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Resources for humanities lessons. :)
Causes of the American Civil War

Causes of the American Civil War

A PowerPoint designed for a 1 hour lesson. Includes the option of printing off a worksheet. This lesson considers four of the factors which contributed towards the outbreak of the American Civil War. This lesson is designed to encourage students to think analytically about the causes.
Who was responsible for the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower?

Who was responsible for the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower?

A complete lesson bundle including PowerPoint and resources. This lesson is designed as a ‘murder mystery’ on the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower. Students have to decide who out of the contemporary suspects they think is most likely/guilty for the two boys’ disappearance. This lesson includes PowerPoint and resources designed for a 1 hour lesson. Aimed at KS3. All images taken from Google. Presentation and worksheets are my own.
Volcanoes (KS3/KS4)

Volcanoes (KS3/KS4)

A 1 hour lesson on Volcanoes. This lesson is appropriate for GCSE students as it relies heavily on resources from BBC Bitesize. The lesson is also appropriate for higher-ability KS3 students. Suitable for students on the AQA, OCR, and WJEC exam boards. Featured content: Types of volcanoes Magma & lava Key terminology match-up Types of plate margin Hotspots Internal structure of a volcano Volcanic arcs and belts Volcanic activity
Edexcel Russia 1917-1991 Exam Technique

Edexcel Russia 1917-1991 Exam Technique

A lesson focused around feedback and making improvements to the sample question “How significant was employment for the promotion of a stable Soviet society in the years 1953–85?” as featured in a previous exam paper. This lesson is designed to be an hour long, and intended for A-Level students of the Edexcel course ‘Russia 1917-1991: From Lenin to Yeltsin’. Sample material from Edexcel has been used for the making of this PowerPoint.
The murder of William Rufus - one of history's mysteries

The murder of William Rufus - one of history's mysteries

Murder mystery lesson designed for an hour long lesson. Students have to study evidence and reach their own conclusions (as detectives) about who was responsible for the death of William Rufus. Interactive lesson which can be teacher or student led. Students can work in groups to begin with then write down their own conclusions. Whole class discussion at the end. All round a very engaging lesson. Presentation is my own; images taken from Google.
League of Nations

League of Nations

This 1 hour interactive lesson is designed for low-ability students at KS3. As the League of Nations is quite a heavy topic this lesson gets the students to act out what happened with the League of Nations, and also why it did not work out as well as originally hoped. Each student performs the role of one of the countries. I taught this lesson to a low ability KS3 group and they retained the knowledge from it very well.
Edward VI

Edward VI

Who was Edward VI? Overview of Edward and his reign. This lesson features the following: Recap of Henry VII and Henry VIII’s reigns (optional starter activity for students who have previously studied these monarchs) Emergence of the Seymours and Edward’s birth and childhood How Edward was able to become king over his two half-sisters Historical vocabulary practice (words associated with the Tudors) The Somerset Protectorate The Northumberland Protectorate Features of the Edwardian Church (and how this changed from the reign of Henry VIII) There are opportunities for exam practice (sources, ‘outline’ & ‘explain why’ questions) within this lesson. How much time you spend per question is up to you, as this lesson can be adapted into a 1 hour or 2 hour lesson. (Images taken from Google)
Who was Henry VIII?

Who was Henry VIII?

A 1-2 hour lesson containing information on Henry’s ‘Great Matter’ and the Dissolution of the Monasteries. It can be succinct and both can be covered in one lesson or you can choose to split it into two. This lesson contains information on: Why Henry wanted a divorce, and why the Pope would not allow him a divorce, key terminology match-up activity, Catholic & Protestant beliefs, roles of Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell, impacts the reformation had on the English Church, the functions of monasteries, motivations for the dissolution, and contemporary sources relating to the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Ideal for an introductory lesson at KS3 or for those studying ‘Henry VIII and his ministers’ for Edexcel GCSE.
Weather - KS3 Geography

Weather - KS3 Geography

A 1 hour lesson designed for KS3 on weather - with a specific focus on UK weather. Contains a range of activities. Some images and text taken from BBC Bitesize and MetOffice.gov.uk
Year 7 (geog.1) Overview Refresher Lesson

