I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
‘Nouns’ games. 36 quick starter activities to introduce or revise the use of nouns. Pupils can use the grid to choose a coloured shape which takes them to a linked starter. Activities include: memory games, alphabet lists, labelling, alliteration, cascades etc to help pupils understand common, proper, singular, plural, compound nouns.
Can be used with or without an adult depending on whether you want to complete a class or filler task. The activities are varies and include talk partners and written exercises which require paper, pencils, post its, a beanbag (for pupils to throw and catch). The grids/tables on the slides can be printed for pupil use. I prepared all of the slide grids that I wanted to use in advance and put them in a numbered folder so they would be ready when the pupils chose the slide.
Famous artists and paintings cards. Set of 60 cards with a painting by a range of inspirational and well-known artists. The cards can be used to encourage recognition of the most well-known artists and their work. I have included a few examples of sculpture, stained glass, pottery, design. The images I have chosen range from 11th to 20th century from worldwide artists. Pupils can use them as a paired or group ‘guessing game’. Can be placed in the class library area or the ‘Early Finisher’ box/tray. I have used these to help pupils develop work on or research about a famous piece of artwork that they like by finding images of other work by the same artist or derivatives of that style, writing a descriptive piece about the work or a subjective paragraph about what the work means to them. Can be used by Y2 -Y6. Useful for topics on Art, Famous Paintings/Artists, using art as a starting point for writing or historical reference.
Bats KS1 Weekly planning grid
This is two-week (could be stretched to three weeks depending on the depth of study) cross curricular plan for a KS1 topic based on the subject of ‘Bats’. I have used this plan as a run up to Halloween. It has been planned to include all the learning objectives and ideas for two weeks of teaching and includes differentiated planning in Literacy and Numeracy for HA, MA and LA groups. Includes non-negotiable vocabulary and linked learning activities in all subjects. Links well with topics on ‘Animals’, ‘Halloween’, ‘Conservation’ and ‘Day and Night or Nocturnal Animals.’
Pupil Assessment End of KS1 to end of KS2 progress tracking grid
Plot each pupil against their KS1 SATs actual result then track along the grid and write the pupil’s name in the box corresponding to the most recent actual assessment in their current year group. Use the Green shaded square to identify whether that pupil is on track for expected progress at the end of KS2 (Y6) based on KS1 outcomes.
This progress tracker can be used for each Year group from Y3-Y6.
Each year group or class(es) in a given year group should could use one tracker for all pupils in the year group.
The tracker can be updated each half term or termly depending on when and how the school carries out assessment of pupil progress (eg during an assessment week). I used a different pen colour for each assessment when updating the tracker with pupil names. As a working document, it was a bit messy by the end of the year but I had an at a glance picture of all pupils and their progress.
Pupils can be closely monitored and highlighted for intervention if they are not making expected progress towards their individual or group targets. I highlight SEN pupils in pink and use the key code for the area of SEN for each pupil.
The tracker can be passed onto the teachers at the beginning of each academic year. At the start of a new academic year teachers may wish to begin a new tracker using the outcomes (end of year assessment for the previous year) as well as the end of KS1 outcome for each pupil.
This tracker can also be recopied for tracking Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening and Maths.
KS1 A fun Pirate themed powerpoint lesson. Secret Agent Academy is a lesson (s) set in a ‘real’ stolen goods context where pupils are ‘trained’ for a special mission to catch a pirate villain. They create Agent Code Names and numbers, work as part of an Agent Cell, and take an oath of secrecy. Their mission consists of 4 main tasks which include cracking reverse alphabet and number codes, Maths number problem solving challenges and a geography map/flag challenge.
Slides 2-9 include a simple introduction to ‘what is a code?’ followed by a chance to practise cracking simple words using a reverse alphabet code before pupils enter the Secret Agent Academy.
