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OCR A level Business Year 13 Content Checklist
Goes alongside the Year 12 Content Checklist in my shop. This maps out the year 13 content under the unit headings. The sheet can be used as a RAG activity to allow students to see where their gaps are and also allow the teacher to set revision accordingly .

BTEC Level 1/2 Business - Unit 2 Finance - Model Answers for Test Version 3
My BTEC group contains really low ability students who struggle to pick out what they need to do for each exam question. I used the Test version 3 supplied by BTEC which I did not create, and went through and created the answers as well as a model answer sheet for one of the 8 mark questions. Also I used pink, green and yellow to highlight different areas of the questions to help the students understand what they need to do. I couldn't find a mark scheme for the version 3 test on the website so hopefully this will help people who are trying to mark the test.

Revision Timetable Planning Tools (GCSE or A Level)
I have put together resources to help students plan their revision timetable. The PP outlines the steps that the students need to take in order to complete their revision timetable and the Excel is an example of a revision timetable. Perfect time to get them planning in prep for their Mock exams.

OCR Business A level Motivation and Leadership Theory Revision
Put this together for a year 12 class to revise the theories of Motivation and Leadership and how to apply to exam questions.

EDUQAS WJEC A level Business Model Answers
These are a collection of model answers written for EDUQAS and WJEC exam questions from Component 1 and Component 3.
Feel free to use them with students after setting questions as assessments or homework to illustrate how to obtain the marks.

EDUQAS WJEC A level Business 20 mark Essay Planning Booklet
I put this pack together to support my students in writing the 20 mark questions for Component 3.
It contains an example written at the start of the pack by me.
The pack enables students to plan and construct their first paragraph for the 20 mark questions.

Micro Economics Key Terms Test with Answers
This key terms has been created to test Micro Econ after Easter. Comes with answers.
Spec is AQA but of course can be used in conjunction with other exam boards too.

WJEC EDUQAS A Level Business International Trade, MNC's and Globalisation Revision
PowerPoint created about International Trade, MNC’s and Globalisation. Can be used to revise and go over notes ready for Component 3 exam. Multiple Choice Questions generated using ChatGTP.

A Level Business Exam Technique Toolkit
Do your students need help and support with developing their exam technique?
Then my A level Business toolkit is just for you. It provides support and structure to aid students in developing A* worthy paragraphs and answers.
Analysis and evaluation tips and tools.
This toolkit can be printed and laminated to give to students.
Please note this resource is one A4 page.

A level Business Studies Exam Structure
I created this resource to support students with developing their exam skill for A level Business studies. It can also be used to develop GCSE Business studies skills too.
It is one A4 sheet. I print the document off in colour and then laminate one for each student. I then make specific reference to the laminate when teaching exam technique and also when providing feedback to students.

NEW OCR A Level Business Pack
This pack will get you started for teaching the new A Level spec for OCR Business Studies. Includes exam skills help, marks scheme help, mock paper, revision resources and assessment calendar.