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Lighthousehunter's Shop

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I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.




I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Australia : 6 KS2  Geography lessons.

Australia : 6 KS2 Geography lessons.

Australia today: Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons. Each lesson is broken into short focused activities with supporting worksheets and maps. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Australia’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Australia as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in at the beginning and end of lessons. Great to link with cross curricular topics such as ‘Indigenous people’, ‘Rainforests’, ‘Weather’, ‘Deserts’ etc. Lesson 1 Learning Objectives I must find Australia in my atlas. I should recognise some of the features of Australia. I could describe where Australia is in the world using geographical words. Lesson 2 Learning objectives I must be able to spot the main features of Australia. I should find and label the features on my map. I could write a description about two features. Lesson 3 Learning Objectives I must describe a tropical climate. I should explain the temperature in different locations. I could interpret the climate data and temperature chart for each month. Lesson 4 Learning objectives: I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’. I should interpret the population table and identify the challenges for living in Australia. I could compare population graphs for Australian cities and explain population issues. Lesson 5 Learning Objectives I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’, ‘tropical climate’ and ‘weather’. I must order the ten most populated cities in Australia. I should explain how the location of Australian cities affects population size. I could explain how the weather and climate support the life of the Australian people. Lesson 6 Learning Objectives I must identify some features of natural beauty in Australia. I should identify and research some of the areas of natural beauty which come from Australia. OR I should identify and research some of the animal, fish and birds which come from Australia.
Vincent Van Gogh Primary Art lesson.

Vincent Van Gogh Primary Art lesson.

Vincent Van Gogh complete Art lesson for Primary pupils. Learning objectives To learn about the work of the artist Vincent Van Gogh. To look at shapes, colour and lines in Van Gogh’s artwork and talk about what they might represent. To understand how to create movement in a picture by using lines and thickness of paint. To try out Van Gogh’s techniques in my own artwork. To create my own still life composition using shape, colour and lines and evaluate my work. The lesson includes brief information about Van Gogh’s life and how he painted using examples of his paintings. There are opportunities for pupils to work in paired tasks to discuss Van Gogh’s painting techniques and use of pattern and shapes in his paintings to create depth, texture and movement. Art tasks include: Creating pattern using 3 of Van Gogh’s examples (worksheet), using pattern techniques on a blank outline of a tree to create movement (worksheet), warm and cold colours and colour wheel worksheet. There is also an opportunity for the class to use a range of materials (pastels, chalk, paint, crayon) to create their own still life piece inspired by ‘Sunflowers’ with an evaluation sheet for their finished masterpiece! This lesson can be edited and used as suitable for your class and time or space constraints. Can be a stand-alone lesson or linked to topics such as Colour, Famous people/Artists, Art, Famous paintings, Feelings and Emotions.
Wassily Kandinsky Primary Art lesson.

Wassily Kandinsky Primary Art lesson.

Wassily Kandinsky complete Art lesson for Primary pupils. Learning objectives • To learn about the work of the artist Wassily Kandinsky. • To look at shapes, colour and lines in Kandinsky’s artwork and talk about what they might represent. • To understand an example of abstract art. • To experience the link between art and sounds when creating my own artwork. • To create my own composition using shape, colour and lines and explain my work to my partner. The lesson includes brief information about Kandinsky’s life and how he painted using examples of his paintings and a simple explanation of abstract art. There are opportunities for pupils to work in paired tasks to discuss abstract composition and emotional interpretation. Art task includes: 12 squared-grid (included) for drawing Kandinsky style concentric circles. Pupils are encouraged to collect recycled plastic lids or bottle tops for a group task to make a large collaborative Kandinsky circle picture. There is a short-paired task to reinforce primary and secondary colour mixing and a Primary colours ‘design’ activity (worksheet). There is also an opportunity for the class to use a range of materials (pastels, chalk, paint, crayon) to create their own abstract piece inspired by music (own or teacher’s choice) with an evaluation sheet for their finished masterpiece! This lesson can be edited and used as suitable for your class and time or space constraints. Can be a stand-alone lesson or linked to topics such as Colour, Famous people/Artists, Abstract Art, Famous paintings, Feelings and Emotions.
30 PE warm up games/activities KS1 Reception

30 PE warm up games/activities KS1 Reception

KS1 and Reception Pack of 30 PE warm up games/activities to develop: Key skills: Familiarisation with space. Awareness of obstacles and other children. Respond to ‘stop’, ‘turn’, ‘change direction’ and simple signals. Travel in different ways. Taking turns. Positional vocabulary. Each game/activity can be used as a lesson starter to warm up the pupils and help them to practise the key skills. A list of resources is listed by each activity where needed. Games included help pupils develop team work, understanding of rules and tactics or simple strategies. I have used these games and activities and have adapted the names of the games to match some of the topics I was teaching at a particular time.
Earth Day KS1 and KS2 Assembly.

