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Functionalism and the Family - AQA A level Sociology - UPDATED 2023
Lesson on the Functionalist Perspective of the Family.
Activities and videos embedded to engage students.
Booklet included to go along with the PowerPoint.
Exam Question / Focus Embedded.

Childhood - Family and Households - AQA Sociology - UPDATED 2023
Lesson on the changing nature and role of childhood e.g. social construction of childhood, childcentredness, toxic childhood, blurring of childhood.
Activities and videos embedded to engage students.
Booklet included to go along with the PowerPoint.
Exam Question / Focus Embedded - 10 and 20 mark question.

Couples - Family and Households AQA Sociology - UPDATED 2023
A lesson on the roles within the household - are roles between men and women equal or unequal?
Activities and videos embedded to engage students.
Booklet included to go along with PowerPoint.
Exam Question / Focus embedded.

Secondary Sources AQA A level Sociology - Research Methods
Lesson on the strengths and weaknesses of secondary sources e.g. official statistics, documents etc.
Activities embedded to engage students.
Worksheet included to go along with powerpoint.
Exam focus / question also embedded.

Observations AQA A level Sociology - Research Methods
Lesson on the strengths and weaknesses of using observations - participant and non-participant / covert and overt. Example studies given.
Activities embedded to engage students.
Worksheet included to go with PowerPoint.
Exam focus / question also embedded.

Interviews AQA A level Sociology - Research Methods
Lesson on the strengths and weaknesses of Interviews - structured, unstructured, group etc.
Activities embedded to engage students.
Worksheet included to go wit PowerPoint.
Exam focus / question also embedded.

Questionnaires AQA A level Sociology - Research Methods
Lesson on the strengths and weaknesses of questionnaires.
Activities embedded to engage students.
Worksheet included to go with PowerPoint.
Exam focus/ question also embedded.

Experiments AQA A level Sociology - Research Methods
Lesson on the strengths and weaknesses of experiments.
Activities embedded to keep students engaged.
Exam focus and practice embedded.
Comes with a worksheet.

The Research Context - Methods in Context AQA A level Sociology - UPDATED 2023
Break down of all the problems a researcher may face when studying a school / the education system.
Lots of activities to engage students and get them to consider the context.
Exam practice to get the students thinking about how to link PET factors to context.
Worksheet to go with the PowerPoint.

Choosing a Research Method AQA A level Sociology - UPDATED 2023
Lesson on all the issues a researcher must consider before carrying out research and picking a research method. E.g. practical, ethical and theoretical issues.
Booklet to go with PowerPoint.

Research Methods- Sampling
A lesson introducing and explaining the different types of sampling. Use of skittles as a visual representation.
Aimed at GCSE students, but adaptable for higher level (GCE).
Use of differentiated/open-ended activities.
Worksheets included

Research Methods- Surveys
A lesson introducing and explaining the different types of surveys (questionnaires and interviews) and the advantages and disadvantages.
Aimed at GCSE students, but adaptable for higher level (GCE).
Use of differentiated/open-ended activities.
Video and worksheet included

Research Methods- Ethical Issues in research
A lesson introducing and explaining the ethical issues a research experiences when conducting a study.
Use of ethical scenario sheet as starter and clip of Milgram’s study for evidence.
Use of differentiated/open-ended activities.
Video and worksheet included

Research Methods- Introduction to the scientific method and scientific research
A lesson introducing and explainingthe scientific method (with reference to positivism).
Aimed at GCSE students, but adaptable for higher level (GCE).
Use of differentiated/open-ended activities.
Video and worksheet included

Sociology Research Methods- Introduction to research design/ planning process
A lesson introducing and explaining what a research design is. Use of scenario sheet to identify six key decisions considered when planning/designing a research project.
Aimed at GCSE students, but adaptable for higher level (GCE).
Use of differentiated/open-ended activities.
Video and worksheet included