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In my shop you will find fresh assemblies and Historical resources Y7-13




In my shop you will find fresh assemblies and Historical resources Y7-13
PP Assembly: Ash Wednesday

PP Assembly: Ash Wednesday

Here’s a very versatile assembly on Ash Wednesday that is primarily for Secondary students but would also suit older Primary students. Students are invited to reflect on where they are going on their Lenten journey. **The key questions it answers are: (1) What has Ash Wednesday to do with Christ and the Bible? (2) Why do we put ash on people’s heads? (3) How should we celebrate Ash Wednesday today? ** Email me for further help If you want some inspiration for Lent see- brighterwindows.blogspot.com Here I deal with the question:** Should You Give Up Chocolate For Lent?** And 'A Lenten Journey For 2020’
PP Assembly: Advent: Which Doors Should We Open?

PP Assembly: Advent: Which Doors Should We Open?

This assembly would suit Primary or Secondary School. It includes: Music suggestions ‘December will be magic again’ Kate Bush or Wham ‘Last Christmas’ etc Video link - modern clip Bible reading Prayer Final thought Call to action ** The only prop- ** A large Advent calendar. Invite a child to open door one. One containing choccies would be good. Discuss how audience feels about this and what Christmas thoughts fill your mind… **The only info you need is here_ ** The Light of the World (1851–3) is an allegorical painting by the English Pre-Raphaelite artist William Holman Hunt (1827–1910) representing the figure of Jesus preparing to knock on an overgrown and long-unopened door, illustrating Revelation 3:20: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me”. According to Hunt: “I painted the picture with what I thought, unworthy though I was, to be by Divine command, and not simply as a good Subject.”[1] The door in the painting has no handle, and can therefore be opened only from the inside, representing "the obstinately shut mind& Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why
PP Assembly: St Francis Man of The Moment

PP Assembly: St Francis Man of The Moment

Here you are! Ready to go! https://youtu.be/CxUux8Gbf9I Prayer of St Francis https://youtu.be/Z0bZiNND5zM Pope Francis First Year in 90 Secs I have linked Pope Francis to St Francis so this assembly can be used for either. All you need is answers to two questions- (1) What is Francis patron saint of? St. Francis of Assisi, born in Umbria in 1181, was the founder of the Franciscan Order. He died on October 4, 1226 at the age of 45. Francis is considered the founder of all Franciscan Orders and the patron saint of ecologists and merchants. (2) Who was he? St Francis of Assisi: Go and Rebuild my Church HD film on You Tube or base talk on this:St. Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church and live in poverty. He is the patron saint for ecologists. Born in Italy circa 1181, St. Francis of Assisi was renowned for drinking and partying in his youth. After fighting in a battle between Assisi and Perugia, Francis was captured and imprisoned for ransom. He spent nearly a year in prison—awaiting his father’s payment—and, according to legend, began receiving visions from God. After his release from prison, Francis heard the voice of Christ, who told him to repair the Christian Church and live a life of poverty. Consequently, he abandoned his life of luxury and became a devotee of the faith, his reputation spreading all over the Christian world. Later in life, Francis reportedly received a vision that left him with the stigmata of Christ—marks resembling the wounds Jesus Christ suffered when he was crucified—making Francis the first person to receive such holy wounds. He was canonized as a saint on July 16, 1228. Today, St. Francis of Assisi has had a lasting resonance with millions of followers across the globe. Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why Any problems please contact me directly.
PP Assembly: A Journey To Epiphany

PP Assembly: A Journey To Epiphany

This assembly would suit Secondary children. (1) Who were the wise men? (2) What gifts did they take and why? (3) How were they changed by their experiences? This includes: Music: Star of Wonder’ by Tori Amos as an MP4 file- on youtube . It begins ‘We three Kings…’ The link is included. Video- see below Bible reading Prayer Final thought Call to action Reviewed as: ‘This is the best narration of the journey of the Magi that I have ever heard! Beautifully paced, exactly right. I had seen a great narration of TS Eliot’s poem on TV some years ago done by Timothy West, and was looking for it on You Tube when I came across Tim Martin’s version which I think it is even better.Just love it.’ A nice review would be similarly most welcome.
PP Assembly : Living On  Prayer

PP Assembly : Living On Prayer

Useful all age assembly that would suit both Primary and Secondary students. This resource includes: Power point Assembly Story of answered prayer Assembly music Prayer of St Francis sung by Sarah Mac Laughlin This can easily adapted to your own needs. I have suggested opening song as children file in as ‘Living On Prayer’ - as assembly title but there is plenty of other modern songs on prayer freely available on You Tube. All is done for you so tonight, download and read with a glass of wine! A number of other ready to use assemblies in my shop Feedback welcome
PP Assembly: The Gift of Christmas

PP Assembly: The Gift of Christmas

This assembly would suit Secondary children. It is an interactive PP and would suit a class or an assembly hall. It is structured as follows: (1) What would you like for Christmas? (2) What gifts are you giving this Christmas? (3) What is the best gift you are giving this Christmas? It includes: Music: ‘All I Want for Christmas’ Video- The Christmas Gift Experience Bible reading Prayer Final thought & Call to action MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK PRICING 20p transaction fee Tax 60% Royalty to me- about £1 You get 2/3 hours work + for just over £1! WHAT IS YOUR BANG? Hook, PP, pictures. questions. [](http://audiopi.co.uk/The Cold War) WHAT IS MY BANG? £1 (!!!) and a rocket review from you. Thank You in anticipation.
PP Assembly on Judging Others

