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Mike Morley's Shop

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I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards




I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards
Medicine Through Time: Edward Jenner & Vaccination

Medicine Through Time: Edward Jenner & Vaccination

All outcomes linked with GCSE Exexcel Assessment Objectives (A01/A02) Pupils are introduced to smallpox and how it began to impact upon Britain. Pupils will then compete in teams in a literacy relay to explain Jenner’s discovery and the reactions to this. (Both positive and negative. Pupils then consolidate and explain Jenner’s significance (A02) with the use of a video (several links provided to use based upon ability of your class). Pupils then use a card sort activity to help them explain the long term & short term impact of Jenner’s discovery. Pupils finish the lesson with a short blurb on how Jenner’s discovery influenced Pasteur and Koch to further develop vaccinations and how these changes prevented diseased in the future. You may wish to use the new Edexcel Medicine through time text book to help support this lesson, but is not necessarily required.
Vietnam: Search and Destroy.

Vietnam: Search and Destroy.

This lesson is cantered around the various bombing raids conducted by the US in Vietnam. Pupils will access and develop this information though exam style techniques. the lesson begins with a short introduction from a documentary to set the scene of, ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’. students will use two interpretations to decide upon the main difference in views regarding this (support sheets included for less able) . I have also included a students friendly mark scheme for self /peer assessment. students will then work in groups of three to complete a worksheet categorizing the successes and failures of: 1. Operation rolling thunder. 2. Operation Cedar Falls 3. Operation Ranch hand. Students will then be provided with a choice of questions with an accompanying student friendly mark scheme to plan a 16 Mark answer which can then be completed for Homework. the lesson finishes with a judgment line activity where students can verbalize their overall judgments regarding the success of these ‘Search and Destroy’ Operations. You will require the Pearson Edexcel textbook for a section of this lesson.
The Great Depression & Impact on 'The League of Nations'.

The Great Depression & Impact on 'The League of Nations'.

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the failure of the LON and fits into the bigger picture of ‘To What Extent Was The League of Nations a Success’? The lesson’s purpose is to introduce the league’s failures as a result of the 1929 Depression and to judge the most significant problem posed through a series of student led and source evaluation (less teacher talk) tasks. **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about the the LON. Teacher introduces the lessons intention. **Starter: ** After watching an introduction video about the depression to re-call / introduce knowledge ( 2 video options embedded into the PP) Students then engage in a quiz-quiz-trade activity to reinforce and build up their knowledge surround the depression. Main task 1: Student engage in a ‘6 monkeys’ variety task to learn about the initial impact of the depression on the L.O.N: Monkey 1 – Read (or teacher reads) The first monkey is to read a piece of text that relates to the concept, idea or process. This stage allows differentiation to take place, as students of different abilities could be given texts with Monkey 2 – Drawing Monkey 2: Draw! it’s time for some drawing! Students have to draw a diagram/ cartoon/ flow chart to describe what they have understood from reading the text.h different degrees of detail, complex vocabulary or even on different topics. Monkey 3: Key words Lead reader reads out the highlighted words students add these to their pictures. Monkey 4: Students explain the story to their partner. Monkey 5: one students is selected to read out to the class – whilst students follow along with the actual story on the board. _ if they do it mostly accurately they can get a prize. ALL STUDENTS THEN WRITE UP IN THEIR OWN WORDS. Main task 2: Students to apply their acquired knowledge to complete the reverse of their sheet where they shall begin the judge the most significant problem this posed to the L.O.N. Plenary: Students break into small groups / individually to assess the message of some source of evidence linked with the Depression (focusing on exam skill) students then stick responses on the whiteboard as an exit pass.
How far was Hitler's foreign policy to blame for the outbreak of war in 1939?

