Riccioli D’Oro e i tre orsi
Goldilocks and the three bears
Activity pack for teaching the story of Goldilocks and the three bears alongside the Italian version.
Ideas and links to resources for teaching cyber security or Internet safety across the primary school. There are also links for pointing parents in the right direction
Range of fun activities that can be done in relation to a crime topic. These activities were completed in school as part of a Victorian topic but the ideas can be adapted.
Maths activity with 4 levels:
green (number bonds to 20)
orange (addition within 100)
red (addition beyond 100)
black (subtracting 3 digits from 4 digits)
25 Marvel characters and a couple of wild cards.
Children choose which category to use against their opponent or children can choose a category per round.
Person with the most cards at the end wins the game.
Pokemon maths game.
25 characters in total alongside 1 Pokeball and Ash Ketchum card.
4 levels, maximum number 100:
adding within 20
4 Pokeball cards and 4 Ash Ketchum cards.
Cards could be printed 4 to a page.
All the images with addition within 20 have been added separately.
3 resources:
Blend split cards (sh, ch, th, ng): make and break the word
Common words: practice reading and spelling and putting into sentences
Phonic word lists
Set of Sphero activities linked to Christmas and Winter.
7 early level
10 first and second level activities
Pupils could complete individual tasks or complete activity as a whole class/group.
Variety of activities linked to climate change and the COP26 summit - linked to numeracy and maths activities.
Suitable for first level and those at the beginning of second level.
A set of 20 activities around the topic of COP26 for literacy. Aimed mostly and first and second level children. Some activities could be completed individually, in groups or even as a whole class.
10 sets of vocabulary in order from the beginning of the book separated into easy and hard.
2 sets of pictures/words of whales and birds
3 picture/word mats for support
Can accompany the activity pack that you can also find on this tes account
Set of activities for Spheros connected to COP26:
8 early level
10 first level
10 second level
There are easy and advanced first and second level activities to add challenge.