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The Teaching Deputy

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Hello, thank you for looking around my shop. I am a teaching deputy head teacher, with 16 years of experience, who works in a rural primary school. I know how wearing many hats can eat into your time but understand how important excellent resources are for engaging pupils so they make accelerated progress. I have included lots of free resources in my shop but placed a small charge for resources which have taken me many hours to create. I hope you enjoy them and use them to motivate your pupils.




Hello, thank you for looking around my shop. I am a teaching deputy head teacher, with 16 years of experience, who works in a rural primary school. I know how wearing many hats can eat into your time but understand how important excellent resources are for engaging pupils so they make accelerated progress. I have included lots of free resources in my shop but placed a small charge for resources which have taken me many hours to create. I hope you enjoy them and use them to motivate your pupils.
Uk Propoganda Posters

Uk Propoganda Posters

Here is a set of 15 WW2 propaganda posters that are from WW2. This is a great resource that I have used to demonstrate bias and the use of propaganda.
Conjunction Word Mat

Conjunction Word Mat

This is a word mat I made for my class to help them choose the correct conjunctions for their writing. The list includes: • Causal • Comparative • Coordinating • Explaining • Listing • Opposing • Subordinating • Time There is also an explanation which I stick on the back of the list as a reminder to the pupils what a conjunction is.
Information Text based on the Roman Soldier's Handbook English unit of planning  (3 weeks)

Information Text based on the Roman Soldier's Handbook English unit of planning (3 weeks)

This is a 3-week unit which is based on the text ‘Roman Soldier’s Handbook’ by Lucia Fabricius Imperiosa. This is a graphically pleasing and informative book which my class have enjoyed reading during our Roman topic. The final piece that this unit produces is a historical information text based on an area of Roman life (that interest each pupil). Most times pupils are inspired to either write about the army, Gladiators or the sanitation! I have listed the learning objectives for all of the lessons below. Also, I have included all of the worksheets, PowerPoints, links and resources you will need to teach this unit straight away. Stage 1 - Stimulate and generate- Learning outcomes To gather information in note form To write an information text To find the meaning of words To retrieve and record information from text To gather information in note form To use notes to write an information text Stage 2 - Capture, Sift and Sort- Learning outcomes To find key features of an information text *To write in the third person *To know how to write in the past tense *To write using technical vocabulary *To write headings and sub-headings *To write captions *To retrieve and record facts from a variety of texts Stage 3 - Create refine evaluate- Learning outcomes *To plan an information text *Extended Writing - To write an information text *To publish an information text using digital media Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Song of the Dolphin Boy by Elizabeth Laird - Guided Reading

Song of the Dolphin Boy by Elizabeth Laird - Guided Reading

This is a fantastic whole book planned guided reading unit based on the book Song of the Dolphin by Elizabeth Laird. The story is based in a Scottish seaside town where a young boy discovers how plastic and balloons is endangering local dolphins. The story also has a mystery as his mother disappeared and is rumoured to be a selkie. The main character and his friends have to find a way to convince a local supermarket to not release thousands of balloons to save the local wildlife. I have included a variety of different guided reading formats to focus on word choices, retrieve key informing and summarising aspects of the text. The questions are designed to easily fit English books as I have adjusted the margins so they fit. I hope your class enjoys this book as much as mine have always done.
3 week Diary Extract unit based on Ice Trap by Meredith Hooper

3 week Diary Extract unit based on Ice Trap by Meredith Hooper

This is a 3 week unit of work that is based on the book ‘Ice Trap’ by Meredith Hooper. This book tells the amazing story of Ernest Shackleton’s epic attempt to be the first person to reach the south pole. When his ship, the Endurance, gets trapped in the ice his adventure turns into a battle to stay alive and fins a way to escape. My class love this gruesome and heroic story and always produce some amazing diary extracts as a character from the Endurance who suffered through this ordeal. This unit includes all of the worksheets, plans and PowerPoints to teach it today. The learning objectives for this unit of work are; • To write a diary extract • To ask questions and draw inferences to improve understanding • To draw inferences and make predictions using the text • To explore the themes of a book • To evaluate the author’s use of language for effect • To build background knowledge of a topic; gathering information and making notes • To explore the character’s feelings and emotions through drama • To identify different word classes • To establish the key features for successfully writing in role • To vary sentence openers to engage the reader • To use brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis • To understand the difference between colons and semi-colons and their use • To portray contrasting viewpoints effectively in my writing • To plan effectively for writing • To edit and publish writing for the chosen audience This unit of work uses the 3 stage planning process of: • Stimulate and generate • Capture, sift and sort • Create, refine and evaluate Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Descriptive Narrative  (3 weeks) unit based on Leon & the Place Between by  Angela McAllister

Descriptive Narrative (3 weeks) unit based on Leon & the Place Between by Angela McAllister

This is a 3 week unit of planning that produces a fantastic descriptive narrative writing piece based on the beautiful picture book Leon and the Place Between. This is the story of a boy who gets whisked away during a magical trick at the circus to where magic exists. This unit always inspires some excellent creative writing as it so engaging. This text is best suited to lower KS2 but can easily be adapted to upper KS2. I have listed the learning objectives for all of the lessons below. Also I have included all of the worksheets, PowerPoints, links and resources you will need to teach this unit straight away. Stage 1- Stimulate & Generate learning outcomes • To be able to write in a form appropriate to the task • To engage with a text through its setting • To use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely • To be able to select vocabulary to create an impact on the reader • To identify different word classes in a text (e.g. verb, adjective, noun, adverb conjunction, pronoun & preposition Stage 2 - Capture, Sift & Sort learning outcomes • To modify sentences using a variety of word classes and adverbials • To write poetic sentences, using authorial techniques • To cohesively join sentences to build stanzas within poems • To make plausible inferences about a character’s emotions throughout a text Stage 3 - Create, Refine & Evaluate learning outcomes • To generate and select ideas relevant to the text • To sequence key events across a story • To write a descriptive narrative based on the style of an author I have read • To revise, edit evaluate and improve my writing • To revise, edit evaluate and improve my writing • To publish work for a given audience and purpose Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Fronted Adverbial Word Mat

