Year 6 maths planning- angles
Complete lessons, resources, planning and notebooks for missing angles in triangles,around a point, on a straight line and measuring angles
y6 maths planning- algebra
Complete lesson planning, differentiated lessons, notebooks and deeper learning questions for solving algebra questions, finding the area using a formula of triangles and applying this using reasoning and problem-solving
Year 6 maths planning- percentages
Complete planning and resources for a challenging lesson on percentages for year 6
Year 6 maths planning-Multiplying fractions
Three days of notebooks for multiplying fractions by whole numbers, fractions and multiplying mixed number fractions. Includes differentiated tasks.
Y6 Sats revision- revise long multiplication and long division
I have included all resources for three days of revising long multiplication and long division for sats arithmetic paper.
Year6 maths planning-Fractions
Notebooks for a week on fractions includes all tasks on presentations and learning objectives, covers dividinf fractions by whole numbers, dividing fractions by fractions, adding and subtracting mixed number fractions, ordering fractions and a revision of fractions for sats.
Year 6 sats revision - week of problem solving
A full week of resources to revise problem solving with the four operations and percentages. This resource includes notebooks and past sats questions.
Y6 Sats maths revision
Three weeks of sats revision lessons. Notebooks include differentiated starters so cover many topics.