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Lighthousehunter's Shop

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I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.




I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
India fact sheet.

India fact sheet.

India fact sheet. Includes locational information and geographical features broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a country in a range of genres (newspaper report, non-fiction report, weather report or information text etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the country followed up with a written comprehension exercise. In geography lessons I have used this factsheet with a small group and asked the pupils to compare the physical and geographical features of India with the UK.
Anne Bonny / Mary Read. Pirates Fact sheet.

Anne Bonny / Mary Read. Pirates Fact sheet.

Anne Bonny and Mary Read – Female pirates. Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Linked topics: Pirates, Famous people, Ships and the Sea.
Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet.

Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet.

Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Linked topics: Pirates, Famous people, Ships and the Sea.
Japan Geography fact sheet.

Japan Geography fact sheet.

Japan fact sheet. Includes locational information and geographical features broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a country in a range of genres (newspaper report, non-fiction report, weather report or information text etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the country followed up with a written comprehension exercise. In geography lessons I have used this factsheet with a small group and asked the pupils to compare the physical and geographical features of Japan with the UK.
Famous animal fact sheet. Greyfriars Bobby.

Famous animal fact sheet. Greyfriars Bobby.

Famous animal fact sheet. Greyfriars Bobby. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person/animal in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Useful to use with cross curricular PSHE and History topics eg ‘Pets’, ‘Animals’, ‘People who help us’, PSHE topics.
‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. KS2/3

‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. KS2/3

Crime and Punishment ‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. The pack is based around a fictional short story set in 1649 and based on true events. A ‘Witch-Picker’ travels from Edinburgh to the North of England carrying out witch trials which resulted in the execution of over 100 people. The story includes a historical context and notes. I wrote the story myself after being unable to find resources which helped pupils understand the concepts, beliefs, fear and motivation surrounding the persecution of individuals as witches in the 17th century rather than focus on the gore and horror of punishment. The resource pack includes: • Short story and historical notes. • Historical information power-point about witches in the 17th and 18th centuries. Seven pupil resources: • Pupil worksheet to summarise the historical context of the story. • Glossary Activity • Glossary cards • Courtroom drama activity and resources for pupils. • Pupil activity about how the witch picker was so powerful. • Pupil activity – Thought Pyramid and questions for small group discussion (6 sets). • Pupil activity – match the crime to the punishment.
England today 5 KS1  Geography lessons.

England today 5 KS1 Geography lessons.

England today: Series of 5 KS1 power-point Geography lessons. Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, watch a BBC clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), use maps and atlases to locate England’s within the UK and identify geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of England. Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Maps and Plans, United Kingdom, Seaside, All about me, Local Study. Lesson 1 Learning objectives To find England in an atlas. To recognise the key features of England. To describe the location of England using geographical vocabulary. Tasks: Atlas and globes needed, country matching activity. Lesson 2 Learning objectives To recognise the main geographical (physical) features of England. To find and label the physical features of England on a map. To describe the physical features of England using geographical vocabulary. Tasks: Atlas work, label a map, self-evaluation task. Lesson 3 Learning Objectives To identify the different settlements in England. To describe the characteristics of different English settlements. Task: Dictionary definition, ordering settlements, worksheet. Lesson 4 Learning objectives: To identify the physical features of seaside areas in England and say whether they are natural or human. To describe the characteristics of different English seaside places. Task: Identifying seaside features. 2 worksheets. Lesson 5 Learning Objectives To know the capital city of England. To explain what a capital city is. To identify the physical features of cities in England and say whether they are natural or human. Tasks: comparing features of different places. Worksheet.
Groovy Grammar KS2 starters.

Groovy Grammar KS2 starters.

Groovy Grammar KS2 starters. Simply click a button on the first page of the power-point and get a starter! 169 starters aimed at KS2 pupils, each slide contains a grammar point for pupils to practise through a range of strategies including talk partners, mime, games eg ‘I spy’, ‘Kim’s game’, ‘And/But game’, Charades, Performing Punctuation and Ready! Steady! Teach! As well as practise sentences, cartoons, rewriting sentences, word substitution etc. Grammar includes: recognising and using nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Prefixes and Suffixes, determiners, pronouns, conjunctions, alliteration, vocabulary extension, expressions and their meanings, eponyms, changing the ‘mood’ of a sentence , apostrophe ‘s’, word order swaps, commas, speech marks personification etc. I have used this as a start of the day activity as revision or sometimes as a lesson starter depending on the focus. The children love to choose the starter so I have a rota!
Tim Peake: Famous person fact sheet.

