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French Health and Illness : Board Game
Snakes and Ladders style board game to practice talking about health and illness in French.
Pupils imagine that they are on their way to school but keep getting ill. They must roll the dice and say a sentence in French for each square that they land on to explain what is wrong with them. Vocabulary includes rhume, jambe cassée, mal au ventre etc.

French : Dining Hall Display
A display to encourage conversation in French at the dining table. Posters to cut out and laminate.
Could be used all year round or for special occasions such as a French Day, a French Lunch, a French Table.

French Classroom Door Signs
Classroom door signs written in French to welcome pupils into classroom. Includes 'have you got your folder?' and 'have you got your pencil case?'.

French Classroom Display : Basic Questions
Display of basic questions needed in the classroom - how do you say? how do you write? can you repeat? etc. with French and English translations.