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Years 7 & 8 French Christmas Lesson

Years 7 & 8 French Christmas Lesson

Starter - matching vocabulary to pictures Drawing dictation - students draw what they hear in the boxes (vocab from starter) Mini Quiz - true/false statements about Christmas in France Step-by-step answers to true/false statements with videos and pictures to explain the key fact about Christmas in France. Students listen to ‘Vive le vent’ (‘Jingle Bells’) and fill in the gaps to the lyrics. DIFFERENTIATED writing activity: students write a sentence about the sets of images at three different levels e.g.: * ‘Il y a un cadeaux’ * ‘Il y a un cadeaux rouges’ * ‘Il y a trois cadeaux rouges et verts. J’adore les cadeaux parce qu’ils sont super.’ Plenary - students match up the events to the dates (e.g. 24th December - Children put their shoes out ready for Santa Claus to bring them Little presents, money and gifts) Please note that I do not own any photos or videos used in this lesson*
Year 9 Spanish Christmas Lesson

Year 9 Spanish Christmas Lesson

Starter - matching vocabulary to pictures Drawing dictation - students draw what they hear in the boxes (vocab from starter) Mini Quiz - true/false statements about Christmas in Spain Step-by-step answers to true/false statements with videos and pictures to explain the key fact about Christmas in Spain. Fact file/slide on ‘La Lotería’ (El Gordo). Students watch the 2020 advert for la lotería and answer comprehension questions about the video as they are watching it. DIFFERENTIATED TRANSLATIONS: There is a high ability tangled translation paragraph, and also a low to mixed ability tangled translation (sentence level) Plenary - students match up the events to the dates (e.g. 24th December ‘La nochebuena’ - Spanish families gather together and enjoy a big meal etc). Final slide: An advert for GCSE Spanish advertising to students that they will study ‘Customs and Festivals’ in Y10 - an opportunity to learn more about the Spanish-speaking world.
GCSE Spanish Complex Structures Grammar Mat

GCSE Spanish Complex Structures Grammar Mat

**A useful grammar sheet containing a whole list of complex structure phrases students should use for success at GCSE in Spanish. ** Ways in which to use: Print on A4/A3 and use as a handout *** Print on A4/A3 and laminate - use as a ‘reference point’ in your lessons. Print and use as a poster/display in your classroom Upload to your Google Classroom/class page to help students with their revision Many more! Sub-headings include the below - each complex structure phrase is provided with an example: Infinitive phrases (e.g tener que + infinitive/ soler + infinitive) Experssions of time (e.g. acabar de + infinitive / antes de + infinitive) Phrases of capacity/obligation (e.g. se puede + infinitive/ es esencial + infinitive) Present subjunctive mood Spicy phrases (i.e. imperfect subjunctive + conditional tense) Conditional tense phrases (e.g. me gustaría + infinitive) Adjectival expressions (lo bueno/malo/importante + es que)
Inti Raymi Inca Festival of Peru, Latin America

Inti Raymi Inca Festival of Peru, Latin America

Cultural lesson on the festival of Inti Raymi. Key Stage 3 appropriate (more years 7-8). Connect/Starter activity - students translate cognates (e.g. el festival, la celebración etc) from Spanish to English. There are short sentences with these in using previous knowledge (e.g. Me encanta el fesival). Introduction: Who were the Incas? Read around the room activity. Students have a short questionnaire to fill out - teacher puts 1 A4 on each wall of classroom (information on the people, the land, the religion, the culture). Students circulate the room and fill out questionnaire. Popcorn reading about Inti Raymi - students read aloud from the board about what the festival is and how it related to the Inca Empire and civilization. Video clips x 2 - students make notes whilst watching short clips about Inti Raymi. Students make an informative leaflet/poster for tourists/foreigners about what Inti Raymi is and who the Inca people were - template provided. Plenary - a short quiz that can be completed in books or on mini whiteboards. A great, informative lesson filled with facts, pictures, and engaging content about this Latin American festival.
GCSE Spanish Tenses Grammar Mat

GCSE Spanish Tenses Grammar Mat

A useful grammar sheet containing a whole list of different tenses that students need to master for success at GCSE in Spanish. Ways in which to use: Print on A4/A3 and use as a handout Print on A4/A3 and laminate - use as a ‘reference point’ in your lessons. Print and use as a poster/display in your classroom Upload to your Google Classroom/class page to help students with their revision Many more! Tenses covered: Present Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Subjunctive Mood Imperfect Tense Preterite Tense Perfect Tense Near Future Tense Simple Future Tense Conditional Tense For each tense, the following is included: An explanation about what the tense is used for i.e. context How to conjugate (i.e. keep the infinitive or take off the AR/ER/IR ending etc). Common irregulars (note: not all irregulars could fit on the sheet, so just key irregulars included) A verb conjugation table (i.e. AR/ER/IR verb endings) A help box with a useful tip/trick - e.g. time expressions for that tense; trigger phrase examples; top tip for using that tense.
GCSE Spanish Complex Structure Revision Cards

