All of my resources have been used in my own classroom. My resources are designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone. I use a student friendly font and backgrounds designed to reduce glare so that all students can access the materials.
All of my resources have been used in my own classroom. My resources are designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone. I use a student friendly font and backgrounds designed to reduce glare so that all students can access the materials.
I stick these on student books so that they know exactly what their target grades are. Also you can input your data collections to show progress. Comments are appreciated.
Students explore the living conditions of those people living through the Industrial Revolution. A picture source is the main stimulus material for this lesson. Comments are appreciated.
Students are encouraged to debate the use of the atomic bomb. You can find clips of Barefoot Gen on Youtube (please check the certificate for your students!) This lesson would work best using a textbook to support.
Students explore the life of Joseph Mengele, The Angel of Death. They use song lyrics and information to develop their understanding. Comments are appreciated.
Students start this lesson by telling each other about their family histories before completing a world map which demonstrates the origins of the British people. This lesson could also be used to teach citizenship and PSHE. Comments are appreciated.
Students use resources to plan and write a story about working in a factor. This lesson works best having spent some time with sources from the period (see other resources posted). Students are encouraged to use a range of adjectives and end with peer assessment. Minds and Machines is the textbook used. Comments are appreciated.
This lesson was planned for Y8 students sitting the Common Entrance exam. It was designed to revise BOTH the Black Death and Great Plague of London. It asks students to pitch which of the plagues should be featured in an empty gallery in the Museum of London. This lesson works really well as students think about wider consequences which could also lead to discussion and research into increased freedoms after the Black Death etc. This lesson could be easily adapted to suit GCSE teaching of the History of Medicine. My students supplements the information sheet with relevant textbooks in my room. In the next lesson students used a past paper question to demonstrate their knowledge. Enjoy!
This lesson allows students to examine the limitations of Renaissance discoveries. This topic has appeared on the Edexcel exam before. My classroom is equipped with both the white Dawson textbooks and the brown Edexcel version. You can adapt page numbers to suit your own. Comments are appreciated.
Students develop their prior knowledge of capitalism and communism by looking a propaganda. I use the Blue Twentieth Century World books to support this lesson. Comments are appreciated :-)
Students use pictures and information from a textbook to explore Benidorm. There is also a maths task which students could complete for cross-curricula links.
Students explore the concept of the package holiday from its origins to the present the day. They finally plan some holidays for some well known TV families. Comments are appreciated.
A lesson which explores the arguments for and against the Vietnam War. The main activity centres around a diamond 9 activity but photographs and clips are also used to stimulate ideas. The last task is fairly open as this was planned for a cover lesson. Comments are appreciated! :-)
Students take a class vote to decide which tourist attraction is their favourite and produce a bar graph. I used some youtube clips to demonstrate certain places. Graph paper would help too!
A selection of photographs from the 20th century. Students can try to identify events or sort them chronologically. Alternatively these could form a display.
This lesson explores the reasons for America withdrawal by assessing the tactics used by both sides. Paired and group work takes up the bulk of the lesson. The main poster task can be interpreted in different ways but I use playmobil and props to allow students to get around the imposed word restriction. Examples of this task are shown in the powerpoint to help you visualise this! Comments are appreciated. :-)
Students work in groups to produce a TV script about Brighton's past. This is based on the style of Michael Portillo&'s BBC series. Clips of this series can be found on youtube. Comments are appreciated.