I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Christmas comprehension cards. Set of 20. KS1/lower KS2. Each card includes a simple description about a Christmas related tradition, food or object and four questions for pupils to retrieve from the text. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each subject on the card. Can also be used without the comprehension questions as a reference resource for pupils to research a Christmas topic independently.
Comprehension card topics: Snow, reindeer, Christmas tree, Christmas pudding, presents, Father Christmas, holly, robin, Christmas stocking, Christmas pyjamas, mistletoe, mince pies, crackers, pantomime, Christmas cards, Christmas cake, lights, Christmas dinner.
Y 5 & 6 KS2 Christmas Maths Booklet
I made this booklet based upon similar Level 4 SATs questions but with a Christmas theme. It is targeted at Years 5 & 6 for practise in the areas below. There are 50 questions altogether in the booklet. Each topic has a learning objective for pupils to match against their targets. The questions are set out in a simple format with spaces for pupils to write answers and show workings and calculations. Christmas pictures are included alongside the questions which are practical and fun.
Answer sheet provided at the end of the booklet.
Pages 1 &2: Proportion and Ratio. 12 questions.
Learning objective:
I can solve ratio and proportion questions by working out the relationships between numbers.
Page 3: Checking the cost of Christmas (calculations). 3 questions.
Learning objective: I can check a calculation.
Page 4: Factors and Multiples. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can multiply pairs of factors to make a given number.
Page 5: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can use times tables.
Page 6: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can multiply and divide by 10 or 100.
Page 7: Using a calculator. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can use a calculator to work out calculations and solve problems.
Page 8: Christmas Maths: Measurement. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I know which units of measurement to use for length, mass and capacity.
Page 9: Tables and charts. 2 questions.
Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means.
Page 10: Tables and charts. 3 questions.
Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means.
Page 11: Number Patterns. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can recognise patterns in numbers and can explain the pattern.
KS1&2 Christmas Nativity story sequencing activity.
Learning objective: To sequence and retell the Christmas story in order.
Pupils cut out the boxed images and descriptions and sequence the story onto a storyboard template.
There are three templates attached which support differentiation and reading levels. Higher Ability (Timeline 1) template is numbered only and pupils order the story into the numbered boxes. Middle Ability (Timeline 2) is differentiated using key words from the main text in the numbered boxes. Lower Ability (Timeline 3) order the story into the numbered boxes with the support of key sentences which they can match to the main text.
After completing the activity the pupils can retell the story using the timeline sequence as a prompt.
KS1 and KS2 Christmas jumper design templates. Have fun planning and creating a design for a novelty Christmas jumper!
There are three different blank jumper templates for pupils to use and a design planning template to complete before starting the task. I have included a prompt sheet with ideas for the pupils to consider eg style of the jumper (neckline, sleeves), pattern or plain, colours and embellishments etc.
There is a post design task on the design template where pupils ask for feedback from three other class members (simple questions are provided on the template) and revise their designs in the light of the feedback.
A great activity for incorporating DT/Art into a Christmas theme.
KS2 Y6 Christmas powerpoint lesson of 39 slides. Secret Agent Academy is a lesson (s) set in a ‘real’ Christmas context where pupils are ‘trained’ for a special mission to catch a villain. They create Agent Code Names and numbers, work as part of an Agent Cell, take an oath of secrecy and create common experiences eg a secret handshake. Their mission consists of 4 tasks which include cracking Substitution and Caesar codes linked to Maths problem solving challenges (equivalent numbers, comparing fractions with different denominators, sequences, missing numbers and ordering, patterns and calculations).
Slides 2-9 include an introduction to cracking codes and a go at deciphering a real code sent by Mary Queen of Scots before pupils enter the Secret Agent Academy. The Maths challenge resources are included on the slides as well as information for further teaching resource websites on Codes and Ciphers.
Learning Objectives
To save Christmas by:
Using Maths to solve problems in a real-life situation.
Appling a simple Substitution Code and Caesar Cipher to solve messages.
Solving problems using missing numbers, equivalent numbers, number facts and place value.
Applying operations and inverses using Substitution codes.
Identifying specific knowledge of English Grammar such as high frequency letters, consonants, patterns and clusters of letters, short words and frequent pre/suffixes.
How to write a party invitation with a Christmas focus. A KS1/lower KS2 power-point of 12 slides (including learning objectives) which can be used as one complete lesson or extended over a longer period. There is a warm up, two activities and a final writing task (to write an invitation to the school Christmas party). Included are examples of 2 invitations (birthday and Christmas party) for pupils to use in the lesson to spot the key features and help Tan correct his invitation (because no one has replied!). There are key questions to promote discussion and paired work. Also included is a simple invitation template for pupil use and a features checklist. Which pupils can also use to give paired feedback after writing their own invitation.
