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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Welsh Basics Animals Matching Card Game

Welsh Basics Animals Matching Card Game

A fun way of learning animal vocabulary in English and in Welsh. There are flashcards of 10 different animals. There are 2 flashcards for each animal, showing the English and the Welsh words. This resource comes with 6 ideas for using the animal flashcards including a memory game, scavenger hunt, charades and bingo. The resource uses symbols - Boardmaker Licenced.
Welsh Basics Family and Friends Cards

Welsh Basics Family and Friends Cards

An activity for language learning of vocabulary for family and friends in Welsh and English. There are 2 pages of colour flashcards using symbols and words. Boardmaker Licenced. Family and friends cards include mother, father, sister, brother, baby, me, friends, twins and grandmother. There are 4 cards for each set, e.g. 2 pictures of a grandfather, the English and the Welsh word. Cut out and laminate for matching games.
Welsh Basics Question Words and Activities

Welsh Basics Question Words and Activities

This resource facilitates language learning in both Welsh and English. The resource includes flashcards featuring question words in both languages, accompanied by corresponding pictures and symbols for visual reinforcement. There is a planning sheet with 7 activity ideas for using the resource cards and examples of worksheets for story analysis and writing about question words. The resource offers diverse teaching strategies to cater to different learning styles and preferences and uses Boardmaker symbols ( Boardmaker licenced).
Welsh Basics Numbers 1 to 10

Welsh Basics Numbers 1 to 10

A set of number flashcards to cut out and laminate. Enlarge if required. Cards show numbers 1 to 10, colour coded, with numerals, pictures of objects to count, number words in English and in Welsh. Boardmaker licenced.
Welsh Basics Colours and Colour Words

Welsh Basics Colours and Colour Words

An interactive activity designed for English Language and Welsh learners to explore the world of colours. Through a hands-on approach, children are encouraged to recognize colours, match picture cards to colour cards, and associate words in both English and Welsh. The activity provides a multisensory learning experience that caters to diverse learning styles. Children will enhance their vocabulary in English and Welsh. Children can write the words, cut out and match the picture cards. Enlarge the sheets as needed. Boardmaker Licenced.
Welsh Basics Greetings Activities

Welsh Basics Greetings Activities

Activity ideas for teaching and learning greetings in Welsh / English. Sheet 1 contains 10 colour flashcards that show popular greetings in both English and Welsh and using symbols (Boardmaker Licenced). Sheet 2 shows black and white symbols of the 10 greetings for children to colour in and name in English / Welsh. They can then write the words in the blank boxes provided. The cards can be cut and matched. Alternatively, children could draw the pictures and write the word/s.
Welsh Basics Days Months and Weather

Welsh Basics Days Months and Weather

A resource for those learning basic words in Welsh. Sheet 1 shows flashcards which are colour coded - children can cut and match the days of the week in English and Welsh. Sheet 2 shows cards for the months of the year in English and in Welsh. Children can cut and match the cards, write the words in Welsh and answer the question about their own birthdays. Sheet 3 shows 10 weather cards in English and in Welsh for children to cut out and match. Picture symbols from Boardmaker (Boardmaker licenced).
Transport Labelling in French and Symbols

Transport Labelling in French and Symbols

2 worksheets where Boardmaker symbols are used to support children with their reading and writing. Each worksheet shows 9 transport symbols. There are spaces for children to write the words in French or cut and paste the words. If children are learning English, they can write the words in English. Each of the worksheets are in colour and in black and white. Boardmaker Licenced.
A School Adventure with Symbols

A School Adventure with Symbols

In this activity, children will explore different symbols related to school life. They will see pictures of classroom essentials, activities, and some of their favourite places around the school such as the ‘sports’ hall or the library. The aim is to identify each image and write its corresponding word in the boxes provided. To help kick start this journey, already provided are three words for each page, that can be traced over. There are 3 pages in colour and the same 3 in black and white. Links to School, Ourselves, Writing and Handwriting, English Language Learning. Boardmaker licenced.
School Resources Adventure for SEND

School Resources Adventure for SEND

A set of 4 planned lessons for SEND children including objectives, activity ideas, resources, adult support and notes. Each lesson uses some or all of the 5 sheets of symbols. There are 12 symbols on each sheet. These symbols are in black and white and can be coloured in as an extra activity. The 4 lessons in brief are: My Personal Communication Board This allows children to reflect on their needs, fostering self-awareness and mutual respect. Symbolic Discoveries An engaging task that hones fine motor skills while teaching symbolic recognition. Symbolic Sorting Quest This promotes categorical thinking, symbol recognition and a deeper understanding of everyday tools and inclusiveness. Symbolic Relay Race This lesson combines physical activity with symbolic learning, making lessons fun and engaging. Boardmaker licenced.
Colour Quest: Exploring Artists Colours

Colour Quest: Exploring Artists Colours

This series of activities is aimed at making the exploration of art and colour interactive and fun for young children. The activities draw inspiration from the palettes of cartoon artists included on the posters. Each activity aims to enhance different skill sets such as colour recognition, creativity, imagination, emotional awareness, observational and problem-solving skills. Activities include colour identification, storytelling with art, colour-based emotion exercises, a scavenger hunt, colour mixing and finger painting. The resource includes a planning sheet with 7 activity ideas that use the 11 colour artist cartoon posters that are included. The final sheet gives a black and white version of the cartoon artist. There are 4 to a page, so these can be enlarged or/and cut out. Suitable for Early Years and KS1 children. Useful for English Language Learning and Art and Design lessons. Can be used as a unit of work or dipped in and out of as individual lessons.
12 End of Term Fun Games for KS1