Slides 10-16 focus on creating their own secret agent cell (decided by equivalent numbers maths task), creating code names, handshakes and taking the Agent’s promise etc
Learning Objectives
Solve an important mission for the Prime Minister by:
• Using number, reasoning and geographical skills to resolve a ‘real life’ situation.
• Deciphering messages using simple codes.
• Working out problems and puzzles to track and catch a pirate!
Slides 17-20 setting out the mission.
Slides 21-24 Mission 1: Crack a number coded message.
Slides 25-30 Information about Edward Teach/Blackbeard in preparation for Mission 2.
Slide 31 Label the pirate ship worksheet. Pupil template and answers provided.
Slide 32 Mission 2: Create a Wanted Poster (template provided)
Slide 33-38 Mission 3: Island geography of the Caribbean Islands. Pupil worksheets provided.
Slides 39-43: Identifying the Blackbeard’s hideout from the clues covered. Worksheet and answers provided.
Slides 44- 51: Solving number puzzles to track Bluebeard through underground caves. Pupil worksheet and answers provided.
Slides 52 A message from the King for returning the treasure.
There is a template for pupils to use at the end of each mission to record their Agent cell report plus spare code grids in case the children catch the code bug and want to make up their own coded messages!
Y 5 & 6 KS2 Easter Maths Booklet
I made this booklet based upon similar Level 4 SATs questions but with an Easter theme. It is targeted at Years 5 & 6 for practise in the areas below. There are 50+ questions altogether in the booklet. Each topic has a learning objective for pupils to match against their targets. The questions are set out in a simple format with spaces for pupils to write answers and show workings and calculations. Easter pictures are included alongside the questions which are practical and fun.
Answer sheet provided at the end of the booklet.
Page 1: I can calculate, order, and compare fractions and decimals. 3 questions.
Pages 2 and 3: I can solve ratio and proportion questions by working out relationships between numbers. 8 questions.
Page 4: Learning objective: I can check a calculation. 3 questions.
Page 5: I can multiply pairs of factors to make a given number. 5 questions.
Page 6: Learning objective: I can use times tables. 5 questions.
Page 7: Multiplication and Division. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can multiply and divide by 10 or 100.
Page 8: Using a calculator. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can use a calculator to work out calculations and solve problems.
Page 9: Measurement. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I know which units of measurement to use for length, mass and capacity.
Page 10: Tables and charts. 2 questions (multi parts).
Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means.
Page 11: Tables and charts. 3 questions (multi parts).
Learning objective: I can show information in a chart and interpret what that information means.
Page 12: Number Patterns. 5 questions.
Learning objective: I can recognise patterns in numbers and can explain the pattern.
KS1 & 2 Ancient Romans. Set of 5 worksheets. Label the armour on the Roman soldier, Label the clothes on the Roman man, Label the armour on the gladiator (3 worksheets). 2 Ancient Roman alphabet (Latin) worksheets .
Total set of 5 worksheets: Three separate worksheets to enable pupils to match the clothing vocabulary to the correct part of the picture (soldier, gladiator and man in toga).
There are ten items of clothing to label on the gladiator and soldier worksheets and six parts to label on the Roman man. The vocabulary list is included on each worksheet for pupil use and there is an image of a soldier, gladiator and Roman man for pupils to colour.
There are 2 simple worksheets for pupils to use to translate common words into the 21 letters of the Latin alphabet. A simple translation grid is included.
Useful activities to assess pupil knowledge of key vocabulary at the end of a mini topic on Ancient Rome, The Roman Empire, Clothes through the ages, Ancient writing.
KS1 or lower ability KS2 powerpoint. Collective nouns interactive lesson of 17 slides. Each slide supports learning through images and practise examples. Pupils have the opportunity to talk, suggest ideas and create their own descriptions for collective nouns. The final image rounds off the lesson with a paired one minute teach it activity.