Earth Day KS1 and KS2 Assembly.

Earth Day KS1 and KS2 Assembly. A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of Earth Day which can be used in the days preceding or on 22nd April. A short video link (on last slide) can be easily slotted into the assembly if you chose. Power-point of 24 slides which include: Suggested music, video clip and hymns. Date of Earth Day (22nd April). How Earth Day began and the UN choice of Earth Day as the signing of the Paris Agreement. The issues of waste pollution and the impact on the planet. Earth Day projects and the importance of trees. Fossil fuels and the impact of global warming. What can we do? Some suggestions. An Eco champion – Greta Thunberg. ‘A poem for climate change’ (Can be read aloud) and a link to the ‘paper’ animated version (BBC). Final prayer. Optional video clip of David Attenborough ‘BBC Planet Earth celebration’. Links well with topics on environmental issues, climate change, global warming, people who make a difference, current world climate issues.
KS1&2 Easter story sequencing activity.

KS1&2 Easter story sequencing activity.

KS1&2 Easter story sequencing activity. A simplified exercise to help pupils understand the order of the Easter Story which can be quite complicated to understand and remember. Learning objective: To sequence pictures and statements and retell the Easter story in correct order. Set of 12 images and descriptions of The Easter Story which can be organised in sequential order onto a storyboard template. There are three templates included which support differentiation and reading levels. Template 1 (Higher ability) is numbered only and pupils order the story into the numbered boxes. Template 2 (Middle ability) is differentiated using key words from the main text in the numbered boxes. Template 3 (Lower Ability) order the story into the numbered boxes with the support of key phrases which they can match to the main text. Pupils can then use their completed templates to read as a group or class or talk to their partners about the Easter Story. Useful with topics: Easter, Jesus and the Disciples, New Life, Spring, Romans.
Easter Traditions. KS1 and 2 ppt lesson

Easter Traditions. KS1 and 2 ppt lesson

Easter Traditions. KS1 and 2 power-point of 58 slides (including worksheets). This power-point can be used as a complete stand-alone lesson which can be edited into topic sections or as an additional spin off to related topics which encourage the pupils to think about how Easter is celebrated and how the traditions we know today originated. I have kept the information simple with a mix of slides, and lots of additional fun linked activities including a quick dictionary definition exercise, short youtube clips, book exercises (written tasks), paired talk activities and worksheets. Easter traditions covered are: Easter eggs and links to the Saxon Goddess Eostre, egg rolling and paste eggs, Easter bunny, baskets and egg hunting, card giving (and the Victorian tradition), food (hot cross buns, Simnel cake, roast dinner), Easter clothes and bonnets, traditional egg and Morris dancing (my class love the dancing activity at the end and performed at a class assembly). Learning objectives To know the origins of Easter traditions in the United Kingdom and the link to Christianity. To compare Easter traditions today with traditions in the past. To work co-operatively with a partner or small group to discuss answers and ideas about Easter traditions. Introductory activity: What do you know? Worksheet mind map to prompt ideas. Class Poll 1: Easter eggs. Shared talk activities: Links to Christianity and youtube clip ‘The Easter Story’. Pair activity: Pace egging. Worksheets: 3 patterned egg templates to colour and 1 blank egg template for own design. Youtube clip: Egg rolling. Class task: Solve a short riddle. Book task: About Easter cards Blank template with a Victorian border for Easter message Blank templates x 3 to design an Easter card. Class Poll 2: Hot cross buns. Book task: dictionary activity, supporting worksheet and recipe for hot cross buns. Musical link to rhyme ‘Hot cross buns’ Worksheet: Lent and hot cross buns written tasks. Talk partners: Simnel cake Worksheet: Write about and draw traditional easter roast dinner and your Easter dinner. Book task: Dictionary activity and structured worksheet (2) to design and evaluate a bonnet. Paired task: interpret a simple traditional rhyme about new Easter clothes. Class challenge: Watch and follow a simple Morris dance youtube clip. Learn and perform for an audience. Evaluation worksheet: Easter traditions blank writing summary for each tradition. Each slide includes pictures which illustrate the key learning points. Useful alongside lessons or topics on Easter, celebrations, Spring, entertainment, Victorians.
KS2 Puzzle workbook for creative pupils

KS2 Puzzle workbook for creative pupils

KS2 Puzzle workbook. A booklet of 20 puzzles and brainteasers for creative pupils. A mix of short activities to challenge your pupils and extend their thinking. Answers included at the end of the booklet. A fun activity for end of term, end of SATs or as a purposeful filler for early finishers. Question 1 Word maker. Make as many words as possible from a short phrase. Question 2 Favourite after school things. Question 3 Get creative! Describing school. Question 4 Ditloids. 9 to solve. Question 5 Brainteasers. 8 picture clues to solve. Question 6 Which domino comes next in the sequence? Question 7 How old am I? Work out the ages of 6 children from clues. Question 8 Finding triangles within triangles. Question 9 A confusing reading activity! Question 10 A small stick challenge. Question 11 family problem solver. Question 12 Animal number substitutions Question 13 Compound word pictures Question 14 Another brainteaser. Question 15 Solve the value of the strawberry! Question 16 Solve the value of the umbrella. Question 17 4 Maths puzzles. Question 18 What do the objects have in common? Question 19 Famous historical dates in Roman numerals Question 20 Solve the word ladder.
The Moon. KS2 PP Lesson and worksheets

