Students use the letters at the top of the page to complete the keywords below. Each letter can be used once.
Can be used to help students think about spelling keywords correctly.
Fun Christmas activity that gets students to think about words related to Computer Science - They have to use the letters in the Christmas phrase to make words.
Points scored depending on the number of letters - Can be turned in to a competition.
Christmas task - convert numbers in to binary, find the colour associated with that binary number and colour in the blank pixel grid to reveal a Christmas related image.
Students use the Inputs and Outputs and draw the possible logic gates that could be placed where the ? is.
The 2nd side of the sheet looks at the use of multiple gates.
Activities to get students working with 2d arrays. Activities include tracing algorithms and writing pseudocode.
I have also included the answer booklet or this task.
A set of three code breaker starter activities on the topics:
Encourages students to think about the key terms associated with the topic in question.
Binary logic puzzles - Encourage logical problem solving skills.
Starter / Extension task - This PDF document comes with three challenging binary number puzzles with each page containing some practice grids.
A-Level OCR Computer Science Revision Poster
Big O Notation (Match to an algorithm or statement)
Stacks & Queues (Describe the difference using a list of key terms)
Searching Algorithms (Binary, Linear)
Programming Data Types
Pseudocode (Spotting constructs, parameters, DIV, MOD etc)
Double sided worksheet covering:
Logical Shifts and their effects
Logic Gates (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR, NAND)
Masking with logical operators
All included in the NEW GCSE spec and in A Level Computer Science
Ideal for revision, securing understanding, cover work
A revision worksheet covering 4 software development methodologies (2 each side of a worksheet)
Agile (Including Extreme Programming)
Binary, Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction, Hexadecimal, Two's Compliment workbook.
Each of the above is explained and practice exercises are included.
A worksheet designed for A level computer science revision covering topics:
Linear & Binary Search algorithms
Shortest Path Algorithms
Binary Trees
A revision/teaching aid worksheet (Double sided) That includes explanations and examples of binary logic notations, Truth Table tasks, Logic gate diagram tasks.