Tim Peake: Famous person fact sheet.

Tim Peake: Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in the life of the British astronaut, broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Horatio Nelson Famous person fact sheet.

Horatio Nelson Famous person fact sheet.

Horatio Nelson Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
‘Nouns’ games. 36 KS1 quick starter activities

‘Nouns’ games. 36 KS1 quick starter activities

‘Nouns’ games. 36 quick starter activities to introduce or revise the use of nouns. Pupils can use the grid to choose a coloured shape which takes them to a linked starter. Activities include: memory games, alphabet lists, labelling, alliteration, cascades etc to help pupils understand common, proper, singular, plural, compound nouns. Can be used with or without an adult depending on whether you want to complete a class or filler task. The activities are varies and include talk partners and written exercises which require paper, pencils, post its, a beanbag (for pupils to throw and catch). The grids/tables on the slides can be printed for pupil use. I prepared all of the slide grids that I wanted to use in advance and put them in a numbered folder so they would be ready when the pupils chose the slide.
Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet

Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet

Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet I made this booklet based upon similar Level 4 SATs questions but with an Easter theme. It is targeted at Years 5 & 6 for practise in the areas below. There are 50+ questions altogether in the booklet. Each topic has a learning objective for pupils to match against their targets. The questions are set out in a simple format with spaces for pupils to write answers and show workings and calculations. Easter pictures are included alongside the questions which are practical and fun. Answer sheet provided at the end of the booklet. Page 1: I can calculate, order, and compare fractions and decimals. 3 questions. Pages 2 and 3: I can solve ratio and proportion questions by working out relationships between numbers. 8 questions. Page 4: Learning objective: I can check a calculation. 3 questions. Page 5: I can multiply pairs of factors to make a given number. 5 questions. Page 6: Learning objective: I can use times tables. 5 questions. Page 7: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions. Learning objective: I can multiply and divide by 10 or 100. Page 8: Using a calculator. 5 questions. Learning objective: I can use a calculator to work out calculations and solve problems. Page 9: Measurement. 5 questions. Learning objective: I know which units of measurement to use for length, mass and capacity. Page 10: Tables and charts. 2 questions (multi parts). Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means. Page 11: Tables and charts. 3 questions (multi parts). Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means. Page 12: Number Patterns. 5 questions. Learning objective: I can recognise patterns in numbers and can explain the pattern.
Easter 6 complete lessons KS1 & 2

Easter 6 complete lessons KS1 & 2

Series of 6 Y2 and KS2 powerpoint lessons on the topic of Easter. Each lesson includes the timings for each activity at the top of each slide. There are opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively in every lesson and record and share their ideas and knowledge. Lesson 1: (30 mins) focuses on celebrations and Easter as a celebration and begins with an initial assessment based on pupil starting points. Pupils work in small groups of 2 or 3 and create a Spider diagram and Mind Map to record their knowledge. There is an opportunity for group feedback at the end of the lesson. Lesson 2: (30 mins) focuses on the Easter story told through a link to a story on YouTube. The pupils raise questions about the story and have a P4C debate. There are Teacher notes on slides 14 and 15 to help shape the debate session. Lesson 3: (30mins) focuses on Holy Week through images and key questions on each slide. There is a short YouTube clip on how to make a Palm cross. The pupils will need green activity paper or card and glue. Lesson 4: (40 mins) focuses on Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. There is a 20 min research activity based on the painting ‘The last Supper’ (naming the disciples and finding out their responses to Jesus). Pupils will need access to books about this subject and the internet. There are opportunities for pupils to explore responses and feelings to different aspects of the story leading into the Resurrection. A template on slide 35 can be printed for pupil recording. Lesson 5: (60 mins) focuses on the Christian symbol of the cross with a 45min Hot Cross Buns baking activity which can be either as a Teacher demonstration or as a group task. Lesson 6: (40 mins) focuses on how Easter is celebrated today and explores some of the traditions such as Easter Bunny, lambs, chocolate eggs, daffodils etc. There are key questions for pupils to discuss in small groups and an end of unit assessment using all the information they have learnt in lessons 1-6 in the design of an Easter poster. The final slide offers an additional Easter creative activity for pupils to follow instructions to make an Easter sheep for a card or a display. I used activity with the class when a group was completing research (Lesson 4) and a group were making Hot cross Buns (from Lesson5) with a Teaching Assistant). I have also included a blank easter egg colouring template and an easter bunny and chick colouring template.
Valentine's Day powerpoint lesson

