Teacher with 30 years in the profession and 30 years worth of resources across a range of subjects: English, Politics, Law, Business and Extended Project. Examining experience across these areas as well.
I aim to share cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more of your time, doing the things that you want.
Teacher with 30 years in the profession and 30 years worth of resources across a range of subjects: English, Politics, Law, Business and Extended Project. Examining experience across these areas as well.
I aim to share cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more of your time, doing the things that you want.
Length of document: 27 pages; 7431 words. Teaching time: 4 hours.
This Handout contains model answers for all questions set in the Edexcel A Level Politics Paper 1 in 2022.
It has been written and prepared by a Politics teacher and Examiner with 30 years’ experience of teaching and marking Politics.
The Handout also provides grids for students to compare their answers with the model answers, aiding in effective revision.
Model Answer for First Extract Question: The model answer discusses the view that “pick-and-mix” politics is replacing traditional “left-right” politics.
Model Answer for Second Extract Question: The model answer examines the view that the case for PR for Westminster elections has been made.
Essay Question on the media and pressure groups and whic, in a modern democracy, exerts more influence.
Essay Question on individual rights and collective rights and the extent to which each are adequately protected in the UK.
Essay Question on whether Conservatives are divided over their attitudes to the State.
Essay question on the extent to which Socialists are divided.
This is an invaluable resource for teachers and students working towards their A Level in Politics.
If you have found this resource useful, then please take a look at my other Model Answers for Politics and other resources for Business, Politics, EPQ, Law and English, as well as some PSHE materials.
5 model answers written by an experienced Law Examiner.
All 5 answers as a bundle will save teachers 33%
Answers provided on:
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Delegated Legislation
Parliamentary Sovereignty
Sentencing and
Fantastic resource. Add to, and adapt as you need to.
Length of document: 33 pages; 8006 words. Teaching time: 4 hours.
This Handout contains model answers for all questions set in the AQA A Level Law Paper 3b (Human Rights) in 2023.
It has been written and prepared by a Law teacher and Examiner with 30 years’ experience of teaching and marking Law.
The Handout also provides grids for students to compare their answers with the model answers, aiding in effective revision, and helping them to self-evaluate their own learning.
Further, there is an “Examiner’s Commentary” section after each question, highlighting tips and observations to help your students get top marks.
This is an invaluable resource for teachers and students working towards their A Level in Law.
It is intended that every Paper across all options since 2020 will be covered. Please keep checking back as more papers will be added in the coming weeks.
If you have found this resource useful, then please take a look at my other Model Answers for Politics and other resources for Business, Politics, EPQ, Law and English, as well as some PSHE materials.
This bundle is discounted by a third!
4 resources on Justice, which cover the complete topic.
Nothing for teachers to do other than deliver these materials.
3 student handouts with activities and questions throughout
A model answer on justice.
All written by an experienced Law Examiner and tried and tested on groups of students across the years.
Total peace of mind for teachers of Law and Justice for £6.00!
BTEC Business Unit 20 (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)) - 3 Powerpoints, representing the WHOLE UNIT
Every Learning Aim comprehensively covered and all materials written by an experienced teacher and BTEC Moderator.
PowerPoints contain all the materials that your students will need and include activities, questions and videos to review and reinforce knowledge.
One third discount on cost of buying individual PowerPoints.
Want individual Learning Aims or elements within them? Search for the individual Elements that you require.
Written by an experienced Law Examiner, this resource bundle on morality is discounted at 1/3rd off.
It consists of 5 resources:
What is the association between Law and Morality? (Model Answer)
Views on Law and Morality
How Morality has influenced Law
A Guide to answering Questions on Law and Morality and
Revision of Morality.
All these resources are in the form of student Handouts but teachers would need to do nothing other than deliver these materials.
A fantastic resource to help busy teachers!
BTEC Business Unit 17 (Digital Marketing) - 3 Powerpoints, representing the WHOLE UNIT
Every Learning Aim comprehensively covered and all materials written by an experienced teacher and BTEC Moderator.
PowerPoints contain all the materials that your students will need and include activities, questions and videos to review and reinforce knowledge.
One third discount on cost of buying individual PowerPoints.
Want individual Learning Aims or elements within them? Search for the individual Elements that you require.