The Moon. KS2 PP Lesson and worksheets

The Moon. KS2 power-point of 41 slides. This power-point can be used as a complete stand-alone lesson or as an additional spin off to related topics which encourage the pupils to think about the Moon and how it affects Earth. I have kept the information simple with a mix of slides and activities including short youtube clips, NASA clips, paired talk activities, homework moon observation (diary activity) and a challenge to make a quiz about the information learned. Each slide includes pictures which illustrate the key learning points. There are worksheets which support the power-point including: A Moon description activity, Word Mat, Lunar sequencing, Phases of the Moon factsheet, Phases of the Moon sorting cards (make 2 sets and play ‘pairs’ or ‘snap’, a high tide and low tide worksheet, how the Moon causes tides worksheet, Moon Diary template. Useful alongside lessons or topics on Space, Sun and Planets, Space travel, The Sky. Learning objectives • To understand the relationship between the Moon and the Earth. • To recognise and explain the ‘Phases of the Moon’. • To use key scientific vocabulary about the Moon in descriptions and explanations for example: satellite eclipse phases rotation axis orbit • To know that gravity from the Moon and Sun has an effect on Earth.
Fiction Writing Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates.

Fiction Writing Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates.

14 Resources
Fiction Writing Genres. Pack of 14 KS2 pupil templates. Template genres include: Horror, Dilemmas, Adventure, Comedy, Fables, Greek Myths, Flashbacks, Fantasy, Playscripts, Sci-Fi, Historical (Knights), Raising issues, Mystery, Conversations. Each template includes a bullet point reminder list of the rules for writing in a specific genre and spaces for pupils to develop ideas, character description, setting, the problem and the structure of their stories. Depending upon the genre there are prompts for descriptive vocabulary and phrases, character emotion and responses. The templates can be used to develop story writing linked to most cross curricular topics and drama particularly Celebrations, Famous People, Explorers, Fairytales and stories, Animals, Greece etc. I have used these templates with Years 3 to 6 and with HA Year 2 pupils.
Dilemma story writing template KS1 and 2

Dilemma story writing template KS1 and 2

Stories with a Dilemma template KS1 & 2 Dilemma story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own dilemma story. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing dilemma stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following a writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : Adventure, Explorers, Feelings.
KS1 & 2 Comedy story writing template.

KS1 & 2 Comedy story writing template.

Comedy story template KS1 & 2 Comedy story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own humorous writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing stories with humour and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : Celebrations (eg April Fool’s Day) Famous People, Feelings and emotions.
KS1 & 2 Conversation story writing template.

KS1 & 2 Conversation story writing template.

Conversation in a story template KS1 & 2 Conversation story writing template. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing a conversation and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics eg: Famous people, Explorers, Samuel Pepys, Me and my family…
KS1 & 2 Mystery story planning template

KS1 & 2 Mystery story planning template

Mystery story template KS1 & 2 Mystery story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own mystery writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing mystery stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with a range of topics : Seasonal mysteries, Explorers, Different countries, Travel, Halloween.
Stories that raise issues template

Stories that raise issues template

Stories that raise issues template KS1 & 2 Raising issues story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own story with issues writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing issue stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an class writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics which relate to familiar issues: Anti-bullying, friendship problems, school problems, family dynamics, crime, money.
Playscript Template KS1 and KS2

Playscript Template KS1 and KS2

Playscript template KS1 & 2Playscript planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own playscript. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing a play and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an playscript writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : Setting the stage, performances, Shakespeare.
Fantasy Adventure story template

Fantasy Adventure story template

Fantasy Adventure story template KS1 & 2 fantast adventure story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own fantasy writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing fantasy adventure stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an fantasy adventure writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : fairytales, space, imaginary worlds.
Flashback story template

Flashback story template

Flashback story template KS1 & 2 Flashback story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own story with a flashback writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing flashback stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following drama. Can also be used with topics : Adventure, Explorers, personal experiences.
Adventure story template

Adventure story template

Adventure story template KS1 & 2 Adventure story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own adventure writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing adventure stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story. Great to use following an adventure writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : Adventure, Explorers, Travel, Halloween.
Barack Obama Famous person fact sheet.

Barack Obama Famous person fact sheet.

Barack Obama Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in his life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 3-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Also links with topics: USA, Leaders, Democracy, Black History