PP Assembly on Judging Others

‘Judge not according to appearance’ JOHN 7 V24 This is an assembly that was designed for Secondary pupils but would also suit older primary students. For music I recommend Republica: ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous’ and a few other more recent numbers- see PP I have also included links to relevant stories and short films that you can include to make it a longer assembly. I think it is a great confidence booster and you could easily link the Greek masks on the title slide with the selfie craze! It is the perfect antidote to the selfie craze! It is also the perfect antidote to abuses of social media websites and trolling! Please leave me some feedback as to how you use it!
PP Assembly Our beautiful  world- God in nature

PP Assembly Our beautiful world- God in nature

This is a very versatile assembly that would suit Primary and Secondary students All pictures are my own photos What do we do in school to spoil its environment? What do we do at home? What do people do in out town? What do people do in our world? It includes- Video clip Bible reading Prayer Music suggestions Final Thought Call To action Some nice feedback on how you used this assembly would be nice.
PP Assembly on Reconciliation

PP Assembly on Reconciliation

This assembly would suit both Primary and Secondary students. It would be useful after a bullying spate. Pupils write and take part in the roleplays that can form the central part of the assembly It makes the point that reconciliation is based on the premise that if we want forgiveness then we must offer it to others and this is a normal part of any relationship. The assembly can also be used without the roleplays so very adaptable. It is structured as follows: Why is reconciliation important? Why don’t we forgive one another? How can we make up after quarreling? It includes the following: Choice of inspiring story A choice of short films on forgiveness- You Tube links given Two spiritual quotes on forgiveness Prayer on the theme Final thought Call to action Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why
PP Assembly: Harvest: A Labour of Love

PP Assembly: Harvest: A Labour of Love

SIX LESSONS OF HARVEST This is a Power Point assembly for harvest that is suitable for Secondary School or upper Primary. It would suit all religious faiths and can easily be adapted. It includes a You Tube link to a harvest film showing that it is not an isolated activity that farmers do in September but a culmination of 12 months of planning, hard work and love. This then becomes the theme of the assembly:**** six lessons we can learn from harvest: Believe in yourself, Be patient, Respect your world, Work hard, teamwork gets results Give thanks and give back.**** (1) Music suggestions: ‘Sowing The Seeds of Love’. : Sting: Fields of Gold or to be traditional ‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’ or even ‘Harvest Moon’ * (2) Video: You Tube: Pay It Forward Acts of Kindness included. (3) Bible reading (4) Final thought (5) Call to action* Pour yourself a large glass and chill! Feedback would be nice. Any probs drop me an email.
PP Assembly: Remembrance

PP Assembly: Remembrance

PP, clip suggestions and if music reqd you could use a hymn such as ‘Who Would True Valour see’, ‘Oh God Our Help In Ages Past’ or ‘Will Your anchor hold’ , Einaudi ‘Fly’ or similar (1) Why do we wear poppies? (2) Why do we remember the fallen? (3) What can we do to show we remember? It includes: music suggestions video Bible reading Prayer Final thought Call to action Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why
PP Assembly: Materialism: Life+Money =Happiness?

PP Assembly: Materialism: Life+Money =Happiness?

Materialism still unfortunately very much an evil of our society today. Personally I think every school year should include an assembly on this topic. As of January 2018 it is the only TES assembly on Materialism! **It covers the following; ** 1. What is materialism? 2. What is the problem with materialism? 3. What is the solution to materialism? It is aimed at Secondary school children but can be adapted to Primary children or used in an RE lesson. It includes the following: Suggested songs: the Flying Lizards 1979:Money That’s What I want Others could be Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’ , Spice Girls ‘Tell You What I Want’ or Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. Video: an extract from ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ (Clean) to show the destructive powers of money on character. A Bible reading Prayer Current research stats: an extract from the ‘Guardian’ of last year-2017. This is the beginning of a realisation that: if E= money then we don’t get to M C squared =happiness. Final thought Call to action Clearly you can easily adapt this assembly to the post-Christmas period or your own requirements; e.g. stealing/lying. Tell me what you use and why you chose this topic for an assembly. Any problems or queries please email me directly. Positive feedback telling me how you used or adapted this assembly would be really nice!
PP Assembly: What Does Christmas mean today?

PP Assembly: What Does Christmas mean today?

All Age assembly: fresh, thought-provoking and tinsel-wrapped! Chill and finish the Christmas shopping… Email me if you want the script or the Slade song after purchasing. Emails responded to every day about 6am… saraparticco@gmail.com Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why
PP Assembly on Popularity

PP Assembly on Popularity

All age assembly for Secondary and upper years of Primary school It includes the following- Music suggestions Bible reading Prayer Final Thought Call for action Just add fancy dress and humour Some pos Feedback most welcome
PP Assembly on God's Power / God In Our World

PP Assembly on God's Power / God In Our World

God’s Power or God In Our World today as of all old… This PP assembly would be useful following a bad world event and gives the clear message of good triumphing over evil. You have links to a story showing God’s power in ancient times and a You Tube video showing God’s power in Today’s age… You’re ready to go. Some feedback on how and why you used the assembly would be nice.
PP Assembly United We Stand

PP Assembly United We Stand

PP with suggested film clips, Bible reading, prayer and music from You Tube Email me if you need more help Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why
PP Assembly on Time

PP Assembly on Time

PP Assembly on Time and how we use or waste it! Therefore there’s something for everyone here and it would suit all ages. This resource reminds students that time management is a skill we must all master! It begins by asking pupils to consider how they have spent their time over a holiday but you could change the wording to read ‘weekend’ You then personalise the next slides as to pictures of events showing how you have used your time. It includes: Music suggestions- given on PP Bible reading Prayer Call to action Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why