GCSE Spanish Complex Structure Revision Cards

A handy revision/classroom tool for remembering 1. different types of complex structures and 2. which complex structures to use in writing. Personally, I use these by: Printing off a draft version and handing to each student. Students write an example of the complex structure they are going to use in their writing e.g. ‘Tener que + infinitive’ Then, underneath, students write an example of this e.g. ‘Tengo que ir al médico’. They do this 6 times. I then print and laminate these (A5 or smaller), hand them back to the individual student and they keep this in their top pocket!
Allez 1 Unit 1 and Unit 2 Revision Poster

Allez 1 Unit 1 and Unit 2 Revision Poster

A handy revision resource that can be used in the classroom or for homework/independent learning on grammar and vocabulary covered in Allez 1 Unit 1 and 2 including family members, my best friend, opinions, adjectives for personality and more.
Spanish Classroom Language Poster

Spanish Classroom Language Poster

3 x posters including: How to answer the register in Spanish (e.g. Estoy aquí) Useful phrases 1 (e.g. Puedo quitarme la chaqueta / Necesito un cuaderno) Useful phrases 2 (e.g. ¿Cómo se escribe)
Cómo estás/Ça va poster

Cómo estás/Ça va poster

Poster for your classroom containing classroom responses to ‘how are you’ in French and Spanish. A great display resource to have in your classroom to encourage students to speak in conversational Spanish/French.
La tomatina lesson

La tomatina lesson

A full lesson (approx 1 hour) on the Spanish festival ‘La tomatina’ from Buñol, Valencia. This is a culturally enriching lesson which allows students to broaden their knowledge of a Spanish festival/tradition. Starter - Translate the cognates (e.g. los tomates) and translate the sentences (e.g. me gustan los tomates) as an extension. Reading - Some informative slides (including relevant pictures) to explain what La tomatina is - including its origins, what happens before/during/after, and so on. Video of La Tomatina. Fill in the blanks - students have a fact file about La tomatina and they must fill in the blanks with the correct word (options for words are at the bottom). This helps them with the next activity. Create a leaflet for an English-speaking tourist about La tomatina - students use the template provided to capture everything they have learned. An illustration box is provided. Full template provided. Plenary - a mini quiz
Claro 1 Unit 4 Mi Casa Revision Poster

Claro 1 Unit 4 Mi Casa Revision Poster

‘Bienvenidos a mi casa’ revision poster covering: Where I live - Donde vivo yo My dream house - Mi casa de ensueño Prepositions My bedroom - Mi dormitorio Types of Houses - Tipos de casas Adjectives Conjugation of Vivir Lo que hago en casa - What I do at home Students fill out the poster - this can be set as homework or completed in class.
GCSE French Complex Structure Flash/Revision Card

GCSE French Complex Structure Flash/Revision Card

A handy revision/classroom tool for remembering 1. different types of complex structures and 2. which complex structures to use in writing. Personally, I use these by: Printing off a draft version and handing to each student. Students write an example of the complex structure they are going to use in their writing Then, underneath, students write an example of this They do this 6 times. I then print and laminate these (A5 or smaller), hand them back to the individual student and they keep this in their top pocket!
Mi ciudad 5 pack lessons

Mi ciudad 5 pack lessons

Suitable for year 7 / year 8 A complete 5 part lesson series covering the following: Lesson 1 - to be able to talk about what there is/is not in my city (present tense hay + no hay with noun, including plurals) Lesson 2 - to be able to describe places in town in more details using adjectives (adjectival agreement) Lesson 3 - to be able to say where I normally go in my town using ‘ir’ in the present tense (voy/vas/va etc + al / a la) Lesson 4 - to be able to talk about what different types of shops there are in my town (using different verbs eg. tenemos/tiene) Lesson 5 - to be able to use a complex structure to be able to say what I can buy in different shops (using ‘donde se puede comprar’ with a range of new vocabulary). All lessons feature a starter activity, an introduction to vocab/key grammar structure, mini whiteboard practice, a ‘baseline’ assessment (e.g. short series of translations), followed by a differentiated task based upon the baseline assessment score. Please note: I do not own any of the images contained within these resources.
Scheme of Work Year 7/8 Free Time Spanish

Scheme of Work Year 7/8 Free Time Spanish

A scheme of learning/work that includes a 7 lesson (lesson by lesson) structure for ‘my free time’ (‘mis pasatiempos’) designed for year 8 Spanish. This can also be used for year 7 Spanish depending upon student ability and order of teaching. For each lesson the following included: Topic Learning outcome Key vocabulary Key grammar Common mistakes/misconceptions Baseline test idea (how to test that they have understood the content) Stretch and challenge ideas for high achievers Phonics (blank column to be completed in line with your school’s pattern of phonics teaching) Homework (blank as above) Subtopics / key grammar / key vocabulary covered: Conjugating in the present tense - talking about free time activities Using irregular verbs jugar and hacer to talk about sports I / others do/play. Giving opinions Making justifications Including adverbs of frequency and time markers Using the near future tense Assessment revision - writing lesson