 worksheets showing 21 emotion faces - 7 per page. Children can write a word or sentence next to the pictures. Cards can be cut and sorted into categories such as happy and sad to begin with and extended to other emotions. Circular cards can be cut out, laminated and added to a keyring for children to use to express how they feel in a given moment. Start with the basic emotions and extend as children become familiar with the others such as frustrated or angry.
Friends Cross Curricular Activity Sheets

Friends Cross Curricular Activity Sheets

A complete lesson and resources around Friends suitable for EYFS and KS1 children. Activities include sorting, matching, writing and design work. The story is based around Mr Green who is a teacher with 10 children in his class. Each child has a best friend and so the children are paired on some sheets. Sheet 1 shows the 10 children, these can be duplicated and cut out into cards for matching and sorting activities. Sheet 2 shows the children paired in Mr Green’s class. Sheet 3 explains what the activities are and this can be shared with the children. Sheet 4 asks the children to give each of the children a name. Sheets 5,6 and 7 show the children paired and there is space for children to write about each pair. Children can then write about themselves and their friends. Finally, sheet 8 is a collection of things that are found in Mr Green’s classroom. Children can cut these out and make an imaginary classroom for the 10 children. This is a nice activity for children to work in pairs.
Frogs Power Point and Writing Frame KS1

Frogs Power Point and Writing Frame KS1

A 6 page PPT showing photos of frogs. Add some music for a relaxing slide show. The final page is a writing frame for children to use to write about frogs / their favourite frog or facts they know. Lots of opportunity for speaking and listening and talking about colour and pattern.
Animal Symbol Cards to name, sort, match

Animal Symbol Cards to name, sort, match

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A cross curricular resource for EYFS, KS1 and SEND pupils linked to animals, pets, reading and sorting. There are 4 pages of animal symbols in colour with names. There are matching black and white versions with just pictures. Children can name the animals, colour them in, cut and match them to the colour versions. They can also sort the animals in various ways such as pets, insects, land, sea and air animals. Children may also want to practice drawing their own animals using the black and white pictures for a guide. The symbols are also useful added to your displays on animals.
Feelings Faces Crack the Code

Feelings Faces Crack the Code

A fun way to talk about feelings with KS1 or KS2 pupils. This resource has a focus on 6 feelings: tired, lonely, sad, angry, mad and cross. Each letter used in the words has its own special face and facial features. Children aim to crack the code and then write their own words. Not all letters of the alphabet are included here, so children could make up their own faces to complete the alphabet. What do children notice about these words? Can they make up faces for different sets of feelings? Pages shows 6 word cards with a face for each letter shows the word cards - children add their own faces shows the faces - children crack the code and write the letters underneath the faces Shows all the faces used in the words. Chidren write in the letters that go with each face. An answer sheet to sheet 4 or colouring sheet where children can trace over the letters. Circles for children to practice drawing the faces or making up their own.
Our Feelings Matching Words and Pictures

Our Feelings Matching Words and Pictures

A reading, writing /handwriting resource for young children linked to Ourselves, Me, Health and Well Being. There are 3 worksheets showing 15 different children with different expressions. Children can work out what is wrong with each child, trace or write the words and then match them to the correct pictures. There are also 3 worksheets where there is no writing. Children can write a word or phrase to say how they think the children are feeling.