Hi all! We teach Computing across different schools and often get asked for interactive resources - so that's what we make. Most resources you will find on here are interactive activities for the children to complete, either on their own device or as an interactive whiteboard activity! Please feel free to send requests or for variations of things found in our shop.
Hi all! We teach Computing across different schools and often get asked for interactive resources - so that's what we make. Most resources you will find on here are interactive activities for the children to complete, either on their own device or as an interactive whiteboard activity! Please feel free to send requests or for variations of things found in our shop.
-Learn the fruits names in Spanish
-Use the Slideshow mode on your Interactive Whiteboard and call out names in Spanish/English
-Ask the children to select the appropriate animal by clicking on it (on slide 4 the animals will flip over to reveal the translation)
-Challenge: See if you can identify all the animals in under 30 seconds!
Use this Interactive Whiteboard resource to learn the days of the week and the months of the year. Then, challenge your children to identify full dates! The various tile can be clicked on to flip them over to reveal translations.
-Learn days of the week, numbers up to 31 and months of the year in Spanish
-Use the Slideshow mode on your Interactive Whiteboard and call out dates in Spanish/English
-Ask the children to select the appropriate day, date and month by clicking on the correct tiles (the tiles will flip over to reveal the translation)
-Challenge: See if you can identify 5 dates in under 30 seconds!
Learn the names of these adorable animals in Spanish!
-Learn the animal names in Spanish
-Use the Slideshow mode on your Interactive Whiteboard and call out names in Spanish/English
-Ask the children to select the appropriate animal by clicking on it (on slides 4-5 the animals will flip over to reveal the translation)
-Challenge: See if you can identify all the animals in under 30 seconds!
Based on the retelling of The Three Little Pigs by Martin Goulden this .pdf document contains all the pages of the story in a random order. These are non-editable and are designed to be easily printed and cut to create a story sequencing activity for the children.
This is an interactive PowerPoint game for use in French. It lets you choose an item of food and then you have to decide if you like that food or not. Selecting like/dislike will take you to another slide which contains the french sentence. E.g. ‘I like apples’ - ‘J’aime les pommes’. Another button from here will take you back to the food select slide, ready to choose another food item.
Excellent, easy to use, drag and drop Computing activity for the whole class. Get the children to create beautiful French themed bunting in this PowerPoint document and then simply print them out to decorate your classroom.
A step-by-step guide to creating a 3D printable Roman Amphitheatre in Sketchup - aimed at Primary School children. The resources also include download links for the 3D Sketchup models themselves.
-Learn the fruits names in French
-Use the Slideshow mode on your Interactive Whiteboard and call out names in French/English
-Ask the children to select the appropriate animal by clicking on it (on slide 4 the animals will flip over to reveal the translation)
-Challenge: See if you can identify all the animals in under 30 seconds!
A great Interactive Whiteboard Resource for learning about hobbies in French. Simply go into presentation mode, select a hobby, decide whether or not you like that hobby, (click the smiley face or sad face) read out the statement in French and then click the home button to choose another.
A great Interactive Whiteboard Resource for learning about hobbies in Spanish. Simply go into presentation mode, select a hobby, decide whether or not you like that hobby, (click the smiley face or sad face) read out the statement in Spanish and then click the home button to choose another.
This is an interactive PowerPoint game for use in Spanish. It lets you choose an item of food and then you have to decide if you like that food or not. Selecting like/dislike will take you to another slide which contains the Spanish sentence. Clicking another button from here will take you back to the food select slide, ready to choose another food item.
Have yourself a Spanish Day! Gather your children around the interactive whiteboard for some interactive games that will teach them the Spanish names for animals, hobbies, food, numbers, days of the week and months of the year.
A variety of interactive whiteboard resources and Computing resources aimed at learning the basics in Spanish.
Using animals as part of your languages topic, but you don’t use French or Spanish? Then these editable animal flashcards are just what you need!
You will get 15 animal flashcards that you can add any language to, including English for any learners who have English as an additional language.
Why not check out our other language themed resources. Including a PowerPoint game using all of these animals. The PowerPoint can be found in our TES Shop HERE
Or by searching the TES resources for
‘Spanish-Interactive Whiteboard Game - Animal Names
A collection of Flashcards of animals with their Spanish translation. Perfect to use as part of your main teaching, starters or even could be used as part of a classroom display.
The download includes a free PDF format of 15 animal flashcards.
Why not check out our other language themed resources. Including a PowerPoint game using all these animals. The PowerPoint can be found in our TES Shop HERE
Or by searching the TES resources for
‘Spanish-Interactive Whiteboard Game - Animal Names’
Why not also check out our Interactive Spanish Mini Bundle? Click HERE to view our Spanish Mini Bundle.
A beautiful variety of alien posters.
Contains 14 unique aliens with a variety of features to explore and describe. Each has a different number of colourful arms, legs, eyes, teeth, antennae and regular shaped mouths to identify.
The resources contains 2 sets of posters. The first set gives each alien one made up name. The second set gives each alien two names to sound out. We threw in a little alliteration on the second set just for fun!
Also, why not make some of your own aliens using an interactive, drag-and-drop activity?
It’s a perfect activity for the interactive whiteboard or for the children to work independently on the computer:
You can find the resource on TES at my shop:
Or by searching the TES resources for
‘create your own alien’
Let’s get Nursery and Reception typing!
Whilst the youngest children are super tech savvy these days, we sometimes forget to teach the basics. This activity introduces EYFS children to typing words on a computer. For this activity we recommend running carpet sessions with small groups of children. Ideally, have this PowerPoint displayed on your interactive white board and use a wireless keyboard that can be passed around the group to type onto. (For your keyboard, we highly recommend buying some lower case letter stickers to stick on the keys!)
Work through each slide following the instructions at the beginning of each section. The sections are as follows:
Copying letters
Initial sounds - type the letter of the initial sound for the pictured animal
CVC - type out the cvc words
Copy the whole word
Type your name
Type the alphabet