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KS2 SPAG Test Punctuation Reminders + Questions
This last-minute revision power-point includes a definition of all punctuation terms for the 2016 SPAG test. It then has several examples of questions from previous papers for the children to quickly test their knowledge. Ideal for final cramming! Look out for my sentence forms and grammatical terms power-points which I have also added today.

Y5/Y6 The Day The Crayons Quit - PLANNING and RESOURCES
A lesson plan with 13 lessons and associated resources, including the main teaching Power Point. You can now also buy our comprehensive planning, resources and extra ideas for the follow-up book The Day the Crayons Came Home. Look for the author LittleDude2011
Objectives covered in this unit are:
Prediction and inference
Vocabulary - using words in context/finding meaning
Using a dictionary
Locating and summarising information
Reading - retrieval
Writing - a letter
Punctuating speech
Reading - what’s the question?
Relative clauses
Subjunctive form
Persuasive writing

Year 5 and 6 Traditional Tales planning with flashbacks. (3 weeks - resources included)
3 week block of planning and resources for a Traditional Tales unit with the writing element of flashbacks. Texts suggested but not included and will need to be sourced separately. Includes a main teaching SMART Notebook to accompany teaching. Resources also include bespoke editable worksheets. Some PPTs are referenced which are not included due to copyright.

Year 5 and 6 Biographies Planning
This is a two week unit of work on biographies. It has cross curricular links with the Earth, Sun and Moon topic in Science as it uses the biography of Neil Armstrong in the first week of planning.

Macbeth Lesson Observation and Powerpoint
A full lesson plan for an English lesson observation relating to Macbeth. The power-point covers all aspects of the lesson from starter to plenary.

A set of resources created over several years:
PPTs of subject knowledge, spelling lists and practise sheets, crib sheets to fill in and short burst revision activities.
An absolute bargain at £3.50!!

2023 KS2/YEAR6/YEAR2End of Year Leavers' Song
3 songs for end of year/leavers’ events and assemblies
Fearless (Lionheart) -Joel Corry and Tom Grennan (Our Primary School)
Remind Me - Tom Grennan (Remind Me/Won’t Be Easy)
Bad Hair Day of TikTok fame. Ideal to add a fun dance to.
If you would like a sound file with a recording of the new lyrics drop us a message with your email to ksimpson@hedworthlane.s-tyneside.sch.uk and we’ll send it to you after you’ve downloaded this resource.
Hope they are of some use-enjoy!

Over 10 amazing songs to choose from our back catalogue. All still relevant and guaranteed to pluck at the parents’ heartstrings - get the tissues ready for the end of year events! Lots of fun numbers too.
Don’t miss this fab price!!!
Look out for the 2023 songs in our shop!!
Email for helpful sound files for any songs from 2020-2022

Cluedo Maths Lesson plan - ofsted/interview/observation lesson
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Fast paced for accelerated progress. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability)
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out 'who done it'. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find all supporting worksheets and main teaching PowerPoint in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*
Another time saver from us to you!

KS2 Reasoning Paper Handy Hints Part 2
This power-point has practical tips, hints on test technique and opportunities to consolidate pupils' general knowledge needed for the current (2016) Reasoning Paper . It has been produced by Year 6 teachers to use as a an assessment tool throughout the year, revising reasoning paper content. It can be included in weekly planning, or at the end of a unit of work.

French themed assembly
Script for a whole class assembly. The assembly features basic information about France and has cross curricular links with RE as it has the bible story Noah's Ark to perform.

Electricity and its dangers assembly
Script for an assembly on electricity and its potential dangers.

Reasoning Paper Themed Qs
These levelled questions linked to reasoning paper topics can be used to go over last minute examples with Year 6 children. Each set of questions are related to particular topics like data handling, fractions and area and perimeter. Look out for a Handy Hints power-point linked to identified gaps in this year's Reasoning Paper 2 ready for tomorrow's Reasoning Paper 3!

Back to School Quiz for KS1/KS2
A great time-saving and engaging quiz for upper key stage 1 and KS2. The resources include a PPT of questions, quiz answers and answer sheets for teams/individuals. This activity is a great way to get to know your class and have a bit of fun! There are 9 rounds including general knowledge, pictures, music, science and nature and film. This quiz is excellent value for money, and can be used throughout the term with other sets of children or adapted for your own use in future.

Key Stage 2/KS2 Train Your Brain SPAG starters/revision/plenaries
The resources include PPTs which can be used as consolidation of a subject or ongoing revision for KS2 tests.
5 fun and quick activities to refresh SPAG knowledge. The children are asked to identify- within a time frame set by yourself- antonyms, synonyms and contractions.
Answer grid for pupils also provided.
All PPTs can be adapted to cover a range of other topics.

KS2/Key Stage 2 Train Your Brain Maths Starters
Another 5 starter PPTs for KS2 maths lessons. Topics include pairs to 60 (time), divisions, pairs to 1000, subtracting within 20 and adding within 20. Ideal for consolidation or quick revision before maths lessons. Weekly/daily use of these PPTs has made mental maths skills and recall of key facts much better with my current year 6 class. Hope you find them useful too!