Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Business
Lesson 20 Training
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Business
Lesson 21 The importance of motivation in the workplace
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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People in Business
Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Business
Lesson 23 Organisation structure and employees
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Business
Lesson 22 Methods of motivation at work
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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The general ledger and suspense accounts- Accounting AQA practice
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete theory with case studies, answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Control Accounts- Accounting AQA Practice
This presentation contains theory explained and practice
Sales ledger control account
Purchases ledger control account
This presentation contains Analyzing and Recording Transactions- double entry in Accounting- theory and practice.
These are fundamental Accounting principles.
Theme 1 Marketing and people EDEXCEL IA Level Business
Unit 1 The Market
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies, answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Theme 1 Marketing and people EDEXCEL IA Level Business
Unit 2 Market research
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies, answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Theme 1 Marketing and people EDEXCEL IA Level Business
Unit 3 Market positioning
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies, answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Theme 1 Marketing and people EDEXCEL IA Level Business
Unit 9 Marketing Objectives and Strategies
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with complete presentation with case studies, answers and worksheet for students , and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
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Further adjustments to financial statements Accounting A level AQA.
Practice with answers provided for the following:
prepayments, accruals and irrecoverable debts.
depreciation and profit or loss on disposals of non-current assets.
income due
income received in advance
irrecoverable debts recovered
provision for doubtful debts.
Bank reconciliation Accounting A Level AQA
The presentation contains the following topics with practice ans answers
Update a cash book based on a bank statement containing items not yet posted to the cash book
Understand the different items appearing on the bank statement of the business
Produce a bank reconciliation statement based on the cash book and a bank statement
Ascertain if a differing balance for the cash book and the bank statement is the result of an error
Theme 4 Globalisation
24 Factors contributing to increased globalization
Edexcel IA Level Business
Complete presentations using a variety of materials, case studies, answers and worksheets for students and links to related video.
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
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This presentation contains the following:
Source documents
Books of prime entry
Practice with answers for the above topics,
It was created for AQA - A levels, but it can be used for any exam board.
It’s a complete presentations and you don’t have to add anything else.
Unit 5 Lesson 30 Accounting Fundamentals Cambridge International AS Level 9606.
Complete presentation with 61 editable slides, for both teachers and students.
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains editable slides with the whole lesson content, and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
It includes some activities from the textbook, but if you need more revision and practice with answers, please check the revision presentations on my shop.
Thank you for your purchase!
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**Unit 4 Operations and project management- Lesson 23 Operations Planning **
Complete presentation for AS level 9609
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains 73 editable slides with the whole lesson content, and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs, if necessary.
It includes some activities from the textbook, but if you need more revision and practice with answers, please check the revision presentations on my shop.
Thank you for your purchase!
A short review would be much appreciated.
Lesson 18 & 19 Marketing mix Revision and practice with answers
Cambridge International AS Level 9609
Either you are a teacher or a student, this presentation will save your time and will give you everything you need to teach or to study for a low price.
It contains 63 editable slides with the whole lesson content and practice, and all you have to do is to adapt it to your needs.
Thank you for your purchase!
A short review would be much appreciated.