Valentine's Day powerpoint lesson

KS1 & 2 Power-point lesson which can be used as a single lesson or as a stimulus for cross curricular work. 22 slides presented in simple text focusing on Valentine’s Day traditions, historical information and traditions. The lesson encourages pupils to work with a partner or small group of three to discuss and explain questions about the images and information presented on the slides. Slides include brief information on Cupid, Venus, St.Valentine, Tudor traditions and Valentine symbols. Pupils are encouraged to record their responses on a shared paper.
‘Romeo and Juliet’ fact sheet.

‘Romeo and Juliet’ fact sheet.

‘Romeo and Juliet’ fact sheet. Page 1 Includes key events and important stages in the play broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and images. Page 2 Includes interesting facts about the text, well known quotes and character information. I have used this with pupils in Years 3-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a text in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
William Shakespeare factsheet

William Shakespeare factsheet

William Shakespeare Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in his life, broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 3-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Pirate themed Secret Agents KS1

Pirate themed Secret Agents KS1

KS1 A fun Pirate themed powerpoint lesson. Secret Agent Academy is a lesson (s) set in a ‘real’ stolen goods context where pupils are ‘trained’ for a special mission to catch a pirate villain. They create Agent Code Names and numbers, work as part of an Agent Cell, and take an oath of secrecy. Their mission consists of 4 main tasks which include cracking reverse alphabet and number codes, Maths number problem solving challenges and a geography map/flag challenge. Slides 2-9 include a simple introduction to ‘what is a code?’ followed by a chance to practise cracking simple words using a reverse alphabet code before pupils enter the Secret Agent Academy. Slides 10-16 focus on creating their own secret agent cell (decided by equivalent numbers maths task), creating code names, handshakes and taking the Agent’s promise etc Learning Objectives Solve an important mission for the Prime Minister by: • Using number, reasoning and geographical skills to resolve a ‘real life’ situation. • Deciphering messages using simple codes. • Working out problems and puzzles to track and catch a pirate! Slides 17-20 setting out the mission. Slides 21-24 Mission 1: Crack a number coded message. Slides 25-30 Information about Edward Teach/Blackbeard in preparation for Mission 2. Slide 31 Label the pirate ship worksheet. Pupil template and answers provided. Slide 32 Mission 2: Create a Wanted Poster (template provided) Slide 33-38 Mission 3: Island geography of the Caribbean Islands. Pupil worksheets provided. Slides 39-43: Identifying the Blackbeard’s hideout from the clues covered. Worksheet and answers provided. Slides 44- 51: Solving number puzzles to track Bluebeard through underground caves. Pupil worksheet and answers provided. Slides 52 A message from the King for returning the treasure. There is a template for pupils to use at the end of each mission to record their Agent cell report plus spare code grids in case the children catch the code bug and want to make up their own coded messages!
Winter Animal Speech Bubble Cards

Winter Animal Speech Bubble Cards

Speech bubble cards. Set of 21 cards. Can be used with all ages and abilities. Each card has a fun picture of an animal in winter with a speech bubble. Each card has a simple question to prompt pupil imagination to think of a response for the animal on the card. Pupils can be as sensible, humorous or as Zany as they want! I laminated each card and use them as a fun class quick fire round at the end of lessons. Also can be used as a lesson starter/plenary or small group activity when covering conversation topics, speech bubbles and thought showers.
New Year  Resolution 2023 Fun template

New Year Resolution 2023 Fun template

KS1/2 New Year 2023 Resolution fun worksheet : Blank information template. A simple template for pupils to complete to share facts and information about themselves in the written form of New Year Resolutions. The prompts encourage the pupils to think and reflect on their hopes and wishes (as well as challenges) for the New Year 2023, plus a space to draw a self -portrait or stick on a photo. Great to use in January at the start of the new term as an ice breaker or warm up after the holidays.
Grace Darling Famous person fact sheet.

Grace Darling Famous person fact sheet.

Grace Darling Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.