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What Can You See? - Pancake Day
Pancake Day themed list writing - What can you see?
List templates for children to write the pancake toppings using their phonetic knowledge

Subitising Pancakes
Subitising Pancakes 1-10 with numeral and fruit representations
Also includes…
Pancake base
Fruit cut outs
Table sign

Pancake Faces Cut & Stick
Design a pancake face sticking activity - includes some example cut outs and table sign

Kandinsky Style Shapes
Art template for the children to create Kandinsky style shapes
Includes example pictures

Love Mugs
Mixture of Phase 2 & 3 picture prompts for the children to write what they can see…
Use with hot chocolate powder, paper, whiteboards etc

Chocolate Strawberry Counting
Chocolate Strawberry Number Cut Outs 1-10
Plate Mat Template
Table sign
Strawbery cut outs

Counting Cars
Valentines Counting Cars Sheet - Add the two numbers
Car cut outs & table sign included

Chocolate Playdough Mats
Box of Chocolates themed playdogh mats. Use alongside ‘chocolate playdough’ and loose parts for the children to make their own chocolates!
Includes cut outs and table sign

Chocolate Strawberry Number Match
Cut and Stick Activity…
Cut the Number Strawberry and match to the representation on the plate (5-10)
Pack includes table sign and strawberry cut outs

What’s in the Jar?
What’s in the Jar? - Writing Activity
Valentines theme jar with a variety of words for the children to write what they can see…
Includes postcard for children to write on and table sign

Valentines Watercolour Painting
Valentines colouring/watercolour painting sheets x2
Heart cut outs also included

Valentines Phonics/Tricky Word Race
Valentines Race Pack
Phonics Race - Phase 3 words
Tricky Word Race - Phase 2 & 3
Blank board to write your own focus sounds or words
Table sign & cut outs ‘Phonics Race’
Table sign & cut outs ‘Tricky Word Race’

Colour a Pattern - Valentines
Valentines pattern activity. Children can use blank templates to ‘colour’ a repeating pattern. Includes pattern examples and table sign

Valentines Counting
Valentines Counting sheets x2 - Single dice patterns and two patterns too add together
Also includes table sign