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La télé
Studio 2 Module 1 Unité 1 - Talking about television programmes with -er verbs in the present tense using Studio 2 Red book pages 8-9 with Y8

Joyeuses Paques 2018
Easter themed lesson to introduce quickly (or revise) the near future tense with Y7, Y8 or Y9 French. It includes: a true/false do now, flash cards to introduce/revise 7 verbs in the near future, a listening activity and a reading comprehension activity which can all be used to scaffold a writing activity and a plenary.

Studio AQA GCSE French Module 5 Revisions
Revisions of Module 5 using Studio AQA GCSE Higher pages 112-117

French GCSE Reading exam New Specifications
PPT to explain the new exam specifications to students with examples from Studio AQA GCSE French Higher. Might come in handy before mock exam.

French GCSE Listening exam New Specifications
PPT to explain the new exam specifications to students with examples from Studio AQA GCSE French Higher. Might come in handy before mock exam.

Bonne Saint Valentin
A French KS3 lesson to help students develop dictionary skills and translation skills. Perfect for Y7, Y8 and Y9 around Valentine's day.

Que hay en tu instituto
Lesson (but enough material for two lessons) to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary to describe your school with Y7 using “HAY un/una/unos/unas…”. Good companion to Viva 1 pages 58 and 59

Te gustan las ciencias
Lesson (but enough material for two lessons) to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary to give opinions about school subjects with Y7 using “ME GUSTA + nouns". Good companion to Viva 1 pages 56 and 57

Tu aimerais passer quel type de vacances
Lesson to introduce the conditional using "J'AIMERAIS + INFINITIVE" to talk about an imaginary adventure holiday. Good companion to Studio 3 page 78

Todo sobre un famoso espanol
End of Y7 revision lesson to revise the key vocabulary, questions and answers seen during the first year of Spanish. Best suited to lower-mid ability classes.

Une journee a Paris
Y8 lesson to introduce the past tense with AVOIR using plenty of cognates. Starter is using famous tourist landmarks so it can be use to develop cultural awareness as well. Good companion to Studio 2 rouge Module 1 Unite 1 page 28.