Fronted Adverbial Word Mat

This is a list of over 140 fronted adverbials that include: • How • When • Where • Frequency This is a great resource to improve pupils sentence starters that I use in most creative writing sessions in my class.
Transition - Coat of Arms Display

Transition - Coat of Arms Display

This is a display I have made for my class. Every pupil has an individual coat of arms where they add their own interests and things they are proud of. The larger class coat of arms is for writing class generated rules and expectations. It is displayed with pupils coat of arms surrounding the class coat of arms with rules and expectations. There is space around the large coat for pupils to sign their names.
Austin's Butterfly display

Austin's Butterfly display

This is a display that I use to remind the class of the theory of Austin’s Butterfly. It is simple and colourful and can be displayed in a relatively small space like near the door to be a constant reminder to the class. • Austin’s Butterfly • amazing is • achieved • through • working • together.
Mini Sagas 2-week Unit based on the book 'Atlas of Monsters' (Year 3/4 whole unit of planning)

Mini Sagas 2-week Unit based on the book 'Atlas of Monsters' (Year 3/4 whole unit of planning)

This is a great 2-week unit where pupils write a mini saga about a mythical creature. This requires them to really edit and refine their work as they are only allowed to use 50 words to tell the story with. I base this unit around the fantastic book; ‘The Atlas of Monsters’ by Stuart Hill & Sandra Lawrence which shows where mythical monsters come from around the world. Pupils will choose one of these mythical beasts and research them then write their myth in a challenging mini saga. This unit makes pupils in my class really consider their word choices and how best to write an engaging and effective story in such few words. I have listed the learning objectives for all of the lessons below. Also, I have included all of the worksheets, PowerPoints, links and resources you will need to teach this unit straight away. Stage 1 - Stimulate and generate- Learning outcomes • To evaluate how engaging a mythical story is • To gather information in note form • To summarise facts about a given subject • To retrieve and record information from text • To discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination Stage 2 - Capture, Sift and Sort- Learning outcomes • To evaluate and edit by assessing the effectiveness of other people’s writing and suggest improvements • To identify the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise these • To write expanded noun phrases Stage 3 - Create refine evaluate- Learning outcomes • To plan and organise my ideas to effectively support my writing • To plan and organise my ideas to effectively support my writing • To publish a mini sage Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Rules for Card Games

Rules for Card Games

I run an after school club for cards as it is excellent for teaching pupils about probability, tactics and requires higher level thinking. I have included 3 sets of rules for the games I play, they are: The Rules of Knockout Whist The Rules of Hearts The Rules of Contract Whist
Story Mountain

Story Mountain

This is a PowerPoint with a Story Mountain which is invaluable for pupils planning good stories. I have also included it in a pdf version for ease of printing.
PALL Analysis

PALL Analysis

This is a something I get the pupils to complete before they write to focus their minds on why, what and for who they are writing. It also includes a larger version for display on a working wall. Purpose - What does the writing aim to do? Persuade, advise, inform, explain, describe analyse, review, comment or instruct? Audience - Who is the text written for? Your teacher, friends, parents, head teacher or younger pupils. Language - Consider the formality of the piece. Is it a formal or informal? What tense is it written in; 1st person (I), 2nd person (you) or 3rd person (he/she/they). What types of words or phrases are being used? Technical, scientific, descriptive, informative, factual, emotive, serious or humorous. What linguistic devices are being used? Fact, opinion, rhetorical questions, hyperbole (exaggeration), irony, anecdote or puns. Layout - How is the text presented? Headlines, sub-headings, slogans, bullet points, diagrams, captions or in columns.
Recount based on Historical Poem (2 1/2 weeks) unit based on The Highwayman

Recount based on Historical Poem (2 1/2 weeks) unit based on The Highwayman

This is a short poetry unit based on the great poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. The end piece of writing is a retelling of the story but from another character's perspective. This unit includes lots of drama and role play to stimulate the pupil's ideas. I have included all the resources you will need and have listed the learning objectives below: Stage 1: Stimulate and generate learning outcomes • To deduce information about a character from a picture. • To recite poetry. • To explore the themes of a text. • To use drama to explore characters’ feelings. • To tell a story from a character’s perspective. Stage 2: Capture, sift and sort learning outcomes • To identify the language used for effect. • To write metaphors. • To tell a story from a character’s perspective. • To recount a story as a news report. Stage 3: Create, refine and evaluate learning outcomes • To write a story from a character’s perspective. • To revise, edit evaluate and improve my writing. • Perform own writing by reading it to a group.
Contractions List

Contractions List

Here is a list of all the common contractions that I made for my class when they struggled to spell some of them. This is a great resource for children who struggle with contractions.
Homonyms Word Mat English KS2 KS3

Homonyms Word Mat English KS2 KS3

This is a word mat I have made for use in my class. A Homophone is a word that has the same sound as another but different meanings and or different spelling.
Prefix ir and im Word Mat – Year 3 and 4 Spelling

Prefix ir and im Word Mat – Year 3 and 4 Spelling

This is a word mat of words with the prefixes ir and im. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.
Prefix mis Word Mat – Year 3 and 4 Spelling

Prefix mis Word Mat – Year 3 and 4 Spelling

This is a word mat of words with the prefix mis. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.