This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
There are 4 different Superhero mask
so you can select a different mask for each student
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
SPANISH ABC Alphabet Bear Banner
This Alphabet Banner is great for your classroom Bulletin Board
There are 6 Bear banners PNG and PDF Format
These Fun SPANISH BUNDLE Crowns are great for your Kids
Only 1 sheet of paper per child!
SIMPLE instructions
1. One zig zag line cut
2. fold
3. glue
And you will have a perfect Crown.
Spanish Preschool Alphabet Crowns
Spanish Kindergarten Alphabet Crowns
Spanish Numbers 1 - 20 Crowns
Spanish Shapes Crowns
Holiday Crowns
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
These Cute set of Spanish Bears Alphabet letters and Numbers headers are perfect
for a word wall but could also be used in so many other ways such as your classroom signs
This product contains 83 bears headers
A to Z capital and lowercase letters and question mark
Numbers from 0 to 20 PNG AND PDF Format
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
Preschool Alphabet Crowns
These Fun Alphabet Crowns are great when teaching the alphabet and beginning sounds of the letters
Only 1 sheet of paper per child!
SIMPLE instructions
1. One zig zag line cut
2. fold
3. glue
And you will have a perfect Crown.
Aa - apple - airplane - ant - alligator
Bb - ball - bee - baby - boat
Cc - camel - cat - car - cow
Dd - dinosaur - dolphin - duck - dice
Ee - egg - elephant - eagle - earth
Ff - flower - fish - fan - frog
Gg - gorilla - goat - guitar - giraffe
Hh - hippo - horse - house - heart
Ii - iguana - igloo - island - indian
Jj - jam - jellyfish - ham - juice
Kk - koala - karate - king - key
Ll - lemon - lion - lamp - leaf
Mm - mouse - mushroom - moon - monkey
Nn - nest - net - nurse - nose
Oo - owl - orange - octopus - onion
Pp - pig - pear - penguin - pencil
Qq - quail - quiet - queen - quilt
Rr - ring - robot - rabbit - rainbow
Ss - seal - sun - snake - star
Tt - tiger - turtle - table - tomato
Uu - uniform - unicorn - umbrella - umpire
Vv - volcano - vase - violin - vest
Ww - wagon - watermelon - whale - window
Xx - Xylophone - X-ray
Yy - yarn - yogurt - yoyo - yolk
Zz - zebra - zoo - zipper - zero
and a Complete A to Z alphabet letter crown
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
There are 4 different Superhero mask
so you can select a different mask for each student
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
Let’s fly a kite
This colorful Alphabet A to Z kites set is great for your kids
Developing fine motor skills by tracing , coloring and cutting.
This set contains graphics for beginning letter sounds 60 pages
30 Color and 30 Black line version pdf files
A= avión - astronauta - árbol
B= ballena - búho - banana
C= conejo - cangrejo - carro
Ch=chupete - chino - choza
D= dulce - delfín - dinosaurio
E= elefante - erizo - estrella
F= flor - fuego - foca
G= gato - galleta - gusano
H= hoja - hormiga - helado
I= imán - iglú - iguana
J= jarra - jaula - jamón
K= kiwi - koala - karate
L= luna - león - lámpara
Ll= llanta - llama - llaves
M=manzana - mono - mapa
N= nido - nuez - naranja
Ñ= ñoño - ñandú - ñame
O= oveja - olla - oso
P= pera - perro - pavo
Q= queso - quemado - querubín
R= regalo - reina - robot
S= sapo - sombrero - sol
T= tortuga - tambor - tomate
U= unicornio - uña - uvas
V= van - vaca - volcán
W= walkie talkie - washington - wafles
X = x-ray - xilófono - x-box
Y= yema - yogurt - yoyo
Z= zorro - zanahoria - zapatos
This product contains
10 color clipart PNG File
10 Color clipart JPG Files
20 BW clipart PNG file
20 BW clipart JPG file
20 BW clipart Traceable PNG file
20 BW clipart Traceable JPG file
This product contains10 color clipart PNG File10 Color clipart JPG Files20 BW clipart PNG file20 BW clipart JPG file20 BW clipart Traceable PNG file20 BW clipart Traceable JPG file
This Product contains
10 PNG file cliparts
10 JPG file cliparts
Fun Bus Clipart for your Classroom Bulletin board
This product contains 1 color clipart 1 BW clipart and 1 Bw Traceable clipart
JPG and PNG files
Cute cliparts for your bulletin boards
This product contains 22 clparts
PNG and JPG files
This Fun flowers in a pot are great for your bulletin boards
This product contains 20 cliparts PNG files
and 20 cliparts JPG files
This Alphabet Clipart Set is Just For YOU!
Contains 54 letters UPPER and LOWER case PNG Format
Great for your Bulletin Board Titles, Back To School and all your School Projects
This Set Includes the Spanish letter Ññ