KS1/2 New Year 2023 Resolution fun worksheet : Blank information template.
A simple template for pupils to complete to share facts and information about themselves in the written form of New Year Resolutions. The prompts encourage the pupils to think and reflect on their hopes and wishes (as well as challenges) for the New Year 2023, plus a space to draw a self -portrait or stick on a photo.
Great to use in January at the start of the new term as an ice breaker or warm up after the holidays.
Speech bubble cards. Set of 21 cards. Can be used with all ages and abilities. Each card has a fun picture of an animal in winter with a speech bubble. Each card has a simple question to prompt pupil imagination to think of a response for the animal on the card. Pupils can be as sensible, humorous or as Zany as they want!
I laminated each card and use them as a fun class quick fire round at the end of lessons. Also can be used as a lesson starter/plenary or small group activity when covering conversation topics, speech bubbles and thought showers.
Series of 6 Y2 and KS2 powerpoint lessons on the topic of Easter. Each lesson includes the timings for each activity at the top of each slide. There are opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively in every lesson and record and share their ideas and knowledge.
Lesson 1: (30 mins) focuses on celebrations and Easter as a celebration and begins with an initial assessment based on pupil starting points. Pupils work in small groups of 2 or 3 and create a Spider diagram and Mind Map to record their knowledge. There is an opportunity for group feedback at the end of the lesson.
Lesson 2: (30 mins) focuses on the Easter story told through a link to a story on YouTube. The pupils raise questions about the story and have a P4C debate. There are Teacher notes on slides 14 and 15 to help shape the debate session.
Lesson 3: (30mins) focuses on Holy Week through images and key questions on each slide. There is a short YouTube clip on how to make a Palm cross. The pupils will need green activity paper or card and glue.
Lesson 4: (40 mins) focuses on Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. There is a 20 min research activity based on the painting ‘The last Supper’ (naming the disciples and finding out their responses to Jesus). Pupils will need access to books about this subject and the internet. There are opportunities for pupils to explore responses and feelings to different aspects of the story leading into the Resurrection. A template on slide 35 can be printed for pupil recording.
Lesson 5: (60 mins) focuses on the Christian symbol of the cross with a 45min Hot Cross Buns baking activity which can be either as a Teacher demonstration or as a group task.
Lesson 6: (40 mins) focuses on how Easter is celebrated today and explores some of the traditions such as Easter Bunny, lambs, chocolate eggs, daffodils etc. There are key questions for pupils to discuss in small groups and an end of unit assessment using all the information they have learnt in lessons 1-6 in the design of an Easter poster.
The final slide offers an additional Easter creative activity for pupils to follow instructions to make an Easter sheep for a card or a display. I used activity with the class when a group was completing research (Lesson 4) and a group were making Hot cross Buns (from Lesson5) with a Teaching Assistant).
I have also included a blank easter egg colouring template and an easter bunny and chick colouring template.
Creative Writing. How to make an Ethiopian wish scroll.
This factsheet tells pupils about the ancient African wish scrolls which are carried on a person (in a bag or tube around the neck or on a belt) after they have written a personal prayer, wish, affirmation, charm or talisman. There are simple instructions on how to make the scroll and some fun facts about the tradition.
A great way to make writing meaningful and fun. Useful with KS1 and KS1 topics on Africa, Mental Health, Goal setting and Affirmations, Families.
Crime and Punishment Anglo Saxons resource pack. KS2
The pack is based around a fictional short story called ‘The False Oath’ set in AD 964 at the time of the reign of the last Viking king of Northumbria, Eric Bloodaxe. The description of crime and punishment in the story is based upon historical sources. A significant feature of Saxon law relied upon people telling the truth and behaving honourably. Men swore an oath of loyalty to a lord, part of which was a promise to obey the law. Oath breaking was a very serious offence. Swearing an oath on the bible was solemn and binding and if broken, people believed they would be condemned to persecution in the afterlife.
‘The false oath’ focuses on a young boy and his family find themselves at the centre of a feud over land with their Norse neighbours. Their actions see the family and their neighbour face Saxon justice in the Witan with far reaching consequences for everyone.
The story includes a historical context and notes.
I wrote the story myself after being unable to find resources which helped pupils understand the concepts, beliefs, ideas of democracy and justice, fairness and motivation surrounding the Saxon justice system rather than the punishments themselves.
