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NEW for 2024 Y6/Year 6 KS2 leavers/end of year song
Two new songs for 2024
2 sets of lyrics
Benson Boone’s Beautiful Things
Beyonce’s Texas Hold Em
Leave a 5 star review if you would like a sound file of the songs!!

2021 Leavers' Songs KS2/Key Stage 2/Year 6
4 songs for end of year/leavers’ events and assemblies (virtually if required!)
Wellerman by Nathan Evans
Cover Me in Sunshine by P!nk
Anyone by Justin Bieber
Friday by Riton/Nightcrawlers
A couple of fun tracks alongside two tracks guaranteed to get the parents diving for the tissues!
Lyrics reflect the events of the current academic school year.
If you would like a sound file with a recording of the new lyrics drop us a message with your email to ksimpson@hedworthlane.s-tyneside.sch.uk and we’ll send it to you after you’ve downloaded this resource.
Hope they are of some use-enjoy!

2022 KS2/YEAR6/YEAR2End of Year Leavers' Song
4 songs for end of year/leavers’ events and assemblies
2 songs for end of year/staff leaving/retirement
Seventeen Going Under - Sam Fender (11 MOVING ONWARDS)
Encanto - What Else Can I Do? - Diane Guerrero (WHAT ELSE WILL I DO?)
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor (END OF AN ERA)
The Final Countdown - Europe
Eye of the Tiger and Final Countdown also have retirement/staff leaving versions.
If you would like a sound file with a recording of the new lyrics drop us a message with your email to ksimpson@hedworthlane.s-tyneside.sch.uk and we’ll send it to you after you’ve downloaded this resource.
Hope they are of some use-enjoy!

End of year - Key Stage 2/KS2 Leavers Assembly Song Bundle
Four song ideas for leavers’ assemblies. All lyrics rewritten to fit a school/year 6 context. Tried and tested in previous years - very successful and enjoyed by the year group (all songs required parental tissues at hand!)
Songs included are:
Seven Years Old by Lukas Graham
Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
Hold by the River by James Bay
2002 by Anne Marie
Coming Soon-Look out for more song ideas to use with your summer 2019 leavers!

Leavers' Assembly Song for 2018
I have rewritten the lyrics to the song 2002 by Anne-Marie for this year.
Hope this is useful for people. I know by experience that the Year 6 children like to use something current for their assembly.
Spaces highlighted where school name/head name should be inserted. Enjoy!!

End of Year Certificates
15 colourful and eye-catching end of year certificates for both KS1 and KS2. The documents have been created in Word so are editable for your own class/year group.
Awards include:
Fabulous Friends
English Extraordinaire
Maths Magician
SATs Superhero
Excellent Effort and Classroom Helper

KS1 Phonics Screening Mock Tests (Set of 5)
5 mock test answer sheets and 5 corresponding sets of flash cards/booklet pages replicating the 2015 KS1 phonics screening test.
Covering a range of real and pseudo words (marked with a monster on flash cards) from phases 2-5.
A perfect resource for revision, testing your pupils' knowledge and identifying areas for development prior to the 2016 Phonics Screening.

2023 KS2/YEAR6/YEAR2End of Year Leavers' Song
3 songs for end of year/leavers’ events and assemblies
Fearless (Lionheart) -Joel Corry and Tom Grennan (Our Primary School)
Remind Me - Tom Grennan (Remind Me/Won’t Be Easy)
Bad Hair Day of TikTok fame. Ideal to add a fun dance to.
If you would like a sound file with a recording of the new lyrics drop us a message with your email to ksimpson@hedworthlane.s-tyneside.sch.uk and we’ll send it to you after you’ve downloaded this resource.
Hope they are of some use-enjoy!

Year 5 and 6 Traditional Tales planning with flashbacks. (3 weeks - resources included)
3 week block of planning and resources for a Traditional Tales unit with the writing element of flashbacks. Texts suggested but not included and will need to be sourced separately. Includes a main teaching SMART Notebook to accompany teaching. Resources also include bespoke editable worksheets. Some PPTs are referenced which are not included due to copyright.

KS2 SPAG Test- Sentence Form Reminders
This last-minute revision power-point includes a definition of all sentence forms for the 2016 SPAG test. It then has several examples of questions from previous papers for the children to quickly test their knowledge. Ideal for final cramming!

Key Stage 2/KS2 Train Your Brain SPAG starters/revision/plenaries
The resources include PPTs which can be used as consolidation of a subject or ongoing revision for KS2 tests.
5 fun and quick activities to refresh SPAG knowledge. The children are asked to identify- within a time frame set by yourself- antonyms, synonyms and contractions.
Answer grid for pupils also provided.
All PPTs can be adapted to cover a range of other topics.

Cluedo Maths main teaching Powerpoint
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability).
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out ‘who done it’. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find all supporting worksheets in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*

Roald Dahl Day/Week Treasure Hunt
This resource is a fun activity to do as part of Roald Dahl day/week celebrations. The activity includes 3 sets of questions about Roald Dahl stories and the author himself. To aid pupils, a fact-file is included in the resources, so it's a great way of getting the children doing a bit of reading comprehension too! As an extra challenge, each question has a letter at the bottom, which creates an anagram for 3 separate Roald Dahl book titles. All answers are provided! I'm going to put the questions up around the school as part of a carousel of activities one morning.

French themed assembly
Script for a whole class assembly. The assembly features basic information about France and has cross curricular links with RE as it has the bible story Noah's Ark to perform.

2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 Spelling races/lists
Sets of 10 words at a time from the Year 5 and 6 New Curriculum Spelling lists. The word grids can be used with a partner to test each other or could be used independently. I have also provided incorrect spelling races where children must correct each spelling within a time frame. An alternative game is to have them checked by an adult then sent to alter spellings which are still incorrect either for house points or against the clock.

Key Stage 2/KS2 Year 6 Maths revision mats
Ideal for last-minute maths revision. 7 PDF files containing questions relating to key facts needed for new curriculum maths tests. My class have been filling in 1 or 2 daily just to keep their maths facts/knowledge fresh in their minds.
Mats include:
-conversions of units
-properties of 2D and 3D shapes
-fraction/decimal/ percentage equivalents
-fractions of amounts
-types of line
-7 and 8 times tables

Key Stage 2/KS2 Weekly Mental Maths and Arithmetic Paper Skills
To match the new 2016 tests, this presentation has 7 weekly mental maths tests which covers knowledge from times tables to factors. In addition, there are 7 arithmetic paper sets of questions based on percentages. This was a key skill required for many questions on the 2016maths papers. The children are asked to calculate 10%, 20% then 5% as the weeks progress. The 7 weeks cover the first half of the Autumn term. More presentations will follow for the rest of the year, which will develop other aspects of mental maths and arithmetic skills needed for the new style maths tests.

Cluedo Maths - supporting worksheets
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Fast paced for accelerated progress. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability).
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out ‘who done it’. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find main teaching PowerPoint in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*
Another time saver from us to you!

Electricity and its dangers assembly
Script for an assembly on electricity and its potential dangers.