How far was Hitler's foreign policy to blame for the outbreak of war in 1939?

the outcome of this lesson is for students to have formed a judgment on the most significant factor in Hitler’s foreign policy which led to the outbreak of WW2. LEsson begins with students being handed a recall of learning starter sheet which they can begin immediately linked with Hitler’s overall aims (Instructions on PP for students). students will work through a series ofstudent led tasks guided by the teacher: students watch a short video (embedded) wilst the teacher asks that students note down on white boards / in their book what Hitler’s main aims were (Differentiation: Task specific students with looking out for certain policies). students note down on A1 paper Hitler’s main foreign policy aims before the teachers handing out key policy documents individually along with the student proforma. students are tasked with summarizing they key policy on their sheet before memorizing it to the best of their ability. students then circulate the room and teach each other in their area of expertise regarding Hitlers policy e.g. The Sudetenland students then return to tables and add to their A1 paper with how each factor led to WW2. Plenary is a judgment line task around the room or using sticky notes on the board where students then form their opinion on the most significant factor. students can then answer an exam style question (balanced answer / judgment question works best. All videos are included with links provided in the PowerPoint + an additional time-line activity included FREE
Opposition and Reactions to the Vietnam War.

Opposition and Reactions to the Vietnam War.

Opposition and Reactions to the Vietnam War. (Pearson Edexcel GCSE) The purpose of this lesson is to educate students on the reasons for opposition to the Vietnam War. the lesson focuses upon Measuring public opinion, the students movement and the draft to then apply this knowledge to a utility question. Students will work record all acquired knowledge on a fully resources knowledge builder work sheet. Although not necessarily required any school textbook could be used to support student learning and progress. All sources of evidence are included along with videos which are embedded and links provided.
WWII Home Front: The Blitz Experience.

WWII Home Front: The Blitz Experience.

This was graded an ‘outstanding’ lesson. Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue of the London Blitz to hint about the context of the lesson. Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. (SMSC) Video links are included within the presentation. This lesson could be used without the need for exercise books as it is a learning stations based lesson for the most part. I have included 5 stations however these could be less / more dependent upon size and ability of your class. Eg: 1. War time memories / experience of the Blitz. 2. Propaganda posters (Blackout and recruitment to help during air raids). 3. Anderson / Morrision shelters. 4. Text book / war time newspapers 5. Interactive station (War time house / Interactive Air Raid map). Pupil’s then consolidate their judgment through answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. Instructions and advice on how they lesson is to run can be found in the description of the presentation. (All images and videos / sheets from Google / BBC Bitesize). Many Thanks.
19th Century Medicine: The Significance of John Snow

19th Century Medicine: The Significance of John Snow

This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel New Scheme (1-9) All outcomes are linked with Paper One’s Assessment Objectives 1 & 2. This lesson comes complete with a work booklet so no folders / books will be required. Pupils start by annotating ‘A Court for King Cholera’ to assess how unhygienic 19th Century London was. Pupils then watch a video (Link provided) to introduce the Choler outbreak. Pupils will be introduced to John Snow and how he discovered Cholera, again a video is provided (embedded) here to assist with pupils learning. Pupils then use an additional worksheet using highlighters to assess then impact of his discovery before consolidating their learning through answers a 16 mark exam style question from paper one (Medicine Through Time 1250-Present)
Manchuria:  Why / How did the League of Nations fail?

Manchuria: Why / How did the League of Nations fail?

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the failures of the LON in Manchuria and fits into the bigger picture of ‘To What Extent Was The League of Nations a Success’? The lesson’s purpose is to introduce the impact of Japan’s Decision to invade Manchuria. **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about the reasons behind Japan’s decision and its impact on LON + to complete a re-call source question with as much detail as possible. Teacher introduces the lessons intention. Starter: After watching a consolidation video about the invasion (summary video) (embedded into the PP) the teacher received feedback to re-call knowledge. Main Task 1: Students are provided with an A3 impact sheet where they are to highlight all of the failures of the LON and to then further explain why / how these were a failure. (Alternative task suggested in the PP description). Main task 2: students are then to apply their contextual knowledge to evaluating a source of evidence for usefulness (Layers of inference) students then compare their responses to a WAGOLL response where they are to highlight where the candidate has used details of the source / own knowledge to address the question. Students are then to use this skill to work upon a different source of evidence themselves and answer the usefulness question (supplied in the inference booklet) Plenary: Teacher poses question on the board ‘What was the most significant failure of the League dealing with the Manchuria Crisis 1931? Various answers are printed off and placed around the room.; students are challenged to go and stand by their opinion for the correct response and justify it (all explained in the PP description). **All videos embedded / descriptions and prompts included in the PP description. **
Abyssinia Crisis: Main Events and the League's Failure.

