Special educational needs

Writing Diary Entries (SEN) Entry 1
A booklet I created to help SEN students at Entry 1 level in writing diary entries.

Writing Diary Entries Entry 2 (SEN)
A booklet I created for secondary SEN students to complete for diary entries.

Vocabulary grid for revenue, profit and loss
A grid to complete for definitions relating to revenue, profit and loss.

Food Glorious Food
This is a powerpoint aimed at E2 to L1 SEN English students that goes through what a sensory adjective is, there is a booklet to accompany and sensory adjective list to accompany this. The resource can be used across at least two to three lessons. Used for post 16 SEN students.
LO. Understand what a sensory adjective is
LO. Use sensory adjectives to describe food
LO. Understand food vocabulary
LO. Create a health menu using sensory adjectives
LO. Understand what foods have high or low calories (embedding maths)

Food Glorious food sensory adjective booklet
A booklet to accompany the powerpoint food glorious food. Describe the images in the powerpoint then refer to the sensory adjective list to use more words . Then moving on to look at words that they have not heard before and understand their meaning. This leads then to creating their own menu using sensory adjectives. Calorie counting has also been embedded in the booklet for the Maths element.

Writing Level 1 OCN booklet for SEN
Writing booklet covering three objectives
Writing for different forms, purposes and audiences.
Write to communicate meaning using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures with accurate spellinh and punctuation.
Organise information and ideas.

Writing Entry 2 (SEN) (OCN qual)
This booklet was created for special needs children so that they could work through at their own pace.
Write short texts with some awareness of the intended audience
Use written words and phrases to record and present information
Construct compound sentences using common conjunctions
Punctuate correctly,using upper and lower case, full stops and question marks.
Spell correctly all high frequency words and words with common spelling patterns

Writing Entry 1 SEN (OCN qual)
Write short simple sentences
Use written words and phrases to present information
Construct simple sentences using full stops
Plan, draft and organise writing
Sequence writing logically and clearly

Fact and Opinion Level 1 (SEN ) (OCN)
A booklet created for SEN children to distinguish between fact and opinion and to cover objectives for LEVEL 1.

Craft Design Project Entry 2
A booklet designed to help SEN students to plan and organise a craft project of their own choosing to cover OCN objectives at Entry 2.

Spelling Skills Level 1 (SEN) (OCN)
A booklet I created for SEN children to cover the objectives for Level 1 OCN objectives.

Writing Diary Entries (entry 3) (SEN)
A booklet I created for SEN to cover objectives for Entry 3 Writing.