Powerpoint of the most well-known of Aesop’s proverbs. KS2. 20 slides of images for pupils to work out the proverb. Each slide stimulates discussion to help pupils understand the meaning of Aesop’s messages. The full powerpoint can be used as a stimulus for a lesson exploring proverbs or specific slides can be selected to focus on proverbs or meanings linked to a specific lesson or topic eg RE, History, PE.
3 Biographies of Nelson Mandela simplified into three differentiated pieces for HA, MA, LA (Versions: 1= HA, 2= MA, 3= LA) aimed at Y2 & KS2. Each simplified biography is up to one page long. Can be used to identify features of biographies, to aid understanding of how to structure a biography and support content understanding. Also, can be used to support historical research when writing a diary, newspaper report, letter.
Christmas comprehension cards. Set of 20. KS1/lower KS2. Each card includes a simple description about a Christmas related tradition, food or object and four questions for pupils to retrieve from the text. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each subject on the card. Can also be used without the comprehension questions as a reference resource for pupils to research a Christmas topic independently.
Comprehension card topics: Snow, reindeer, Christmas tree, Christmas pudding, presents, Father Christmas, holly, robin, Christmas stocking, Christmas pyjamas, mistletoe, mince pies, crackers, pantomime, Christmas cards, Christmas cake, lights, Christmas dinner.
KS2 Y6 Christmas powerpoint lesson of 39 slides. Secret Agent Academy is a lesson (s) set in a ‘real’ Christmas context where pupils are ‘trained’ for a special mission to catch a villain. They create Agent Code Names and numbers, work as part of an Agent Cell, take an oath of secrecy and create common experiences eg a secret handshake. Their mission consists of 4 tasks which include cracking Substitution and Caesar codes linked to Maths problem solving challenges (equivalent numbers, comparing fractions with different denominators, sequences, missing numbers and ordering, patterns and calculations).
Slides 2-9 include an introduction to cracking codes and a go at deciphering a real code sent by Mary Queen of Scots before pupils enter the Secret Agent Academy. The Maths challenge resources are included on the slides as well as information for further teaching resource websites on Codes and Ciphers.
Learning Objectives
To save Christmas by:
Using Maths to solve problems in a real-life situation.
Appling a simple Substitution Code and Caesar Cipher to solve messages.
Solving problems using missing numbers, equivalent numbers, number facts and place value.
Applying operations and inverses using Substitution codes.
Identifying specific knowledge of English Grammar such as high frequency letters, consonants, patterns and clusters of letters, short words and frequent pre/suffixes.
EYFS Weekly plan ‘I can sing a rainbow’
This is a weekly cross curricular plan for an EYFS topic based on the song ‘I can sing a rainbow’. It has been planned to include the learning and ideas for one week of teaching and includes differentiated planning in Literacy and Numeracy for HA, MA and LA groups. Includes non-negotiable vocabulary and linked learning activities in each area of learning. Links well with topics on ‘Colour’, ‘Reflections’ and ‘Weather’.
This is a weekly cross curricular plan for an EYFS topic based on the story of Noah’s Ark. It has been planned to include the learning and ideas for one week of teaching and includes differentiated planning in Literacy and Numeracy for HA, MA and LA groups. Includes non-negotiable vocabulary and linked learning activities in each area of learning. Links well with topics on ‘Rainbows’, ‘Water’ , ‘Animals’, ‘Helping others’ and ‘Weather’.
EYFS /KS1 Matching pairs cards. Set of 40 picture cards (20 pairs) for pupils. Useful for matching and pairing games, stimulating language and for memory games (eg Kim’s game). Cut each picture, laminate or cover and pupils can use the cards more than once. Alternatively, the images can be used for pupils to use as part of a glue/stick activity. Images include general everyday items and objects for example: mop and bucket, train and track, flower and vase, socks and shoes etc.