Abyssinia Crisis: Main Events and the League's Failure.

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the failures of the LON and in the 1930s fits into the bigger picture of ‘To What Extent Was The League of Nations a Success’? The lesson’s purpose is to chart the events of Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia through a series of student led and source evaluation (less teacher talk) tasks. **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about the reasons for Mussolini’s invasion. Teacher introduces the lessons intention. **Starter: ** Take feedback from the hook activity and use the slides + embedded video to re-cap the reasons for Mussolini’s invasion. Main task 1: Students to be provided with their timeline / story board sheet – the main events should be blown up on A3 and stuck around the room (encourage to complete in pencil in case of mistakes). Students to circulate the room and consolidate the main events of the invasion into chronological order. Alternative: Condense slides and cut up and students work in teams to arrange into chronological order before completing sheet. Alternative 2: Provide key students with an event in chronological order – ask them to memorize it then the rest of the class make their way around the room meeting with the students who can teach them that part of the event – students then complete sheets. Afterwards watch the consolidation video about the main events of the invasion (summary video) (embedded into the PP) and students can add extra detail to their sheet! Main Task 2: teacher goes through some sources of evidence on the PP to consider reactions to the events and Britain France (league’s response) Students then to be supplied with layers of inference sheet to evaluate a source themselves and complete an exam style question. Teacher then draws this all together to form a judgment on why the League ultimately failed Abyssinia (could do a judgment line task). Plenary: Students break into group and one ‘Lead Learner’ students is provided with the consolidation quiz sheet and quizzes the rest of their team to consolidate learning keep a tally of quickest and correct responses (prize / merit / certificate for winners)/ Easily enough her for more than one lesson and please see the bundle this lesson is attached to for more lessons linked with the League in the 1920’s / 1930’s. **All videos embedded / descriptions and prompts included in the PP description. **
Medicine Through Time : Vesalius

Medicine Through Time : Vesalius

This was recently graded an 'outstanding' lesson. Hook Starter as pupils enter class. Lesson Intention and differentiated outcomes. Cross Curricular link with Geography. Video links are included within the presentation. Literacy relay activity included (Differentiated for more / less able). Structured extended answer writing frames provided (Differentiated for more / less able). Judgment lines can be used for AFL as an extension. This lesson could be used without the need for exercise books. (All images and videos from Google / BBC Bitesize). Many Thanks.
American Civil Rights: Success of The Montgomery Bus Boycott

American Civil Rights: Success of The Montgomery Bus Boycott

The lesson begins with an inquiry into Martin Luther King Jr. Pupils are encouraged to discuss what they already know before studying a newspaper article written by a white journalist about his involvement in the boycott - pupils sue this (highlighters) to assess his leadership qualities. Pupils then look at 'the bigger picture' - pupils will use their worksheet to wander the room or work in groups studying information provided to them or stuck around the room. Pupils are encouraged to visit at least 3 sheets and record what they can learn about the successes of the boycott. I have provided 3 AFL activities proceeding this task (choose to suit your class / ability) 1. Mix-Pair-share 2. Snowball fight 3. Group discussion (A1 paper required) Pupils will then answer an assessment question (Challenge and prompt sheet provided for differentiation). Once this is done pupils are provided with a previously prepared answer and are encouraged to peer assess it with the mark scheme (handout provided) pupils can then reflect upon their own answer in relation to the handout. Further advice can be found in the description of the presentation. Please see my shop for other high quality history resources.
Introduction to black Civil Rights in America