The resource pack includes:
• Short story and historical notes.
• Historical information power-point about the Anglo Saxon justice system.
6 pupil resources:
• Pupil worksheet to summarise the historical context of the story.
• Glossary Activity
• Glossary cards
• Witan drama activity and thinking worksheet for pupils.
• Pupil activity about the importance of people (in the story) and their place in the ‘pecking order’.
• Anglo Saxon punishment factsheet.
Australian Animals fact cards. Set of 36 cards depicting an animal, bird, reptile or fish found in Australia and a beautiful photographic image. Each card includes a few key facts about the animal on the card. There are also 12 key word definition cards (predator, poisonous, marsupial, nocturnal, amphibious, carnivore etc) The cards can be used to encourage recognition of the animals and their features/characteristics. Pupils can use them as a sorting exercise or as a paired or group game to sort the cards under the definition words (make a Venn diagram, sort into a list, identify common features between animals.) Can be placed in the class library area or the ‘Early Finisher’ box/tray. A double set of cards (laminated) can offer pupils opportunities for fun games such as Snap and Pairs.
I have used these to help pupils develop work on animals and their characteristics eg: writing a factual or descriptive piece about a particular animal or shared features of two animals or a researched paragraph about current issues relating to specific animal eg protected species. Can be used by Y2 -Y6 upwards. Useful for topics on Australia, Animals, Camouflage, Habitats etc.
KS2 Eco-Warrior News. A newspaper style page focusing on the important eco issue of rewilding the environment through the reintroduction of beavers into the countryside and the benefits they can bring to humans and wildlife. I made this resource to enable pupils to read a newspaper style article about beaver rewilding, to identify features of a newspaper, genre style and language as well as learning about the topic of wildlife and eco systems. Can be used as a factsheet, comprehension, guided reading passage or the basis for developing a class newspaper.
Useful linked to topics about Wildlife, Ecosystems, Beavers, Rivers and Waterways, Animals that help us.
End of year certificates. Set of 34 individual awards with fun and interesting award titles:
Person most likely to:
Win an Oscar
Become Prime Minister
Set a world record
Be on a TV show
Save the planet
Become a millionaire
Be a blogger
Be in a boy band
Become a famous chef
Find a cure for a disease
Start a charity
Become Dr Who’s Assistant
Create a famous piece of artwork
Become a footballer
Be a dancer
Be a comedian
Fight for a cause
Protect other people
Be a stunt person
Be a fashion designer
Be on a TV soap
Work on or in water
Work in transport
Be an accountant
Write a Number 1 song
Be a famous gamer
Invent a gadget
Write a best seller
Work with children
Work with animals
Travel the world
Be in a girl band
Spy for MI6
Go to space
Maths Scaling cards Y5 and 6. Set of 6.
Set of 6 problem solving scaling cards for practising ratio and proportion using recipe ingredients and changing quantities for different sized groups.
I use these cards for small group practise and consolidation after initial teaching input.
Summer holiday reading challenge.
This activity is aimed at KS1 and KS2 pupils as a reading challenge for 20 days over the summer holiday break to encourage them read a variety of texts and reading materials to keep up their reading skills while they are away from school. The 20 activities are fun and varied and children can share their experiences when they return to school in September. I gave a certificate and small rewards for number of challenges completed eg 1 challenge – sticker, 2-5 challenges – bookmark, 6-10 challenges – badge, 11-15 challenges – pencil and notepad, 16-20 challenges – frisbee or small game.
Transition Y6
End of year reflection activity to help pupils think about their time in Y6 and their next school. Can be linked to a range of year end activities including a stimulus for a Leavers Assembly, a diary extract or PSHE discussion.
End of Term One a day countdown fun.
Have fun with your class in the last weeks of term with this list of exciting activities and rewards. Pupils vote for the following day’s activity from the list each day. The activity with the most votes is the class activity choice. Work through the activities and practice voting and democracy at the same time!
Close up picture quiz. Set of 20. Have fun identifying close up and cropped pictures of everyday objects, food and creatures which will challenge visual perception and creativity. Suitable for KS1 and KS2 as an individual, paired or group activity or competition. Do your pupils have an eagle eye?
EYFS/KS1 Beachcombing activity sheet.
Learning objective : I can find and name at least 8 things found on a beach.
A simple observation and identification activity for pupils while on a visit to the beach. Pupils draw what they find in the empty bucket. There is a simple picture/word key at the bottom of the worksheet to help pupils identify 8 common items found on a beach.