More than 60 slides available across these 3 high-quality PowerPoints, complete with speaker’s notes.
Excellent resources for anti-bullying week or as part of PSHE programmes.
Includes videos and activities.
Aimed at 11 - 14 year-olds but could be used with older students as well.
Save more than a third off with this BUNDLE which covers the complete** BTEC Business Level 2, Unit 4, Principles of Customer Service.**
This bundle consists of 4 PowerPoints plus an Activity Sheet and covers the entire Unit.
Teachers would need to do nothing else other than deliver these materials.
Written by an Examiner with 30-years experience and a record of excellent results.
Now with 33% off!
Every question answered across all 3 2023 papers!
This discounted bundle consists of Edexcel Politics Papers 1, 2 and 3a (USA option) from the 2023 exam series.
Every answer has been written by an experienced Examiner and answers are provided for every question.
Each of the 3 documents also contains exercises and “Revision Grids” so that students can test their recall against the model answers.
Over 80 pages of revision materials in total.
Get this fantastic resource for both teachers and students alike at the discounted rate of £12 - a saving of 20%!
Every question answered across all 3 2024 papers!
This discounted bundle consists of Edexcel Politics Papers 1, 2 and 3b (Global politics option) from the 2024 exam series.
Every answer has been written by an experienced Examiner and answers are provided for every question.
Each of the 3 documents also contains exercises and “Revision Grids” so that students can test their recall against the model answers.
Over 80 pages of revision materials in total.
Get this fantastic resource for both teachers and students alike at the discounted rate of £12 - a saving of 20%!
Every question answered across all 3 2024 papers!
This discounted bundle consists of Edexcel Politics Papers 1, 2 and 3b (Global option) from the 2024 exam series.
Every answer has been written by an experienced Examiner and answers are provided for every question.
Each of the 3 documents also contains exercises and “Revision Grids” so that students can test their recall against the model answers.
Over 80 pages of revision materials in total.
Get this fantastic resource for both teachers and students alike at the discounted rate of £12 - a saving of 20%!
Tes paid licence
Every question answered across all 3 2024 papers!
This discounted bundle consists of Edexcel Politics Papers 1, 2 and 3a (USA option) from the 2024 exam series.
Every answer has been written by an experienced Examiner and answers are provided for every question.
Each of the 3 documents also contains exercises and “Revision Grids” so that students can test their recall against the model answers.
Over 80 pages of revision materials in total.
Get this fantastic resource for both teachers and students alike at the discounted rate of £12 - a saving of 20%!
BTEC Business Unit 1 (Exploring Business) - 5 Powerpoints, representing the WHOLE UNIT
33% OFF
Every Learning Aim comprehensively covered and all materials written by an experienced teacher and BTEC Moderator.
PowerPoints contain all the materials that your students will need and include activities, questions and videos to review and reinforce knowledge.
One third discount on cost of buying individual PowerPoints.
Want individual Learning Aims or elements within them? Search for the individual Elements that you require.
BTEC Business Unit 5 (International Business) - 5 Powerpoints, representing the WHOLE UNIT
Every Learning Aim comprehensively covered and all materials written by an experienced teacher and BTEC Moderator.
PowerPoints contain all the materials that your students will need and include activities, questions and videos to review and reinforce knowledge.
One third discount on cost of buying individual PowerPoints.
Want individual Learning Aims or elements within them? Search for the individual Elements that you require.
The EPQ course requires students to study and develop a core of skills ranging from effective reading to delivering presentations.
These 7 PowerPoint presentations will give your students all the skills that they need to achieve an excellent grade in what can be a difficult qualification.
Written by an experienced teacher and delivered to many cohorts of students, this PowerPoint bundle is available at a discount with over 33% off!
Over 100 slides! Complete course for only £17.99
Everything you need to deliver a highly-effective skills-based course to your Extended Project students!
BTEC Business Unit 7 (Business Decision Making) - 8 Powerpoints, representing the WHOLE UNIT
Every Learning Aim comprehensively covered and all materials written by an experienced teacher and BTEC Moderator.
PowerPoints contain all the materials that your students will need and include activities, questions and videos to review and reinforce knowledge.
38% discount on cost of buying individual PowerPoints.
Want individual Learning Aims or elements within them? Search for the individual Elements that you require.