Introduction to black Civil Rights in America

This lesson is fantastic to introduce the main topics for the Civil rights Movement in America from 1920-1969. 1.KKK 2. Jim Crow Laws 3. Rosa Parks 4. Civil Right Leaders 5. Emmett Till Included in this pack is: Presentation. (Lesson hook, starter, main tasks, plenary) (Videos and song links included for visual / auditory learners) Worksheet. Homework Sheet. SMSC discussion / Literacy links / Kagan activities are included (for kinesthetic learners) Higher ability alternative delivery included in the second half of the presentation through the form of a 'learning station' method. (Just delete the information provided in the work sheet).
WWI Home-front: Defense of the Realm Act (DORA) & Rationing.

WWI Home-front: Defense of the Realm Act (DORA) & Rationing.

This lesson could be used for one lesson. However, to gain the most out of this I suggest using it over a two lesson period dependent upon how much detail / discussion you wish to go into. Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue about the lesson. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). The lesson is structured in order to achieve the learning outcomes: Expected: You can describe & explain the problems on the Home-front. (SMSC). Challenge: You can explain how DORA & rationing helped overcome these. Stretch: You can evaluate and analyse the impact of government intervention. Activities include a museum walk of propaganda posters, a diamond 9 ranking task of DORA's laws, discussion points from videos (SMSC / modern day link opportunities). Pupils finally consolidate though answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. Videos are embedded or I have included the links in the presentation description.
The American West: Early Settlements / Law & Order. (GCSE Edxecel 1-9)

The American West: Early Settlements / Law & Order. (GCSE Edxecel 1-9)

This lesson has been designed for the GCSE Edexcel American West module. All outcomes are linked with Paper Two's Assessment Objectives 1 & 2. The focus of this lesson is to build pupils knowledge regarding the early settlements such as mining towns in the west and the problems of lawlessness. Pupils begin with an inquiry of the problems associated with settling on and near the plains. They will then complete a card sort activity matching the problems with the solutions. Pupils then take part in a mix-pair-share activity to help develop their understanding of some key definitions (US Marshal. sheriff, Posse, vigilante). The main tack involves studying the problems of lawlessness in these early settlements. Pupils conduct a murder mystery investigation, examining clues to determine the cause of death. this activity will cover topics such as gangs & racism, claim jumping and vigilantes. Pupils can then use the information to complete a worksheet to build their contextual knowledge. Videos are embedded and links and further advice can be found within the description of the presentation. There is enough material here to last more than one lesson depending how thorough you wish to be. You may need the Edexcel GCSE 1-9 American West Text Book to support part of this lesson if you wish.
Edward VI : How successful was he?

Edward VI : How successful was he?

In this lesson pupils will assess to what extent Edward VI was a good King during the short time he was in power. As pupils enter the class they will be provided with a portrait picture of Edward and Henry VIII. Pupils will mix and then pair up with a pupil who has the opposite portrait to them. Pupils will discuss the similarities between the two portraits. Pupils will then answer the question: Why has the artist painted Edward in a similar way to Henry? (White boards could be used to showcase visual progress). Pupils will then watch a video (link provided) pupils are encouraged to identify the challenges Edward will face during his reign. The main task is designed around pupils circulating their classroom studying evidence stuck to the walls (9 sheets) gathering and categorising this information about Edward into 'Good King & 'Bad King'. This can then be used to answer an exam style question which assesses 'balance'. Plenary: Pupils will form their overall judgment and can either verbally explain though a whole class judgment line or individually on a sticky note to be stuck to the board. There are plenty of directions this lesson could take and various ways the source evidence could be used to suit your class. A prompt and challenge sheet has been included to stretch and challenge / support weaker students.
The Germ Theory - Louis Pasteur & Robert Koch.

The Germ Theory - Louis Pasteur & Robert Koch.

