Art and design

Measure & Make Lightup Valentine Tabletop Decor
Here is a hand-made Valentine gift that can be created for the entire family. This gift is a functional table-top decoration that lights up. Set the stage for warmth and pleasant family dinner conversation with this centerpiece decoration giving off a soft candle-like glow. (the “older” school kids-grades 3-6- prefer this type of valentine activity because it isn’t too “mushy-gushy” and it doesn’t target a “sweetheart”)
The “lighted tubes” of the heart are actually re-purposed plastic or paper drinking straws. Here’s a use for those plastic straws that you don’t want to end up in the ocean!
The complete instructions are provided in this resource. This project is part construction, math(a lot of measurement), language arts, science, and a whole lot of fun.
Use as independent activity in centers, small groups, whole class.
Teachers: this works well in a STEAM center! Parents, After School Programs, Scouts, Youth Groups,etc.: great project for your organizations!
Pg. 3………………………………………………introduction
Pgs. 4,5………………………………………….notes for adult facilitating the project
Pg. 6………………………………………………materials needed for heart on cardboard stand
Pgs. 7-9…………………………………………directions for heart on cardboard stand
Pg. 10…………………………………………heart template
Pgs. 11,12……………………………………….measurement recording sheets
Pgs. 13-19……………………………………….measurement hints/mini lessons/worksheets
Pg. 20…………………………………………….materials/directions for heart on wood stand
Pgs. 21-22………………………………………critical thinking questions
Pgs. 23-32………………………………………coverings for cardboard stand