12 End of Term Fun Games for KS1

Children will have fun with these games for any time or the end of the term or school year. There are 12 cards to choose from. The aim of the game is for children to choose a letter of the alphabet for their chosen card and then answer the questions verbally or written e.g. the blue card catergories are hospital, family, cafe, chemist, winter and summer. If a child chooses the letter C, then answers could be: cousin for family; coffee for cafe; cough medicine for chemist, cold for winter and cool for summer. Each of the 12 cards has 6 different categories on them. The game could be carried out with a timer or a bell ring to signify the end. Add points to make it more interesting. Links to speaking and listening and works well in groups, pairs or against the clock. Useful for children learning English as a second language increasing vocabulary and understanding.
10 Vowels Phonic Sheets for KS1 and SEND

10 Vowels Phonic Sheets for KS1 and SEND

10 worksheets in this collection using symbols. Suitable for KS1 and SEND pupils. Links to phonics, handwriting and writing. Each worksheet shows 12 pictures with the vowels underneath. Children trace over the letters and add the missing vowels to make the CVC words. These sheets encourage thinking skills and speaking and listening. Boardmaker licenced
Phonics 20 CVC Word Posters KS1

Phonics 20 CVC Word Posters KS1

This resource is linked to phonics work, CVC words and word endings. There are 20 posters with 2 per page. The posters are in colour and show a word ending e.g. AG and then 4 words associated with this e.g. bag, tag, nag and wag. There are matching pictures to go with the words. The posters are good for speaking and listening, revision, quick reading and recall as well as for displaying in your classroom / writing corner. Page 1 of the resource gives an example of some of the posters and their content together with 4 ideas for lesson activities. Suitable for Key Stage 1 and English Language Learners.
Letters W, X, Y and Z Photo Resource Pack KS1

Letters W, X, Y and Z Photo Resource Pack KS1

This resource presents a colourful array of 15 carefully chosen photographs depicting objects beginning with W, X, Y and Z. Key Stage 1 will enjoy these ‘real world’ phonics activities. Cut and laminated, the photographs will enhance your displays on the letters W, X, Y and Z and encourage lots of speaking and listening. The pack includes: A poster showcasing all 15 W, X, Y and Z images along with their corresponding words. This poster can serve as a visual aid to stimulate vocabulary and enhance word-picture association. A word search activity, where children can put their detective hats on and hunt for all 15 W, X, Y and Z words is included. An answer sheet is added, enabling learners to check their own answers. A worksheet that will allow children to demonstrate their understanding by filling in the missing gaps with W, X, Y and Z words to complete the sentences. Make sure you mix up the missing words first.
Letters 'U' and 'V' Photo Resources Pack KS1

Letters 'U' and 'V' Photo Resources Pack KS1

This resource presents a colourful array of 15 carefully chosen photographs depicting objects beginning with ‘U’ and ‘V’. Key Stage 1 will enjoy these ‘real world’ phonics activities. Cut and laminated, the photographs will enhance your displays on the letters U and V and encourage lots of speaking and listening. The pack includes: A poster showcasing all 15 ‘U’ and ‘V’ images along with their corresponding words. This poster can serve as a visual aid to stimulate vocabulary and enhance word-picture association. A word search activity, where children can put their detective hats on and hunt for all 15 ‘U’ and ‘V’ words is included. An answer sheet is added, enabling learners to check their own answers. A worksheet that will allow children to demonstrate their understanding by filling in the missing gaps with 'U’ and ‘V’ words to complete the sentences. Make sure you mix up the missing words first.
Colours Classroom Display Cards

Colours Classroom Display Cards

Brighten up your classroom displays with these Colours Display Cards. There is a landscape full page poster showing the word Colours. Next there are 4 pages each showing 4 different colours e.g. blue, green, red and yellow and indigo, rose, beige and gold. Cut out and laminate the cards and use in your teaching of colour such as colour sorting and for your displays. The final page is a template with the colour pencils border for children to use for writing or drawing.
10 Colour Spelling Certificates

10 Colour Spelling Certificates

Use these spelling certificates to motivate and reward your children for their read, write and spelling work. Each of the 10 certificates is the same but a different colour. You can use the certificates as they are or use as a differentiated assessment tool. E.g Yellow might equate to 5 words children can spell Blue could be 10 etc. Write the number of words on the certificates that children can read, write and spell. The final certificate is white - you could colour this yourself or the children can. Suitable for pupils learning English as a 2nd language too.
Describing Clothing and Footwear KS1

Describing Clothing and Footwear KS1

8 activity sheets with a cross curriuclar Clothes theme. On each page there is a different sort of clothing, footwear or accessory. Each of the pictures on each page are numbered to 12. Children discuss the clothing and look at detail and function. They then use the writing area of the sheet to write key words associated with the items that describe them and / or write a sentence for each. Items include: hats, trousers and shorts, shoes, socks, jackets and coats. Links with literacy, writing and speaking and listening. Extend by asking children to describe an item of clothing and the class can say what it is from the description. Useful resource too, for those learning English.
Gardens Display Cards and Visual Aids

Gardens Display Cards and Visual Aids

7 sets of display cards or visual aids for your topics on Outdoors, Plants or Gardens, Home or Where I live. Each page shows 4 flashcards with symbols and words related to things that children might come across in the garden. Useful for SEND pupils, those learning English and young children learning to read. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.