Short introduction to life in 19th Century Britain. All lesson outcomes are linked to A01 & A02. Pasteur: Pupils will study Pasteur as a case study watching video clips / information and sources of evidence to judge his importance and the importance of the Germ Theory to the progression of medicine. Koch: Pupils compete in small teams to answer a series of questions to build their knowledge up on Koch and his significance in the progression of Medicine. Pupils then complete a silent coversation with prompts to debate the significance of each individual. To consolidate pupils watch a short video clip and summarise the impact of the Germ Theory in Britain. Pupils should be prepared then to answer an exam style question as Homework. I have included a success critera personalised and smimplified to allow pupils to answer this 16 mark 'how far do you agree question' from the Edxecel GCSE new scheme. You will need the new Edexcel GCSE 'Medicine Through time' book for ths lesson.
Medicine Through Time: Renaissance - Thomas Sydenham and The Royal Society.

Medicine Through Time: Renaissance - Thomas Sydenham and The Royal Society.

Pupils define ‘Humanism’ as a hook. ‘Did you know’ - mix - pair - share activity to assess reasons for Sydenham’s significane (Teaching instructions included on the resource) Pupils then study Sydenham - extracting important information about him, befroe judging his importance and discoveries to the progression of Medicine. (AO2) Introduce the printing press and pupils judge the significance of this during the Renaissance period and the impact it had. Pupils then compete in teams to identify infomration about the Royal society before explaining its Significance. Edxecel Pearson Medicine Through Time Text Books will be required for this lesson. pp-44-46
Success & Failure: 'The Black Power Movement'.

Success & Failure: 'The Black Power Movement'.

The aim of this lesson is to introduce the concept of ‘Black Power’ to pupils. The lesson begins with pupils inferring and discussing a source of evidence showing a black man tied down by the non-violent events which has happened so far during the Civil Rights Movement - this leads into the introduction of the need for violence to achieve black peoples aims. Pupils watch a short video on the Mexico Olympics of 1968 to help introduce this – before being introduced to the Black Panthers through a listening activity from an interview with Huey Newton and a study of the Panthers 10-point programme. The main task involves pupils studying a card sort and categorizing the successes and failures of the movement. Pupils could mix - pair - share to help do this or simply working individually or in pairs before forming an overall judgment on the success of the movement. Pupils then consolidate their learning with a short video before answering an exam style balanced answer statement question. Further advice can be found in the description of the presentation - all videos are embedded (links also provided).
The  French Revolution:  Storming of the Bastille.

The French Revolution: Storming of the Bastille.

I recently used this lesson for a mixed ability KS3 class. Pupils will learn about the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution. The main task is literacy relay where pupils will work in teams to answer the questions related to the different interpretations of the Storming of the Bastille. Pupils are then to form a judgment regarding which sides' story of events they trust more, either Historian's version of events of that of the 3rd Estate. Pupils will then answer their leveled judgment question. I have also included a modern day link to how Bastille day is celebrated today along with an opportunity to learn beyond. Videos are embedded into the presentation, however I have also provided the links for these as well. Differentiation though outcome and a peep sheet to help with the main task. SMSC question included to encourage further discussion points. Many thanks.
The Many Identities of 'Malcolm X'

The Many Identities of 'Malcolm X'

The purpose of this lesson is for pupils to be introduce to the origins of the 'Black #Power Movement' through a case study of Malcolm X. Pupils will begin by viewing a video of the only meeting between MLK and X - this leads into good discussion about why this was so significant as both had the same aims but opposing ways of achieving them. Pupils then conduct a short literacy relay activity to introduce the life and different identities of Malcolm X. Childhood: Malcolm Little. 1920s He was known as Detroit Red in the early 1940s. He took the name of Malcolm X in 1952. Finally changed his name to El-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz in 1964. Pupils then split into groups to study into one aspect of his life (Computer or laptops are suggested but of not available I have included lots of information about Malcolm's life). Pupils then consolidate their learning into a paragraph which the teacher can then use to create a revision document about Malcolm's life. Further advice can be found in the description of the presentation. All videos are embedded (Links provided).