EYFS /KS1 Matching pairs cards.Set 2. Set of 40 picture cards (20 pairs) for pupils. Useful for matching and pairing games, stimulating language and for memory games (eg Kim’s game). Cut each picture, laminate or cover and pupils can use the cards more than once. Alternatively, the images can be used for pupils to use as part of a glue/stick activity. Images include general everyday items and objects for example: baby and pram, eyes and glasses, tree and leaf, clown and circus tent etc.
Halloween complete KS2 pp lesson of 57 slides.
Learning objectives
• To know the origins of Halloween.
• To compare long ago Halloween customs, superstitions and rituals with those celebrated today.
• To create and perform spells and spine-chilling descriptions about Halloween.
• To work co-operatively with a partner or small group to discuss answers and ideas about Halloween and create a short role play.
Fun, interactive lesson which begins with pupil experiences of Halloween. Simple historical origins, customs and superstitions are introduced through riddles, mapwork, completing captions in speech bubbles, role play and idea showers. There are opportunities for pupils to complete structured written tasks and develop literacy ideas through writing spells (using ‘the witches’ from MacBeth) and short descriptions. The lesson includes nine pupil worksheet activities which link (optional) to the lesson and include a creepy picture description, Haunted house spine chilling vocabulary, witch / monster descriptive template, Halloween activity mat (jumbled words, wordsearch, maze, pumpkin decorating, draw the other half), a spell template, co-ordinates activity, Pumpkin acrostic poem template and a 32 card Halloween Quiz.
This lesson can also be broken into 2-3 lessons if all of the templates are used.
Bonfire night and the Gunpowder Plot Y2 & KS2 power-point lesson of 39 slides.
The power-point can be divided into separate sections depending on how you want to follow up some of the aspects/features depending on your class. Each set of slides includes paired discussion or individual/ paired written follow up tasks or worksheets. There are a range of strategies to keep the content interesting and interactive. Slides 1-5 introduce the topic with a 3-clue riddle, slides 6&7 focus on a sentence starter activity and worksheet about Bonfire Night. Slides 9&10 focus on names of fireworks and a youtube clip. Slides 11-14 introduce Guy Fawkes followed by a worksheet with a simple maths calculation to work out the age of GF when he died and a geography map activity to label his birthplace. Slides 15-17: ‘Remember, remember’ rhyme and dictionary activity. Slides 18-31 focus on the story of the Gunpowder Plot plus 2 worksheet activities (identify the plotters from a source and give advice to GF about the ‘weaknesses’ of his plot. Slide 32: Speech bubbles conversation worksheet. Slide 33-35: Guy Fawkes punishment and a ‘was it fair?’ written task. Slides 36-39: A brief introduction to Onomatopoeia and a firework scene task.
KS1 & 2 Power-point lesson which can be used as a single lesson or as a stimulus for cross curricular work. 22 slides presented in simple text focusing on Valentine’s Day traditions, historical information and traditions. The lesson encourages pupils to work with a partner or small group of three to discuss and explain questions about the images and information presented on the slides. Slides include brief information on Cupid, Venus, St.Valentine, Tudor traditions and Valentine symbols. Pupils are encouraged to record their responses on a shared paper.
Groovy Grammar KS2 starters. Simply click a button on the first page of the power-point and get a starter! 169 starters aimed at KS2 pupils, each slide contains a grammar point for pupils to practise through a range of strategies including talk partners, mime, games eg ‘I spy’, ‘Kim’s game’, ‘And/But game’, Charades, Performing Punctuation and Ready! Steady! Teach! As well as practise sentences, cartoons, rewriting sentences, word substitution etc.
Grammar includes: recognising and using nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Prefixes and Suffixes, determiners, pronouns, conjunctions, alliteration, vocabulary extension, expressions and their meanings, eponyms, changing the ‘mood’ of a sentence , apostrophe ‘s’, word order swaps, commas, speech marks personification etc.
I have used this as a start of the day activity as revision or sometimes as a lesson starter depending on the focus. The children love to choose the starter so I have a rota!