Year 1 RE Unit of work for Enquiry 3: What do Jews remember on Shabbat?
PowerPoint lessons x5
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
WALT: Explore the Jewish story of Creation
WALT: Explore artefacts related to Shabbat
WALT: Explain what is allowed and not allowed during Shabbat
WALT: Understand the importance of rest and relate this to the Jewish Creation story
WALT: Compare our lives to Jewish traditions
Year 1 RE Enquiry 4: What does the cross mean for Christians?
RE Unit of work:
PowerPoint lessons x4
Activities & resources
Memory training starters
Scaffolds & challenges
Web links and suggested books
Printable WALTS
WALT: Explore the Easter story
WALT: Explore symbols of Christianity
WALT: Design an Easter card that represents Christian beliefs
WALT: Understand the importance of hope and what it means to Christians
KS1 DT: Moving Pictures (Little Red Riding Hood)
PowerPoint Lessons x 5
Activites & Resources
Printable WALTS
WALT: Evaluate an exiting product
WALT: Know what slider, lever and pivot mean
WALT: Design a moving picture
WALT: Make a moving picture
WALT: Evaluate a product
Outcome: For children to follow the steps to create a moving picture for the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’
Year 1 English Unit: Little Red by Bethan Woollvin
This includes:
PowerPoint lessons x8
Activites & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
WALT: Recognise and know the purpose of nouns
WALT: Share my opinion about a story
WALT: Retell a story in order
WALT: Imagine what a character might say
WALT: Identify features of a narrative
WALT: Generate ideas for writing and plan a simple story
WALT: Write a sequence of sentences
WALT: Write a story
Year 1 RE Unit of work for Enquiry 2: How does a celebration bring community together?
PowerPoint lessons x5
Activities & Resources
Printable WALTS
WALT: Identify religious celebrations
WALT: Explore the traditions of Christmas
WALT: Explore the traditions of Eid
WALT: Find out how Christians come together at Christmas
WALT: Create a traditional product
KS1 Music Unit - Medieval Music
PowerPoint lessons x3
Weblinks to music
Activities & Resources
Medieval music flashcards
Printable WALTS
WALT: Listen to different sounds and moods in music
WALT: Identify sounds and instruments
WALT: Express an opinion on different sounds and moods in music
Year 1 History: Homes in the Past Unit of work
Full lessons x6
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Display Materials
Model Texts – Information Pages
Year 1 RE Enquiry 5: How did the universe come to be?
RE Unit of work:
PowerPoint lessons x5
Activities & resources
Memory training starters
Scaffolds & challenges
Web links
Printable WALTS
Creation Story sequencing cards
WALT: Question how the universe came to be
WALT: Explore the Hindu story of Creation
WALT: Explore the Christian story of Creation
WALT: Consider ways to look after our world
WALT: Make our own Creation story
Year 1 RE Unit of work for Enquiry 1: What do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief?
Suggested term: Autumn
Powerpoint lessons x5
Activitites & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
WALT: Use senses to investigate worship in different religious traditions
WALT: Ask ‘I wonder’ questions about the world around us
WALT: Use senses to investigate worship in different religious traditions
WALT: Link senses to religious objects
WALT: Use senses to justify a belief
History Unit for Year 1: Toys from the Past
A complete sequence of lessons for Year 1 History topic for ‘Toys from the Past’. Suggested Term: Autumn.
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x6
Activites & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS for books
WALT: Explore ‘old’ and ‘new’
WALT: Identify differences between toys, past and present
WALT: Identify ‘old’ and ‘new’
WALT: Know that toys constantly change but some things stay the same
WALT: Sequence artefacts in chronological order
WALT: Know how children’s lives have changed over the past 150 years
Year 1 History: Toys from the Past - Display Materials
To make this display:
Print the labels and information pages (Can be copied A4 or A3 & laminated)
Use strip paper or boarder to form the timeline
Year 1 History: Toys from the Past (Unit of Work & Display Materials)
PowerPoint lessons x6
Memory Training Starters
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Display Materials:
Printable slides (Can be copied A4 or A3 and laminated)
All about Italy - European Languages Day
PowerPoint Lesson x1
Explore: Italy, famous places & food
Weblink & Photos
Writing Task
Scaffold & Challenge
Activities & Resources
Colouring in Pages
Year 1 Science Unit: Animals including humans
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x5 (66 slides)
Memory training starters
Scaffolds and challenges
Activities, experiments & resources
Knowledge slides (display materials)
WALT: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
WALT: Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals
WALT: Identify, name and sort animals that are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
WALT: Group animals according to what they eat
WALT: Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body
WALT: Say which part of the body is associated with each sense
Year 1 English Unit: The Storm Whale
This unit includes
PowerPoint lessons x 12
(95 slides)
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Think, Say, Write, Check visuals
Writing checklist
Writing template
WALT: Understand that text, illustration and other features combine to give meaning
WALT: Make simple inferences
WALT: Use new vocabulary
WALT: Write in full sentences
WALT: Identify statements, questions, exclamation and commands
WALT: Punctuate sentences
WALT: Use the –ed suffix
WALT: Use expanded noun phrases
WALT: Plan to write a story
WALT: Write a story
Chunk 1, 2, 3
WALT: Write a story
Chunk 4, 5, 6
WALT: Edit our work
WALT: Write in best