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Greater Depth Writing Knowledge Organiser
This is a two-paged knowledge organiser to help children reach the Greater Depth writing standard. Page one explains and gives examples of the expected punctuation. It also provides examples of formal writing and how to manage shifts in formality. Page two, contains all of the spellings from the 5/6 spelling list. Aimed at Y6.

trompe l'oeil knowledge organiser
A one-page knowledge organiser about the style of art known as trompe l’oeil. The page includes examples of this work and facts. Aimed at upper KS2.

Maths Christmas Quiz 2
A fun end of term Christmassy maths quiz aimed at Y5/6. It covers nets, multiplication, area and other aspects of the Y5/6 curriculum.

Rivers knowledge organiser
A knowledge organiser for an UKS2 topic on rivers. Contains a diagram of a river with labels and key vocabulary. Included are an editable publisher version and a pdf .

Brazil knowledge organiser
A knowledge organiser aimed at upper KS2, containing key facts about Brazil.

Second world war knowledge organiser
A knowledge organiser about the second world war. Contains key facts and illustrations. Suitable for KS2.

The Americas Knowledge Organiser
A two-page knowledge organiser about the Americas. One page covers North America and One page South. Includes maps of places and climate zones as well as other facts and images.

Victorian knowledge organiser
A two-page knowledge organiser about the Victorian era. Page one contains facts and pictures about Victoria herself, whereas page two contains pictures and facts about societal changes of the time. Aimed at upper Key Stage two.

DT skills knowledge organisers
Two knowledge organisers. One focusing on food preparation skills and one focusing on different stitch types. Contains pictures, diagrams and text.

Christmas quizzes - grammar and maths
Two end of term fun quizzes aimed at year five and six, but suitable for slightly older too. The grammar quiz looks at spelling (from the five/six spelling list), punctuation and word classes. The ten questions are all Christmassy themed with illustrations and Christmas jokes. The maths one is aimed at the same ages and has 10 Christmas-themed questions covering word problems, area, shape etc. Ideal for the end of term. Can be completed in teams or individually.

Discussion (planning plus core texts)
This a two week block of English work on discussion texts. It was originally planned for delivery as home learning during lockdown, but can be used at other times as well. The aim was to keep it simple enough to be completed at home without specialist adult support. It was designed for a Year Four/Five/Six class, but can be easily adapted for only one of these year groups. There are two core texts included so no additional resources need to be found or prepared.

Vocabulary Games and Activities
Four different games to improve vocabulary. Instructions and categories for Scategories, instructions for Call My Bluff, and instructions and a full set of question cards for grammar vocabulary Jeopardy and maths vocabulary Jeopardy. The games can be played as a whole class but the instructions are written to be understood and played independently by small groups of UKS2 children or lower if certain vocabulary is removed from the Jeopardy games.

History knowledge organisers
A set of five history knowledge organisers. They cover; Ancient Greeks, Crime and Punishment, Ancient Maya, Second World War and Vikings and Anglo Saxons.

Geography Knowledge Organisers
A set of five geography knowledge organisers. Including: Brazil, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Map Reading, Mountains and Rivers. Contains useful facts and illustrations. Suitable for KS2

Artist Knowledge Organisers
A collection of 17 knowledge organisers suitable for primary age children. The collection includes: Warhol, Kahlo, Klimt, Lowry, Hepworth, Monet, Picasso, Klee, Pointillism, Magritte,Lichtenstein, Mondrian Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Morris, Hoch and Kusama. All organisers include facts about the style and examples of the work.