Year 7 (geog.1) Overview Refresher Lesson

An ideal lesson for revision after teaching the content within the textbook geog.1 This lesson covers the topics: Planet Earth Map Skills The UK Glaciers Rivers Africa It does not come with printable worksheet resources as it is designed for use as an online lesson. Images are taken from Google and the geog.1 textbook.
Global Population (KS3)

Global Population (KS3)

A 1 hour lesson designed for online tutoring but could be adapted for classwork in schools. Images taken from google.com and wikipedia.org
Consequences of the Black Death (KS3; mixed ability)

Consequences of the Black Death (KS3; mixed ability)

Designed for a KS3 mixed ability class. Lesson is designed for an hour long lesson. PowerPoint includes a recap of causes, and then looks at what happened to society after the Black Death in England. Includes exam skills work. Presentation is my own, images taken from Google. Contains a YouTube link to a short video.
Map Skills

Map Skills

PowerPoint designed for a 1 hour lesson on map skills at KS3 level. This lesson is best taught in an online tutorial session as it does not come with resources. However, the presentation is interactive and students could possibly do the match up activity, the globe labelling, the consolidation quiz, and the OS map analysis in their exercise books if the teacher using this lesson were to print them out. This lesson covers map skills in the form of: How to read a compass How to interpret an OS map How to infer the format of an atlas map and how to label a 3D atlas map
A-Level Civil Rights in the USA, OCR Unit 3

A-Level Civil Rights in the USA, OCR Unit 3

A 1 hour lesson designed to help students understand the interpretation question (section A) in the Unit 3 component. This lesson features topical content on the Civil Rights module as part of OCR unit 3.


This lesson could be aimed at a high-ability KS3 group, or a KS4/GCSE group. This lesson covers a wide range of information that students will need to know for the earthquakes topic. It includes: Earth’s layers (for example, the crust and plate margins) Wegener’s theory of continental drift Key words and definitions Different types of plate boundary How earthquakes are measured Effects and human responses to earthquakes Case studies from an MEDC and an LEDC Human solutions to earthquakes There is a section at the bottom where you could add in your own exam style question (depending on your exam board) to the end of the lesson. There is also a quiz at the bottom which you could set for homework or as an exit ticket consolidation activity. (This lesson includes material from BBC Bitesize and Google Images)
Effects and responses to tectonic activity

Effects and responses to tectonic activity

This is a 2-part lesson which can be used briefly as a 1 hour lesson or spaced out into a 2 hour lesson. This lesson features case studies from MEDCs and LEDCs on how they have dealt with, and responded to, tectonic activity - with a specific focus on earthquakes and volcanoes. It offers some activities as a ‘recap’ for example, recalling the types of volcanoes and severity of seismic activity on the Richter scale, so it assumes some prior knowledge. However, it builds on this through sorting information into primary/secondary effects, and local/national/international responses. Intended for KS3 mid to high ability. Resource has adapted material from BBC Bitesize.
What was life like for women in 1900?

What was life like for women in 1900?

This lesson measures how the lives of women changed throughout the 1800s, culminating in what their lives were like by 1900. It allows students to assess changes in the following areas: Work Clothing Women’s rights Societal attitudes Activities This lesson includes activities on source work, chronology, and exam practice. This lesson is designed for a 1 hour tutorial but slides could be printed to allow for a ‘carousel’ style activity. This lesson is a great accompaniment to the Edexcel KS3 ‘Exploring History’ course.
Cromwell's Reforms to Government

Cromwell's Reforms to Government

This lesson covers the reforms that Thomas Cromwell introduced to government during his tenure as Henry VIII’s chief minister. This lesson was designed for the course ‘Henry VIII and His Ministers’ (Edexcel GCSE) but will be a useful overview to students of Tudor England (specifically government) This lesson covers: Reforms to the Royal Council Uniformity of government Reforms to finance Management and use of parliament It also contains a consolidation quiz and sample model answer to the question ‘‘The main changes to Henry VIII’s system of government and finance in the years 1534-40 was a greater role for parliament’. How far do you agree? Explain your answer (16 marks)’ Designed for 1 hour session. Uses material taken from the Pearson coursebook ‘Henry VIII and His Ministers’